FORM 160.54-M1
ISSUE DATE: 10/25/2019
4. If the measured value is not within plus or mi-
nus 15% of the displayed value, replace the mi-
croboard. Otherwise, proceed to the trouble-
shooting procedure below to find the cause of the
5. When all desired tests have been performed, press
DIAGNOSTICS key to return the MAIN DIAG-
All Channels except 0, 1, 15-22, 27, 28
1. Disconnect both ends of the cable of the Analog
Input that is malfunctioning. Using an Ohmmeter,
perform a continuity test on all conductors in the
cable. An open circuit would indicate the cable is
2. Using a Voltmeter, measure the +12 VDC supply
voltage input at the microboard J1-3 (+12 VDC)
to J1-2 (GND). If voltage is less than 11.5 VDC,
check wiring to Power Supply. If wiring is OK,
the Power Supply is most likely defective.
3. Using a Voltmeter, measure the supply voltage
(+5 VDC, +1 2 VDC or +24 VDC) to the sensor.
If voltage is not within plus or minus 10% of spec-
ified voltage, disconnect J7, J8 and J9 from the
microboard. This disconnects all analog devices
from the microboard. If the voltage increases to
the correct level, a Thermistor or Transducer is
shorted. Locate the shorted device and replace it.
If, after disconnecting the connectors the supply
voltage is still not within 10% of the specified
value, the voltage supply source (Microboard or
Power Supply) is most likely defective.
4. Verify sensor accuracy using appropriate test de-
vice. Replace the sensor if necessary.
Channels 15 - 22
1. Disconnect both ends of the ribbon cable connected
to Microboard J10. Using an Ohmmeter, perform a
continuity test on all conductors in the cable. An
open circuit would indicate the cable is defective.
2. Using a Voltmeter, measure the +12 VDC supply
voltage input at the microboard J1-3 (+12 VDC)
to J1-2 (GND). If the voltage is less than 11.5
VDC, check the wiring to Power Supply. If wiring
is OK, the Power Supply is most likely defective.
3. Using a Voltmeter, measure the +5 VDC supply
voltage to the Solid State Starter Logic Board or
CM-2 Board. Make measurement at Microboard
J10-4 (+5 VDC) to J10-5 (GND). If voltage is less
than 4.5 VDC, replace the microboard.
4. Using a Voltmeter, verify the correct address is
being sent from the microboard to the Solid State
Starter Logic Board or CM-2 Board. Freeze ad-
dress as described above. If the address is correct,
the Solid State Starter Logic Board or CM-2 Board
or input devices to these boards are most likely
the cause of the problem. If address is not cor-
rect, the microboard is most likely the cause of
the problem.
5. Press
Channels 27, 28
1. See
“Microboard Program Jumpers” and verify
Program Jumpers JP23 and JP24 are configured
correctly for the type of input (0 to 10 VDC or 4
to 20mA).
2. Disconnect both ends of the cable of the remote
input that is malfunctioning. Using an Ohmmeter,
perform a continuity check on all conductors in
the cable. An open circuit would indicate the cable
is defective.
3. If steps are OK, problem most likely is in the re-
mote device that supplies the remote signal.