YSI 5200A
YSI 5200A
DO systems have two control ranges. They are referred to as Range Low &
Range Low 2 and Range High & Range High 2.
Control systems remain active when the user is in 5200A menus.
Control icons display at the Run Screen when relays are energized - see
- page 70.
at Run Screen to display active sensor and aux system relays.
at Run Screen to display events created by control and alarm
relays - see
Event Log
- page 118.
Control relays are not energized if the 5200 sensor value reads “Over” or
“Over” and “Under” are not displayed for aux temperature systems when tem-
perature values are outside the temperature operating range - see
range specification
- page 14 Temperature system controls will not operate
correctly when values are outside the temperature operating range.
See Wire Relays
- page 46 for information on wiring control output devices
on a 5X00 instrument. See IOEM/REM Safety and Installation guide>Chapter
3>Step 4>Wire REM Relay Outputs. devices at the local 5200A.
Set Point Alarm Values
Alarm values set the acceptable control range. Alarm system(s) do not become
active when values are within acceptable control range. See figure 4.7 - page 151.
Enable and configure system alarm(s) to activate alarm output devices(s), view
alarm icons, hear audible alarm and/or receive alarm notifications sent via email or
cell phone (SMS) - page 96. Configure high and low alarm values to set alarm
thresholds. Alarm system(s) becomes active when value is
low alarm value
or ≥ high alarm value. Configure sensor alarm relays using AquaManager - see
page 146. Enabled alarm relays energize if alarm condition exists for the general
alarm hold off time. Alarm relays are energized until one of the four softkeys
is pressed regardless of sensor value. Pressing one
of four softkeys resets the alarm system. Alarm systems become active again if,
after the alarm hold off period, the alarm condition still exists. Alarm hold off is
configured in the General Alarm menu.
When the General Alarm is enabled, (with or without enabled relay), the general
alarm system becomes active when any system alarm is active. See General Alarm
- page 128.
System low alarm range starts at -1 significant digit below low control value. High
alarm range starts at +1 significant digit above high control value.
Configuring the 5200A
Configure sensor control relays using AquaManager - see page 146.
It is important to keep the 5200A at the Run Screen during normal opera-
tion. Alarm functionality (email alarms, activation of enabled alarm relays,
alarm icons, and buzzer) is suspended when 5X00 is not at Run Screen.
Alarm icon(s) display at the Run Screen when alarm condition(s) exists for
longer than the general alarm hold off time. See Icons - page 70.
at Run Screen to display active sensor and aux system relays.
to display events created by control and alarm relays - see Event Log
- page 118.
Alarm relays are not energized if the 5200A sensor value reads “Over” or
See Wire Relays
- page 46 for information on wiring control output devices
on a 5X00 instrument. See IOEM/REM Safety and Installation guide>Chapter
3>Step 4>Wire REM Relay Outputs. devices at the local 5200A.
Timed versus Normal (non timed) Control
Timed control is available for high Temperature (including E-Aux temperature),
Conductivity, pH and high and low analog aux and E-Aux systems. In timed set
point control mode control relays are controlled by timers as opposed to water
system value. All these systems can be controlled in a non timed (normal) control
mode by configuring dose up/dose down on time to 0. This will cause the system’s
control relays to remain energized until the set point value is reached.
The dwell
time is ignored when dose up/dose down time is 0..
In a set point timed mode, a control relay energizes for the dose on time regardless
if the sensor reports that a value has returned to the set point value. The control
relay deenergizes at the end of the dose time and then waits a user configured “wait”,
“dwell”, or “hold off ” time before resampling. If, after the wait time, the system is still
in control range the control relay will energize again for the dose on time.
In the case of a temperature high set point time control mode it is recommended
to configure the chiller hold off time to a value of eight (8) minutes, or more. This
amount of time will help to avoid chiller compressor damage due to many on/offs.
A chiller off time must be configured in the timed mode or the control relay
will never de-energize.
Since most heaters and chillers have their own thermostats, their thermostats
can be used as a backup temperature control system. Set the heater thermostat
Configuring the 5200A