User Guide
Remove a screen
Do one of the following:
Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) the screen, and select Cut or Delete from the context menu.
Select the screen, and click the Delete Screen (-) button at the top of the Screen Outline pane.
Press Backspace (Windows) or Delete (Macintosh).
About screen names
By default, screens are named with their default type, in the order in which they are created: slide1, slide2, form1,
form2, and so on. The creation order does not necessarily reflect the order of the screens in the Screen Outline pane.
For example, you could create three sibling screens, slide1, slide2, and slide3. If you then create a nested screen
directly below slide1, the nested screen is slide4.
To rename a screen, including the top-level screen, double-click the screen name in the Screen Outline pane and
enter the new name. Screen names must be unique in a document. For example, a document can have only one
screen named
The default screen name is used as the instance name, which is used in ActionScript to control a screen. If you change
the default screen name, the instance name is updated with the new name; likewise, if you change the instance name,
the screen name is updated. The linkage identifier for the screen is also identical to the screen name, and it is updated
when the screen name or instance is updated.
Instance names must conform to the following requirements:
The name must not contain any spaces.
The first character must be a letter, underscore (
), or dollar sign (
Each subsequent character must be a letter, number, underscore, or dollar sign.
The instance name must be unique.
You can also change the instance name in the Property inspector.
To learn more about creating screen-based documents that use ActionScript, see “About organizing code for screens
in” in
Using ActionScript 2.0 Components
See also
“Set properties and parameters for a screen” on page 373
Undoing and redoing commands with screens
To undo and redo the following actions performed on screens, use the Edit > Undo and Edit > Redo menu
commands: adding, cutting, copying, pasting, deleting, and hiding a screen. The following actions performed on
screens are recorded in the History panel: adding a screen, adding a nested screen, selecting a screen, renaming a
screen, and deleting a screen.
See also
“Undo, Redo, and Repeat commands” on page 47