Appendix A: General
DME32—Owner’s Manual
The DME32 configuration
data has changed. Receive
data from DME32?
The configuration data has changed on
the DME32. This may due, for example,
to the wordclock setting being changed
from the front panel, or a configuration
being loaded from a PC Card.
Click OK to receive the updated config-
uration data from the DME32.
This component is
An attempt was made to edit a pro-
tected component.
Turn off the component's protection,
and then try editing again.
This operation is
An attempt was made to use a pro-
tected operation.
Turn off the Operation or Component
protection, and then try again.
Too many components for
DME32 #!
The maximum number of components
for the specified DME32 has been
Delete any unused components in order
to free up resources, and then add the
new component.
You must enter a title for
the configuration!
An attempt was made to send a config-
uration, but no configuration was
selected, or no title was entered.
Select a configuration, or enter a title,
and then try sending again.
You must enter a title for
the user module!
An attempt was made to save a user
module, but no title was entered.
Enter a title, and then try saving again.
Available resources are
low. Further editing is not
recommended. Delete
some components or
restart the program to
resolve the problem.
This message warns that Windows
resources are getting low, perhaps
because there are many configuration
windows open, or several programs are
running simultaneously. If you continue
using DME Manager, Windows may
suddenly quit DME Manager.
Close some configuration windows, quit
some other programs, or restart DME