YSI 5200A
YSI 5200A
3. Use
to scroll and highlight submenus.
4. Press
to select.
5. Enable and configure Alarm Hold Off and Alarm Hold Off time and time
units. Use AquaManager to configure system inputs and outputs - page
5. Enter General Alarm Relay Menu>General Alarm Relay menu opens
A. Select Instrument to enter device address menu and configure
instrument whose relay will be used for this instrument’s general
alarm output.
Device Address menu displays a generic list of instruments being Local Ma-
chine, Master and Slaves 1-31.
Device Address menu always display slaves 1-31 regardless of the actual num-
ber of slaves wired to the node network
B. Select Relay to enter Relay menu and configure instrument relay
channel that will be used for this instrument’s general alarm output.
When Device Address is anything other than Local Machine all relay assign-
ment menus remain generic. This means that regardless of the type of remote
instrument being configured Relays 1- 8 are displayed. This is true for slave
5200A and REM remote devices which only have 4 relays.
6. Press
to save configuration and return to Run Screen.
Configuring the 5200A
7. Test General Alarm Relay output at→System→Service→Output Test - page
141 or create a general alarm event to verify configured general alarm
relay energizes.
The General Alarm does not create an event log or control message regardless
if a General Alarm relay is enabled.
Name Devices/Sensors
Menus → System → Name Devices/Sensors
Names can be user configured for 5200 instrument, sensor aux and E-Aux systems,
and relays. Default names are displayed at the local instrument when names are not
user configured. Default names are displayed when names are not user configured.
5200A default system names are: pH, ORP, Temperature, Conductivity, DO, Aux 1,
Aux 2, relay 1, relay 2, relay 3, and relay 4. Instrument and Relay names are displayed
at many local instrument’s menus. System names are displayed at Run Screen, sensor
setup configuration, and control messages menus and screens. Because networked
instruments can use relays from remote networked instruments, it is important to
know that configured instrument and relay names are displayed differently at local
versus remote instruments’ relay menus. See additional information starting on
page 86.
Configure device and sensor names
1. Enter Name Devices/Sensors menu
Menus → System → Name Devices/Sensors>Name Devices/Sensors
Menu opens
Configuring the 5200A