RK3000 High Frequency Power Supply
Operating Manual
Page 62 of 73
The wash-down delay is the time interval between the control being de-
energized and the start of the Wash-down Duration. In actuality, the
relay contact between the Live 1 / 2 and OP1 (on the Interface Unit
terminal strip) is open until the wash-down delay times out. At that time
the contact closes and the power that is applied to Live 1 / 2 is fed to
OP1. An external wash down solenoid or wash-down system input would
then be energized and a wash-down would start.
The Range of this timer is one second to 99 hours, 59 minutes, 59
seconds. The present operating value for the Wash-down Delay is
presented to the right of the word “ENTER”. In this example the present
operating value is 0 hours, 15 minutes, 30 seconds.
If the operating value is to be changed, simply press the numeric keys
corresponding to the new value (the old value will be overwritten) and
press ENTER. If the present operating value is acceptable, simply press
ENTER without making any changes. . Either way, the display will now
change to the Wash-down Duration display.
The wash down duration is the time the relay contact between RR-PWR
and RR1 remains closed, and in turn, how long the wash-down
continues. When this timer times-out, the relay contact opens and the
wash-down ceases.
The Range of this timer is one second to 99 hours, 59 minutes, 59
seconds. The present operating value for the Wash-down Duration is
presented to the right of the word
“ENTER”. In this example the present
operating value is 0 hours, 10 minutes, 15 seconds.
If the operating value is to be changed, simply press the numeric keys
corresponding to the new value (the old value will be overwritten) and
press ENTER. If the present operating value is acceptable, simply press
ENTER without making any changes. Either way, the display will now
change to the Drain Delay display.
The drain delay is a time period between the end of the wash-down
duration and the re-energization of the TR control (if it was on when the
wash down interval started). This delay is provided to allow sufficient
time for the wash-down water to drain out of the precipitator.
The Range of this timer is one second to 99 hours, 59 minutes, 59
seconds. The present operating value for the Drain Delay is presented to
Wash-down Delay
Range: HH:MM:SS
Enter: 00:15:30
Wash-down Duration
Range: HH:MM:SS
Enter: 00:10:15
Drain Delay
Range: HH:MM:SS
Enter: 00:08:45