XVIVO Perfusion System (XPS
) Instructions for Use
P/N: 9182
0189 Revision Q
Select Parameter Tab
Select Temperature T
Enter high and low limits
Select confirm to set
Repeat with T
NOTE: CardioHelp XVIVO will generate
an Alert if temperature moves outside
of set range, but will not stop pump
In the CardioHelp XVIVO, the settings for alarms and interventions can be
defined for the following parameters:
RPM mode: Flow monitoring
Temperature monitoring
Pressure monitoring
Bubble monitoring
Intervention Deactivated (no flow control)
Intervention Activated (pump adjusts speed to keep flow within set limits)
In RPM mode, press the flow button.
Adjust the low and high intervention limits.
Press the intervention button to activate.
Select confirm to begin flow control mode.
NOTE: In flow control mode, when the flow rate
is higher or lower than the set limits and the in-
tervention is activated, the pump will adjust its
rpms to stay within the set limits.
8.4.1 RPM Mode: Flow Monitoring Control
8.4.2 Temperature Monitoring
CardioHelp XVIVO
8.4 Intervention Settings