IM CW120-E
Communication Functions
Chapter 11 Communication Functions
11.1 RS-232
The RS-232 interface allows the CW120/121 to be connected to a PC or
RS-232 Interface Specifications
Electromechanical specifications:
Compliant with EIA RS-232
Point to point
Communication method:
Full duplex
Baud rate:
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 bps
Start bits:
Fixed to 1 bit
Data bits:
7 or 8 bits
Odd, even, or none
Stop bits:
1 or 2 bits
Miniature DIN, 8 pins
Hardware handshake:
Whether to set CA (RTS) and CB
(CTS) to true or use them as control
signals can be chosen.
Software handshake:
Transmission/reception control by X-
on and X-off signals is possible.
Reception buffer length:
1024 bytes
The handshaking settings cannot be changed from the CW120/121. Modify the handshaking
settings in a setting file and load the file to the CW120/121.
RS-232 Interface Connections
When connecting a CW120 or CW121 to a computer or printer via its RS-
232 interface, you need to make interface settings such as handshaking
methods, data transmission speed (baud rate), and data bit length to
match those settings in the computer. For details of these settings, see
the pages that follow.
As the interface cable, use one of the cables dedicated for the CW120/
121: the 91011 (with D-sub 9-pin connector for a PC), 91009 (with D-sub
25-pin connector for a PC) or 91010 (for a printer).