TLS-450 Setup and Operation Screens Manual
Pumps and Lines Setup - All Lines
The line leak detection system cannot test a line when AC power to the submersible pump is shut off.
Since the line leak system automatically attempts to conduct a test whenever it receives a signal that the
dispenser is off, it is necessary to lock out line tests when the station or fueling site is shut down and
submersible pump power is off. In some areas, regulations prohibit leaving power to submersibles
switched on during hours when the site is unattended. The Line Lockout Schedule provides a flexible
means of locking out line leak tests in accordance with business hours.
The Lockout schedule identifies the hours not to run line leak tests for the station.
Allowable selections: Disabled, Daily, Individual (see explanations below). Default: Disabled
Line Lockout Schedule - Daily
Daily schedule allows you to enter a Lockout Start Time and Stop Time. The lockout period will begin and
end at the times you enter every day of the week. Note: By using a Daily schedule and entering the same
Start and Stop Times, you can lock out the line leak test function 24 hours per day.
Start Time
Allowable selections: HH:MM am/pm. Default: 12 pm