TLS-450 Setup and Operation Screens Manual
Pumps and Lines
PLLD Diagnostics - Manual Test
The PLLD Diagnostics Manual Test screen lets you select all parameters necessary to start or stop PLLD
tests (3.0 gph (11.3 lph), 0.2 gph (0.76 lph) or 0.1 gph (0.38 lph)) for individual lines or all lines at once.
Test Notes
1. Tests always run in the order: 3.0 (11.3), 0.2 (0.76), and 0.1 (0.38).
2. Approximate test times, assuming no dispense (which would restart the test(s) after the dispense)
and no thermals, are 3.0 (11.3) - several minutes, 0.2 (0.76) - 30 minutes, and 0.1 (0.38) - 45
3. A 3.0 (11.3) test runs that test only.
4. A 0.2 (0.76) test is automatically preceded by a 3.0 (11.3) test. Selecting a 0.2 (0.76) test
bypasses the '0.2 (0.76) Line Test Auto-Confirm' PLLD setup selection (if enabled).
5. A 0.1 (0.38) test is automatically preceded by 3.0 (11.3) and 0.2 (0.76) tests. Selecting a 0.1
(0.38) test bypasses the '0.2 (0.76) Line Test Auto-Confirm' and '0.1 (0.38) Line Test Auto-
Confirm' PLLD setup selections (if enabled).