TLS-450 Setup and Operation Screens Manual
1st Line Length
Allowable selections: See Table 1 above
Default is 0 and will cause a data setup warning.
1st Line Diameter
Allowable selections: 0 to 3.00 in (0 to 76.20mm)
Default is 0 and user can set this field back to default. It will cause a data setup warning if associated line
length is non-zero and Line Diameter is still default.
Allowable selections: Disabled, Enabled
Default: Enabled
1st Line Bulk Modulus
Allowable selections: 1000 to 200,000 psi (6892 to 1,378,359kPa)
Default is 0 and user can set this field back to default. It will cause a data setup warning if associated line
length is non-zero and Bulk Modulus is still default.
2nd Line Length
Allowable selections: See Table 1 above
Default: 0
2nd Line Diameter
Allowable selections: 0 to 3.00 in (0 to 76.20mm)
Default is 0 and user can set this field back to default. It will cause a data setup warning if associated line
length is non-zero and Line Diameter is still default.
2nd Line Bulk Modulus
Allowable selections: 1000 to 200,000 psi (6892 to 1,378,359kPa)
Default is 0 and user can set this field back to default. It will cause a data setup warning if associated line
length is non-zero and Bulk Modulus is still default.
Thermal Coefficient
If the controlling pump assigned to the line has a tank assignment, then use the thermal coefficient from
that tank (see Tank Setup - General tab screen). In this case the field is read only. If there is not a tank
assignment, the field is enabled for edit. If the tank assignment is removed, the system will use the
Allowable selections: 0.0 to 0.0016 gal/gal/°F (0.0 to 0.00288L/L/°C)
Default: 0.00070
0.2 gph (0.76lph) Line Leak Test
This feature allows the user to choose the scheduling frequency of the 0.2 gph (0.76lph) periodic tests.
Allowable selections:
- No manual or automatic 0.2 gph (0.76lph) testing is allowed.
- After a dispense, a 3.0 gph (11.3lph) test is run, followed by a 0.2 gph (0.76lph) test.
The test blockout period (selected in Precision Test Duration setup) is then observed. Following