FORM 160.54-M1
ISSUE DATE: 10/25/2019
5. On heat pump-equipped YK chillers with a LC-
SSS, the condenser loop liquid is typically too hot
to cool the SSS. In these applications the SSS is
piped to the evaporator loop instead of the con-
denser loop. Therefore, instead of running the
condenser liquid pump to cool the SSS, the evapo-
rator liquid pump will be activated.
The Evaporator Liquid Pump is turned on if any
of the three phase heatsink temperatures is above
105 °F within 45 minutes of the last chiller stop.
This provides quicker cooling of the heat sinks
between chiller starts. Once the heatsink tempera-
tures are all below 105 °F, the Evaporator Liquid
Pump will not be turned on again until the next
chiller start cycle.
6. The default value for Standby Lube has been
changed from Disable to Enabled.
7. The setpoint changes logged into the security log
when in Metric mode were not correct. This has
been fixed.
8. Data Logging Enabled was not saved to BRAM
and reverted to Disabled after a power failure.
This has been changed to save the Data Logging
setpoint during a power failure.
9. The Cursor Keys action has been changed to re-
peat every 150mS as long as the key is held in.
This will make navigating Raptyr waveforms
10. The COM2 port on the OptiView Control Panel
used for Vyper has been changed to display No
11. The Unit Operating Code number 14 = “Unit
Starting – MVVSD Startup – Drive Not Ready”
has been added.
12. The Unit Safety Fault Code number 113 = “MV-
VSD – Excessive Shutdowns” has been added.
13. The surge map selection box could not navigate to
the bottom row or rightmost column of the Surge
Map. This has been fixed in this release.
The bug has been fixed that prevented the proper
display of the Input Power when an IEEE 519 fil
ter was present with a Vyper drive.
15. Corrected a bug that prevented proper operation
of the Hot Gas while in Heating Mode of a Heat
16. Corrected operation of Smart Freeze when Data
Display Mode is in Metric Mode.
17. Corrected bug to now log values in Metric when
Data Display Mode is set to Metric.
18. Corrected bug that transmitted a 0 for the ACC
surge Frequency Data Logging entry.
19. Corrected bug that displayed a Baseplate Temper-
ature header regardless if the IEEE 519 filter is a
Mod D or a Vyper drive.
20. Corrected bug that capped the Input and Output
voltages for a MVVSD to 4500V when display
was set to Metric.