Throughput, Latency, Frame Loss, and Burst Settings
The RFC 2544 test suite allows the user to run all of the four tests, one of the four tests, or a combination of any of the four tests.
The user simply has to enable/disable which tests to perform by checking/unchecking a selection box in the respective tab for each
test. By default all of the four tests are enabled.
The following parameters must be configured before running the RFC 2544 conformance test suite.
Throughput tab
Max Rate:
Up to 100% of the negotiated line rate. The default value is 100%.
This is the maximum transmit rate to perform the throughput test for each test frame size.
The user may configure this rate as a % of the total line rate or in Mbps. For example if the user configures the Max
Rate to be 90% and the negotiated line rate of the link is 100Mbps, then the maximum transmit rate will be 90Mbps
or 90% of the line rat
1% to 0.001%. The default value is 1%.
5 to 999 seconds. The default value is 20 seconds.
The duration is the amount of time the throughput test is run for, for each frame size at a given rate.
RFC2544 Setup - Throughput Upstream
RFC2544 Setup - Throughput Downstream
MX100/120 e-Manual D07-00-004 Rev A04
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