RK3000 High Frequency Power Supply
Operating Manual
Page 53 of 73
Waveform #2, Quench Mode, Arc Only, Pedestal Programmed to 5 Cycles
This waveform is generated by the same parameter responses as
described for Waveform #1. The only difference is the Pedestal Rate is
now longer than 1 cycle; it’s 10 cycles.
Sketch 2: Quench Mode Arc Only
After a Quench, the current is increased at a slower rate than in Waveform #1. The
Pedestal Rate still transfers operation to the Ramp Rate at the Phase Back level.
Larger Pedestal Rates are used when heavy or repetitive arcing is present in the
precipitator. Whipping discharge electrodes, arcing across insulator surfaces, or clinker
formation on the discharge electrodes, usually causes heavy or repetitive arcing.
Programming the Pedestal Rate for greater than 1 cycle increases the time between Arcs
and allows the precipitator to operate at a longer time at reduced current rather than short
bursts of higher current rapidly interrupted by arcing, sparking, and current quenches.