Pannoramic 250 FLASH III 3.0.2 User’s Guide
5.3.4 Slide view with card
The following information are included in a profile card:
Profile name in the top left corner
Profile status is marked with spots of different color:
– Stored
– Edited
Scanning mode icon representing Brightfield or Fluorescence mode
Objective type
Filter channel color bars (for FL mode only)
Scan progress
No. of scanned FOVs
Scan duration
Priority scan
Slide: actual status of the slide is presented here. If the slide is under scanning, the
“Scanning”, if scanning has been interrupted by some error, the “Failed” text is visible.
If slide status is marked as “Failed”, delete status before scanning by clicking .
If the virtual slide is created (the scanning is finished), the location path of the destination
folder is displayed. To re-scan and thus recreate the slide, click at the front of the displayed
path to start the scanning process over.
Scan properties
Profile editor for Scheduler
Once scanning has finished, the thumbnail of the digital slide is added to the card at
the bottom. Double click the thumbnail image of the digital slide to open it in Viewer. If
scanning is performed to a local destination, the digital slide can be opened in CaseViewer
only, but when scanned to CaseCenter, it can be opened in InstantViewer as well (depending
on the settings made in
Server scan result viewer
September 16, 2020 – Rev. 1