Pannoramic 250 FLASH III 3.0.2 User’s Guide
1.1.2 Features and Benefits
Fluorescent scanning mode:
High-end fluorescent illumination device – Lumencor SPECTRA Light Engine 6
3 times faster and more silent filter change
Multiband filter support
FL scanning with a low-noise, 16-bit scientific CMOS pco.edge 4.2 camera / Back
illuminated 16 bit sCMOS pco.edge 4.2 bi camera
Note that all pco.edge 4.2 camera information in this manual is applicable to
pco.edge 4.2 bi camera, too, except technical data.
Software-aimed flat-field correction compensation method to create homogeneous
slide image
Magazine stack cover to protect fluorescent slides against photo bleaching
Image quality:
Image sharpening (both for Fluorescence and Brightfield) feature which improve the
visual appearance of digital slides
Focus algorithm finds the focus which is most appealing to the human eye
Motorized camera changer for color camera for brightfield, and a cooled monochrome CCD
camera or a scientific CMOS camera for fluorescence
Motorized Objective changer for two objectives (Plan-Apochromat 0.8 NA or 0.95 NA)
3MP camera for barcode reading and preview image
Compact design:
Cameras are placed inside the unit
Built-in power supply
Automatic loading and scanning of up to 300 slides within one session
This device is recommended for customers, who need high quality and high throughput granted by
the biggest loading capacity of 300 slides.
September 16, 2020 – Rev. 1