Refer to the WLAN label on the bottom of the unit to identify the WLAN module installed.
ELI380 units using the Laird WLAN module (item 20b) are configured as shown below. The antenna is mounted to the
display bracket via a foam pad with double sided adhesive (item 61). If the antenna is removed from the foam mount, a
new adhesive mounting pad should be used to ensure the antenna is properly secured. The antenna cable (item 60) uses
a snap tight vertical plug/unplug connector.
Laird Antenna (item 13b/c)
Antenna connection to WLAN module
mounted to foam pad (item 61) connect as shown.
One of two different Laird antenna configurations will be present (item 13b or 13c). The earlier version b antenna
has 2 antenna connectors as shown above, the newer version c has only 1 antenna connection.