battery status If running on battery.
File icon
- Indicates File Storage. Tap icon to view memory capacity used
Bluetooth icon
- Future option (Bluetooth is not supported currently)
IP icon
- Indicates status of IP connection on either test or management port. Green indicates a valid IP connection while
Red indicates no IP connection
Open / Close icon
- Open or Closes pull down menu and action bar.
Loopback icon
- Indicates unit is in Loopback mode
MX100 and MX120 Screen Icons
5.3 Actions Menu
Tapping the Actions icon displays the following menu selections;
Close - closes the Actions menu
Stop - stops the measurement
Stop TX - stops the Transmitter
Error Injection - Injects and Error or Alarm depending on Error and Alarm generation settings
Restart - restarts the measurement after it has been stopped by the user
Laser On/Off - Turns Laser On or Off depending on measurement application
MX100 and MX120 Action Menu
MX100/120 e-Manual D07-00-004 Rev A04
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