Operating in dual port mode limits the same application to both ports, except for loopback.
Note: Dual Port Testing
Even if the application on each port is the same, ports can still be operated independently. This applies to
both the configuration and the start/stop of the results.
7.0 Test Applications
7.1 BERT
BER testing at layer 1, 2, and 3 is supported. The test can be configured to use either regular PRBS patterns, stress patterns or
user defined test patterns to simulate various conditions. All patterns are encapsulated into an Ethernet frame to verify bit-per-bit
performance of the circuit under test.
Layer 1:
Unframed mode (fiber ports only) or Framed mode.
Unframed mode - Test traffic consists of a bit stream of the selected test pattern.
Framed mode - Test pattern is encapsulated into a valid Ethernet frame with SOF, Preamble and CRC field.
BERT Setup - Header (Layer 1 Unframed)
BERT Setup - Header (Layer 1 Framed)
Layer 2:
Framed BERT (same as Layer 1 Framed)
MAC Address:
A default or user configured Media Access Control (MAC) address is added to the frame. This MAC
address is used as the source MAC address for all streams (Throughput Testing mode).
BERT Setup - Header (Layer 2)
BERT Setup - MAC address editing
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