Pannoramic 250 FLASH III 3.0.2 User’s Guide
5.2.1 Profile Settings panel
Multilayer mode
Single layer mode:
If none of the filters are selected in the Filters table for multilayer
scanning, this mode is active and can be selected, and Multilayer mode turns inactive.
Extended focus:
By choosing the
Extended focus
option, the software selects the sharpest
image from each focus level for each image field, and combines them into one single image.
Therefore those parts that were blurry in auto/manual focus will also be sharp. This method
guarantees the maximum depth of sharpness, however, it reduces digitization speed.
Extended focus
, and for
Flash Z-Stack
scanning method as well, you can
determine the desired number of focus levels with the
selection box. The current focus
value is the initial level. If you set
for example, then the initial level, plus four (two focus
levels above and below the FOVs) are captured. Therefore, it is advised to choose an odd
number for the focus levels. Separate layers are created and stored this way, and can be
opened with Viewer applications. The Z-Stack slide contains the extended focus layers.
Flash Z-stack
: This function allows the scanning of Z-stack layers with flash illumination. Each
layer is saved as a single slide and are stored in a specific folder.
If you use CaseViewer for viewing slides, please bear in mind that the maximum number of
parallel windows that can be open are 9, therefore it is advised to set layer count to 9 as well.
Step size
determines the spacing between focus levels. One step is around 0.2 µm. Default
settings are:
: 7;
Step size
: 5.
The number of iterations the Deconvolution algorithm is run can be determined in the
Iteration number for deconvolution:
value box.
The purpose of deconvolution is to produce a sharper image, but the use of a
deconvolution algorithm can significantly increase the time that takes to create a digital slide.
Figure 49 – Focus level and step size
September 16, 2020 – Rev. 1