TLS-450 Setup and Operation Screens Manual
Tank Test Diagnostics - CSLD Monthly
The CSLD Monthly Diagnostics report displays the 0.2 gph (0.76 lph) CSLD tests for the current or
previous month with state changes for each test. The default view is all tanks for the current month.
Siphon manifolded tanks are treated as one tank in CSLD. The tanks in the manifolded set share the
same table and results. Deleting the table for any tank within the set will in effect delete the table of all the
members in the set. All tank probe serial numbers will be listed in the report for siphon manifolded tanks.
You will only be able to access tanks that have CSLD enabled or have CSLD history.
Report Column Descriptions
Value range: Date and Time
CSLD State Change
Possible results that will display in this column: