FORM 160.54-M1
ISSUE DATE: 10/25/2019
This document explains the operation of the printed cir-
cuit boards and major components of the OptiView™
Control Center to a level that allows a service technician
to troubleshoot and locate the source of a problem.
The overall system architecture is described and illus-
trated with block diagrams, which describes the gener-
al function of each component and provides the system
interface and signal flow, which must be understood
before effective troubleshooting can begin.
The operation of each printed circuit board is described
and illustrated with a block diagram that is a simplified
representation of board circuitry. The expected voltage
level at all inputs and outputs of each board for any
operating condition is provided.
Included in this document are procedures that have to
be performed at chiller commissioning or during ser-
vice. They should not be performed by anyone other
than a service technician. For example, calibration
procedures have to be performed or verified at sys-
tem commissioning or when a component is replaced.
Certain safety shutdowns require special reset pro-
cedures to be performed before the chiller can be re-
started. Since the operating program supplied in each
OptiView Control Center is universal to all applica-
tions, special setpoints, program jumpers and program
switches are required to configure the chiller for local
operating conditions.
A system commissioning checklist is provided as a ref-
erence of items to be performed during chiller com-
Chillers that are equipped with
compressors have
certain component variances, which are noted in the
appropriate sections of this manual.
In addition to this document, several supporting doc-
uments are required to service the system.
Control Panel – Operation (Form 160.54-O1)
plains the operation of the OptiView Control Center
keypad, how to enter setpoints and explains all the
messages displayed on the OptiView Control Center
display. The appropriate diagrams for each chiller are
shown in the associated literature table in the front
of this manual. These wiring diagrams provide com-
ponent interconnections within the OptiView Control
Center and the connections between these compo-
nents and the motor starter and chiller components.
When the chiller shuts down on a
shutdown or is being prevented from start-
ing, a message is displayed providing the reason for
the shutdown. This message, along with all the chill-
er operating conditions at the instant of the event are
stored in the microboard battery-backed memory. This
history data can be displayed or printed using an op-
tional printer. The
OptiView Control Panel – Opera-
tion (Form 160.54-O1)
provides a detailed description
of this message, including the conditions required to
produce the message and conditions required to restart
the chiller.
Diagnostic Routines allow service analysis of the fol-
lowing functions:
• Display
• Analog Inputs
• Digital inputs
• Digital Outputs
• Serial Data Ports
Before beginning any troubleshooting, observe the
shutdown message and retrieve the
of that event. Refer to the
OptiView Control Panel –
Operation (Form 160.54-O1)
for an explanation of the
message. The conditions required to produce the mes-
sage must be clearly understood before proceeding. (If
this is not needed, much time will be wasted). Armed
with knowledge of the overall system architecture and
the function of each printed circuit board and signal
flow provided by this manual, proceed with the appro-
priate wiring diagram listed above to trace the prob-
lem through the system. Use the Diagnostic Routines
where appropriate.