MIDI Data Format
DME32—Owner’s Manual
MIDI Data Format
1. Transmit/Receive Data
1.1 Program Change
When a Program Change message is received, the scene specified in the [Program
Change Assign Table] is recalled.
Program Change messages are transmitted according to the [Program Change Assign
Table]. If a scene memory number has been assigned to more than one Program
Change, the lowest-numbered Program Change is transmitted.
1.2 Control Change
When a Control Change message is received, the parameter specified in the [Control
Change Assign Table] is edited.
When a parameter specified in the [Control Change Assign Table] is edited, a Control
Change message for that control change number is transmitted. If a parameter has been
assigned to more than one Control Change, the lowest-numbered Control Change is
1.3 Parameter Change
Parameter value changes are transmitted and received. If [Parameter Change Tx] is ON,
these messages are transmitted when the value of a parameter is changed. These mes-
sages can be received when [Parameter Change Rx] is ON.
2. DME32 Settings and Operation
2.1 MIDI Setup
2.1.1 MIDI Channel Transmit Channel
Specify the MIDI channel for transmission. Receive Channel
Specify the MIDI channel that will be used for reception. As a rule, MIDI messages are
received only if the MIDI channel matches, but this is not the case if OMNI is ON.
2.1.2 ON/OFF Program Change
Enable or disable reception and transmission. If OMNI is ON, these messages are
received regardless of the MIDI channel. If ECHO is ON, they are echoed regardless of
the channel. Control Change
Enable or disable reception and transmission. If OMNI is ON, these messages are
received regardless of the MIDI channel. If ECHO is ON, they are echoed regardless of
the channel. Parameter Change
Enable or disable reception and transmission. If ECHO is ON, these messages are ech-
oed regardless of the channel.