iLive Reference Guide – Firmware
Part 2 - 5
AP6526-2 iss.4
Introduction to iLive Firmware
iLive and the iLive-T Series provide a modular system for live sound mixing. Allowing distributed control
and audio over CAT5 cable, iLive is well suited to demanding live sound applications such as
FOH/Monitor mixing, live recording and multi-function installed venue sound. It is uniquely flexible with
choice of components, a fully configurable bus architecture and assignable user interface for easy
configuration to match each application.
is the operating code that tells the iLive hardware and its controls how to function. This
code is regularly updated by Allen & Heath to provide new features and improvements without changing
the hardware, a big advantage that digital systems offer. The firmware has a
Version number
= Major version, unlikely to change for this version of iLive hardware,
= Minor version, introducing new features / improvements for this version of iLive hardware,
= Maintenance version, to fix known issues.
A stand alone iLive comprises a MixRack and a Surface. This has
three networked devices
that each
need operating firmware loaded:
– CPU module that manages the DSP mix engine, networking and system control,
– CPU module that manages the operation of the Surface controls,
– A computer built into the Surface that manages the TouchScreen.
iLive firmware can be downloaded as a file from the Allen & Heath web site. It can then be loaded into the
iLive system via USB key or from a laptop running Editor software and connected to the iLive network.
The same version of firmware must be loaded into the three parts of the iLive system. This is done
automatically using the Surface
UTILITY / Firmware / Update Firmware
screen. If you connect a
MixRack and a Surface which have different versions of firmware loaded you will be warned of a
‘Firmware mismatch’ and prompted to update the firmware. Refer to the firmware update instructions
later in this guide.
iLive firmware and memory file format is compatible across all the iLive modular and fixed format
MixRacks and Surfaces. This makes it very easy to mix and match iLive components, to share Show and
Library files, and to keep your system up to date.
Keep all you iLive components and laptops up to date with the latest version of iLive firmware and
Editor software. Refer to www.allen-heath.com for the latest version.
MixRack Surface
Laptop, other iLive, external network etc