RK3000 High Frequency Power Supply
Operating Manual
Page 20 of 73
Status Messages
Average Readings
-electrical readings are 5 second averaged values
Energy Mgt Mode
-energy management mode active
Manual Mode
-manual mode of operation active
Peak Readings
-electrical readings are peak value
Open Contactor
-control has de-energized the main contactor
Pre-Spark Readings
-electrical readings are pre-Spark values
Stop Mode
Control is “off”
Power Down Rapping
-reduced KV limit active
Under Voltage
-Under voltage detected and trip may follow
Alarm Messages
See appendix III
Full Hopper
-hopper beneath TR area is full
High O
-Trip due to high O
in flue gas
High IGBT Temp
-main IGBT heat sink is at an over temperature level
Low T/R Level
-low transformer-rectifier oil level
High T/R Temp
-high transformer-rectifier oil temperature
-communication error between Keypad and Display
Unit, and Control Unit
MRC Comm. Error -communication error between the TR control and the
Rapper control when Power Down Rapping is active
Master Fuel Trip
-control de-energized due to master fuel trip\
Memory Clear
-memory has been cleared
Under voltage
-Trip due to under voltage condition
Alarm 1
-User defined alarm/trip
Alarm 2
-User defined alarm/trip
Alarm 3
-User defined alarm/trip
Alarm 4
-User defined alarm/trip
If more than one alarm or status message occurs at the same time, they will be scrolled at
two (2) second intervals in the alarm area of the Device Status Screen. Any number of
alarm or status messages may be present.
Alarms that cause a control to trip require that the ON/OFF switch on the
front of the control cabinet be turned to OFF then ON to reset the control.
The Alarm Clear key must be pressed to clear the alarm from the display
after the cause has been remedied. If the alarm condition is still present,
the control will again trip.