TLS-450 Setup and Operation Screens Manual
Report Column Descriptions
Date & Time
This column contains the date/time of report (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM - default format)
Opening Volume
This column contains the measured volume at start of reconciliation period.
Metered Sales
This column contains the reported metered sales volume.
Ticketed Delivery
This column contains user-entered delivery volume.
Manual Adjust
This column contains a user-entered correction for known variance conditions, e.g., removing water from
the tank, meter calibrating.
Closed Book Inventory
This column contains the calculated ending inventory derived from the measured starting volume minus
reported sales plus ticketed deliveries.
Gauged Inventory
This column contains the measured inventory at the end of the reconciliation period.
This column contains the difference between calculated and measured volume.
Water Height
This column displays the tank's measured water height.
Control Buttons (on right side of screen)
Touch this button to cause the 'Book Variance' screen to scroll to the right displaying columns and data
that are hidden on the right and are not displayed in the data area of the screen.
Report Filter
Touching the 'Report Filter' button displays the 'Report Filter' dialog. The 'Report Filter' dialog contains a
'Select Range' dialog and a 'Filter' selection dialog. The 'Select Range' dialog allows you to change the
range of the displayed data. The 'Filter' selection dialog allows you to change between Daily View and
Shift View.