Individual Stream Results
In the 'Per Stream' tab the following measurements are available;
Summary - Framed rate, data rate, # of bytes, total # of frames associated with each stream
Errors - Errors associated with each stream
Events - Events associated with each stream
Traffic - Traffic statistics associated with each stream
Delay - Delay associated with each stream
Rates - Rates information associated with each stream
Throughput Results - Summary Stream #1
Throughput Results - Summary Stream #2
The Per Stream 'Errors' screen displays the Current and Total error count of each stream;
Frame Loss
Frame Loss %
Out of Sequence (OOS) frames
IP Checksum
Jabber Frames
Runt Frames
Giant Frames
Throughput Results - Errors (Page #1)
Throughput Results - Errors (Page #2)
MX100/120 e-Manual D07-00-004 Rev A04
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