Note: Control Mode
Depending on the Control Mode selected (e.g. Asymmetric mode), test settings for upstream and downstream
are also displayed
Burst (Back-to-Back) tab:
Max Rate:
The default value is 100%.
In the burst test, frames are always transmitted at the maximum rate for a given minimum and maximum burst duration.
Minimum Duration:
Selectable in the range 2 to 999 seconds. Default value is 2 seconds.
This is the duration of the first burst
Maximum Duration:
Selectable up to 999 seconds. The default value is 20 seconds.
This is the duration of the second burst, which must be greater than the minimum burst.
Selectable in the range 1 to 100. The default value is 1.
This is the amount of times that the latency test will be repeated for each test frame size
RFC2544 Setup - Burst Upstream
RFC2544 Setup - Burst Downstream
Note: Control Mode
Depending on the Control Mode selected (e.g. Asymmetric mode), test settings for upstream and downstream
are also displayed Control Settings
Asymmetrical links like ADSL and VDSL2 provide different line rates in the two directions - normally the downlink line rate is
significantly higher than the uplink line rate. To verify the information for both the low and the high rates of the link, the user needs
to send a test signal from one instrument located at one end of the link to an instrument at the other end of the link and vice versa
to test traffic capacity. The two test instruments have to be synchronized, because the tests defined in RFC 2544 require the
receiver to know the contents of the test signal to be transmitted in detail.
The MX120 offers an automated RFC 2544 test application to perform throughput, frame loss and burstability tests in a local-
remote unit setup. The user first configures the test setup in the local MX120 - once initiated, the local MX120 transfers the setup
MX100/120 e-Manual D07-00-004 Rev A04
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