IM 765501-01E
The following types of statements are available.
• Statement for computing measured values
M = <expression>
The result of <expression> is displayed as the measured result.
• Statement for computing the next source value
S = <expression>
The result of <expression> is used as the next source value.
However, this cannot be used simultaneously with a sweep operation.
• Statement for substituting values into internal variables
X = <expression>
Y = <expression>
Z = <expression>
The result of <expression is substituted into internal variable X, Y, or Z.
• Statement for substituting initial values into internal variables
X0 = <expression>
Y0 = <expression>
Z0 = <expression>
The result of <expression is substituted as an initial value into internal variable X, Y,
or Z.
This substitution statement is carried out at the time as specified in “File Format.”
• IF Statement
IF <expression> THEN <statement>
If the result of <expression> is not zero, <statement> is executed.
IF <expression> THEN <statement1> ELSE <statement2>
If the result of <expression> is not zero, <statement1> is executed. If the result is
zero, <statement2> is executed.
• Compound statement { <statement1> <delim> <statement2> <delim> .... }
<delim> = CR/LF/CR+LF
Used when executing multiple statements in a IF statement. The statements are
executed in order.
• Command execution statement
Executes the string following the @ character as a communication command.
However, query commands cannot be used.
• Comment statement
// comment
Characters following two consecutive slashes up to the line feed are considered a
comment statement and are discarded.
Appendix 1 Computation Definition Specifications