RK3000 High Frequency Power Supply
Operating Manual
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entered, the message “Invalid Code” will appear on the status line, remain for a few
seconds, then return to the previous screen.
If a code has not been entered and you attempt to change a parameter that requires a
code, an icon of a padlock will appear in the Parameter Screen’s bottom line to remind
you that a code entry is required. If two padlock icons are present it is a reminder that a
code is required and the control is running and must be stopped before changing the
ID Set-Up
Each Keypad and Display Unit, and each Interface Unit must be programmed with their
associated ID numbers. This is necessary to insure proper communications between all
the Units. For a One-to-One configuration where there is a Keypad and Display unit on
each control cabinet, the ID of the Keypad and Display Unit and the Interface Unit can be
any number up to 99, as long as each matches the other on a per cabinet basis.
For a One-to-Many configuration, each Keypad and Display Unit must have a unique ID
number, and each Interface Unit must have a unique sequential ID number on a
communications loop basis. That is, all the Interface Units that talk over the same loop
must have different sequential ID numbers amongst themselves, and the Keypad and
Display Units on the same loop must have different ID numbers amongst themselves.
To set up the ID numbers for the Keypad and Display Units, as well as set the range of
Interface Unit IDs that the Keypad and Display Unit(s) communicate with, proceed as
Press the Device Select key
Press the CODE key
Enter the appropriate code numbers
Press the HELP key and the Technical Help phone number screen appears.
Press ENTER or the HELP key again and the Keypad and Display ID Selection Screen
The acceptable range for the ID is presented to the right of the word “Range”. In this
example, the range is 1to 250.
The present ID number is presented to the right of the word “Enter”. In this example the
present ID is 005.
If the ID number is to be changed, simply press the numeric keys corresponding to the
new value (the old value will be shifted to the left) and press ENTER. If the present
operating value is acceptable, simply press ENTER without making any changes. The
Interface Unit End ID Number Screen will now appear.
Range: 0000-9999
Enter CODE: ####
Invalid Code
Keypad/Display Unit
ID Selection
Range: 1-250
Enter: 005
Interface Unit
End ID Number
Range: 1-99
Enter: 05