FORM 160.54-M1
ISSUE DATE: 10/25/2019
e. Lower – Places frequency Control in Manual
Mode. Decreases the VSD frequency by 0.1
to 10.0Hz, as programmed with the INCR
AMT (increment amount) key.
Each press of this key decreases the frequen-
cy the programmed amount (0.1 to 10.0Hz).
f. Incr Amt - Programmable setpoint (0.1 to
10.0Hz) that determines the amount of in-
crease or decrease in VSD frequency that oc-
curs with each press of the INC or DEC key
in Manual Frequency Control Mode.
The following applies to all applications except P com-
pressors and Style F and later chillers equipped with “G,
Q” or “H5-8” compressors. When the Probe is installed
at the time of manufacture or after the compressor is
rebuilt in the field, a Reference Position is established.
This remains the Reference Position until the Compres-
sor is rebuilt. It is the distance (in mils) between the tip
of the Probe and the surface of the High Speed Thrust
Collar with a minimum of 25 psid oil pressure. Any dis-
tance between 37 and 79 mils is acceptable. This Refer-
ence Position is written on a label that is adhered to the
inside of the OptiView Control Center door. It is also
stored in the BRAM memory device on the microboard;
if the BRAM is replaced, the original Reference Posi-
tion value must be programmed using the procedure
below. A complete description of the Proximity probe
and the Reference Position is contained in
of this manual.
In the procedures below, the Reference Position can be
established through a calibration procedure or a previ-
ously established Reference Position can be entered,
without performing the calibration procedure.
Anytime the chiller shuts down on a THRUST BEAR-
ING safety shutdown, there is the potential that Com-
pressor damage has occurred. Therefore, the shutdown
must be evaluated by a qualified Service technician
before restarting the chiller. Depending upon the ac-
tual shutdown message, the evaluation could require a
bearing inspection. To prevent the chiller from restart-
ing without the proper evaluation, restart is inhibited
until a special reset procedure is performed. This pro-
cedure is listed below and must not be performed by
anyone other than a qualified Service technician.
Perform this procedure at the time of manufacture or if
the compressor is rebuilt in the field.
1. At the keypad, login at SERVICE access level us-
ing access code 1 3 8 0.
2. Place Compressor Start/Stop Switch in the Stop-
Reset (O) position.
3. Select Proximity probe CALIBRATE Screen from
4. On Proximity probe CALIBRATE Screen, press
START CALIB key to initiate the calibration. The
minate and the oil pump will start automatically.
The oil pressure is displayed on the screen. If the
CANCEL CALIB key is pressed during the pro-
cedure, the oil pump is turned off and the calibra-
tion is terminated.
5. When the oil pressure has reached 25 psid, the
Program reads the proximity gap and the START
CALIB key label changes to ACCEPT CALIB.
6. Press the ACCEPT CALIB key. The measured
gap is entered as the Reference Position. Log this
value on the Label adhered to the inside of the Op-
tiView Control Center door. This remains the Ref-
erence Position until the Compressor is rebuilt.
Reference Position Entry
Perform this procedure if the Reference Position had
been previously established, but lost from memory due
to replacement of the BRAM (U52) or other event.
1. At the keypad, login at SERVICE access level us-
ing access code 1 3 8 0.
2. Place the Compressor Start/Stop Switch in the
Stop-Reset (O) position.
3. Select Proximity probe CALIBRATE Screen from
4. On Proximity probe CALIBRATE Screen, press
5. Locate previously established Reference Position
that has been logged on label adhered to inside
of OptiView Control Center door. Using numeric
keypad keys, enter this value. Only values be-
tween 37 and 79 mils will be accepted.
6. Press ENTER (
) key.