EtherNet/IP gateway
Wieland Electric GmbH | BA000970 | 07/2019 [9855]
Bits 0 to 4 of byte 50 of assembly instance 167 byte are reserved for future use.
Byte 51
Byte 51 of assembly instance 167 supplies the system mode of the controller modules. It shows the
same value as attribute 1 of instance 5 in class 120.
Byte 52 to 111
Bytes 52 to 111 of assembly instance 167 make the corresponding state bytes of the controller mode
available. They show the same value as attributes 1 to 60 of instance 3 in class 120.
Accessing to CIP objects
Explicit Messaging
Explicit message transmission uses the TCP/IP protocol as well as an EtherNet/IP-specific encapsu-
lation layer. Explicit message transmission can be connection-free (UCMM) and connected, e.g. ses-
sion-based. The latter is termed
Class 3 Messaging
. Both UCMM and Class 3 use an EPATH to
address the required data. An EPATH is made up of the service, class, instance and attribute ID.
With explicit message transmission, each attribute of the following objects can be accessed:
Identity class (0x01) [ch. 8.4.1, p. 83]
Assembly class (0x04) [ch. 8.4.2, p. 84]
Discrete input point object (0x08) [ch. 8.4.3, p. 85]
Discrete output point object [ch. 8.4.4, p. 87]
Discrete einput group object (0x1D) [ch. 8.4.5, p. 87]
Discrete output group object (0x1D) [ch. 8.4.6, p. 88]
Vendor-specific object (0x78) [ch., p. 95]
Each request must possess a valid EPATH referring to the required object/attribute. The appropriate
attribute can be read using the GetAttributeSingle service, if it is labeled as
in these tables. The
appropriate attribute can be written using the SetAttributeSingle service, if it is labeled as
these tables.
Implicit Messaging
Implicit message transmission uses EtherNet/IP, the UDP/IP protocol as well as an EtherNet/IP-
specific encapsulation layer. Implicit message transmission is also termed
Transport Class 1
. The
PLC can set up a Class 1 connection with the SP-COP2-ENI module, by placing the service request
with it. This configures connection information for the exchange of input/output da-
ta, e.g. the RPI unicast or multicast connections, amongst other things. Class 1 connections only
support assemblies for the exchange of input/output data or “wild cards” to signal data-free heart-
beat connections. Configuration assemblies are accepted as part of the Forward_Open-Service, with
the exception of TCP/IP objects (Class 0xF5), although are not processed by the SP-COP2-ENI modu-
As the configuration details of the connection are only sent once in the Forward_Open-Frame, im-
plicit message transmission is aligned to performance and has a lower telegram overhead than ex-
plicit message transmission. Assembly instances possess predefined attributes in a specific order.
Nonetheless, the sender, i.e. the PLC; specifies the data size in Forward_Open during the setup of
the Class 1 connection. This means that only data byte from the beginning of the instance up to the
specified size are exchanged.
The SP-COP2-ENI module supports seven static assembly instances. These are listed in the table
Overview of the assembly class (0x04) supported by the SP-COP2-ENI module [ch. 8.4.2, p. 84]
. All data
members of the instance has fixed coding. Dynamic assembly instances are not currently supported
by the SP-COP2-ENI module.