FORM 160.54-M1
ISSUE DATE: 10/25/2019
Motor Bearing Shaft
Motor Bearing Opposite
The Vibration Gain setpoint is used to enter the appro-
priate gain [1;1, 11:1, 21:1(default)] for the vibration
sensor input circuits of the Motor Monitoring Board.
An ADMIN password is required. The Gain value en-
tered is transmitted from the microboard to the Motor
Monitoring Board via serial communications.
The enabled vibration values for the shaft end and op-
posite shaft end bearings are displayed on the MOTOR
DETAILS Screen. The vibration values are not in any
particular units of measure. They are relative values
expressed over the range of 0.0 to 30.0. The larger the
number, the greater the magnitude of vibration repre-
sented. If the Motor Vibration Protection setpoint is set
to DISABLED, no vibration values are displayed and
the heading, text and data boxes do not appear.
Vibration Baseline values must be established for the
Shaft End and Opposite Shaft End bearings. They are
established and displayed on the MOTOR DETAILS
Screen. They are programmable over the range of 0.1
to 5.0 (default 2) and are expressed in the same units
as the vibration values above. The Baseline values are
established by either manual entry using the Manual
Baseline setpoint or automatically by running the Auto
Baseline Routine. Special password 0 3 6 8 is required.
The Auto Baseline routine is initiated with the Auto
Baseline setpoint. It can be run after the chiller has
been running for greater than 2 minutes. The vibration
level of each bearing is independently averaged for 1
hour at 1 minute intervals while the chiller is running.
The time remaining in the routine is displayed as Auto
Baseline Time Left on the MOTOR DETAILS Screen.
At the completion of the routine, the derived values are
TION BASELINE NOT SET is displayed until both
the Shaft end and Opposite Shaft End motor bearing
vibration baseline values are entered. While this mes-
sage is displayed, the vibration baseline values are set
to X.X.
On the microboard, the Bearing Shaft End and Opposite
Shaft End vibration values are compared to warning
and safety shutdown thresholds. The actual thresholds
used will be either the values derived from the Vibra-
tion Baseline setpoints (as explained below) or the val-
ues manually entered with the VIBRATION SETUP
SETPOINT key. Normally, the Baseline derived values
are used but they can be overridden by manual entry.
The actual thresholds that the software is using are dis-
played in the Motor Bearings High Vibration Warning
and High Vibration Warning data boxes on the MO-
WARNING threshold is programmable over the range
of range is 1.0 to 15 (default Baseline X2). The High
Vibration Shutdown threshold is programmable over
the range of 2.0 to 30 (default Baseline X3). These
thresholds are in the same units of measure as the vi-
bration values as explained above. The vibration must
exceed each threshold continuously for the number of
seconds programmed with the Delay setpoints, before
the Warning or Safety shutdown occurs. The warning
Delay is programmable over the range of 0-120 sec-
onds (default 30). The safety shutdown delay is pro-
grammable over the range of 0-30 seconds (default
15). The Delays are programmed with the Vibration
Setup setpoint.
The Vibration Baseline values are used to create the
vibration Warning and Thresholds as follows:
If the calculated value exceeds the
minimum and maximum limits of the
Shutdown (2.0 to 30.0) or Warning (1.0
to 15.0) threshold, the threshold is set to
the respective upper or lower limit.
• Shaft End High Vibration Warning - Shaft End Vi-
bration Baseline X2
• Shaft End High Vibration Warning Default - Shaft
End Vibration Baseline X2
• Opposite Shaft End High Vibration Warning - Op-
posite End Vibration Baseline X2
• Opposite Shaft End High Vibration Warning De-
fault - Opposite End Vibration Baseline X2
• Shaft End High Vibration Shutdown - Shaft End
Vibration Baseline X3
• Shaft End High Vibration Shutdown Default -
Shaft End Vibration Baseline X3
• Opposite Shaft End High Vibration Shutdown -
Opposite Shaft End Vibration Baseline X3
• Opposite Shaft End High Vibration Shutdown De-
fault - Opposite Shaft End Vibration Baseline X3
The values used by the software depend upon the se-
quence in which the setpoints are entered. If Vibra-
tion Baseline values are established after thresholds
have been entered with the Vibration Setup setpoint,