IM 765501-01E
The following five equations are available as built-in computation.
• Decibel (dB.txt)
m=A*log(m/B): Computes the decibel of the measured value with respect to B.
• Percent (Percent.txt)
m=(m/A)*100: Computes the percentage of the measured value with respect to A.
• Scaling (Scaling.txt)
m = A*M+B: Scales the measured value.
• Power (Power.txt)
m=V*I: Calculates the power from the source value and measured value. However, if
the source and measurement are of the same function or when measuring resistance,
the power cannot be calculated correctly. To measure power, set the GS610 to
voltage generation and current measurement or current generation and voltage
• Sinusoid generation (Sinusoid.txt)
s=A*sin(2*PI*B*t): Generates a sinusoid of amplitude A and frequency B. However, if
the sweep function is enabled, the sweep operation takes precedence. To generate
the sinusoid, turn the sweep function OFF.
When computation using equations is turned ON, the MATH key illuminates. For details
on the syntax and operators of equations in the definition files, see appendix 1.
Comparison Operation
(See section 8.4 for the procedure)
The measured value is compared with the upper and lower limits specified by the user
and divided into three groups, over the upper limit (High), within the limits (In), and under
the lower limit (Low). The result of the grouping is displayed at the upper left corner of
the status display area on the display and output to the external input/output connector.
For a description of the external input/output, see section 10.1, “Setting the Input/Output
Signal on the BNC Input/Output Terminal and External Input/Output Connector.”
When the comparison operation is turned ON, the MATH key illuminates.
2.7 Computation