iLive Reference Guide – Firmware
Part 2 - 25
AP6526-2 iss.4
PREAMP controls
This section controls the Gain,
Pad and 48V phantom power of the analogue mic
preamp (head amp) at the input socket and before
the A to D (analogue to digital) converter. These
settings are not part of the channel processing as
the preamp can be assigned to any one or more of
the DSP channels.
TRIM and POLARITY controls
This section is
after the A to D converter and provides polarity
(phase) reverse and a +/-24dB digital trim. These
settings are part of the DSP channel processing.
If the dual input
module is detected then the screen includes a
touch button to select between the A an B input
If a DIGITAL IN source is
selected then a +/-24dB level trim control, polarity
and source selection for one of AES, SPDIF, optical
inputs are provided. If Port A or Port B digital audio
network source is selected then a trim and polarity
switch are provided.
Two switches are
provided in this section to provide a solution for
Gain Sharing
when one preamp is digitally split
between two consoles, for example FOH and
PreAmp on Surface
places the main
preamp gain control that is before the A to D
conversion on the control strip.
Trim on Surface
places the digital trim control on the control strip.
This function provides access to the preamp gain
by one operator during sound-check or in an
emergency, but allows each operator to have
control of their own ‘gain’ without affecting the other
by using the digital trim.
When a
Dual MixRack
configuration is being
used it is important to remember how the input DSP
channels are configured and related to the physical
sockets associated with each of the
MixRacks. Each MixRack has 64 ‘DSP
channels’ of input processing so the linked system
delivers processing of 128 input channels to the
mixes. The MixRacks can have a variable number of
physical input connections. So if an iDR48 was
Master and an iDR32 was Slave then 48 inputs of
the Master can be patched to any of the 64 DSP
channels in the M aster rack (1-64), and the 32
inputs of the Slave can be patched to any of the 64
DSP channels in the Slave rack (65-128). Inputs at
the Surface are patched to channels on the Master
MixRack. This means that you could have a gap in
your channel planning but this is because the units
are linked only by the mix busses, not the inputs.
Make a note of the system DSP channel numbers
and associated socket numbers versus your
channel plot sheet.
MixRack = CH1-64
MixRack = CH65-128
By default preamps are
included in the Channel Safe function and if a
Channel is made safe from Scene recalls this key
will be illuminated and all channel attributes will
be protected. However, with iLive it is possible to
share input preamps across a number of
channels and in that case you may wish to
override the Safe setting for the preamp. When a
preamp is assigned to multiple channels the
screen will inform you and provide access to a list
of the channels sharing that preamp for you to
Refer to later in this guide for more on setting up
Dual-Rack systems.