EtherCAT Gateway
Wieland Electric GmbH | BA000970 | 07/2019 [9855]
Tag names pre-assigned in samosPLAN
6 for the EtherCAT gateway
The data set 1 is divided into five input data blocks for clarity, whereby data blocks 1 to 5 each con-
tain 10 bytes.
It is possible to write values directly from the logic editor to the gateway. These valuesare freely
programmable and are transferred to the EtherCAT network in the Transmit PDO. Four bytes have
been reserved for this purpose in the basic settings for data set 1; however, up to the total number
of 50 bytes of data set 1 may be configured as direct gateway output values. You can obtain additio-
nal information at:
Direct gateway output values [ch. 3.3.1, p. 24]
The samosPRO gateway can transmit the input and output states of all samosPRO modules connec-
ted to the samosPRO system to the network. Data set 3 contains a non-modifiable configuration.
Moreover, data set 1 can be adapted to contain up to 4 bytes of collective state information. Only
the input and output values for data set 1 have been predefined and these can be freely adapted.
You will find more detailed information in the section on the relevant gateway, as well as in the
following section: