Configuration and Operation
Sageon III Power System
PM990-8800-00, Rev. 9
AC Lost – Test terminated due to loss of AC supply. Detected by the AC monitor or by all SMRs being Off.
Cell V Low – A cell in a battery string discharged below a safe level. Alarm issued. Available only when BDM is active. BDT flagged
as having failed.
No Control – Test aborted due to loss of control of rectifiers. No alarm issued.
Low Load – Test aborted due to load current being too low to control discharge current. No alarm issued.
SMR Overload – Test aborted due to load current being too high to support controller discharge. No alarm issued.
User Aborted – Test terminated manually by user from the SCU.
BDT Results Screen, Additional Details
To view additional details about the preceding test, press ENTER while viewing one of the above Last BDT screens. These sub-menu
details appear on the second line of the Last BDT screen.
22/01/2003 – States the date of preceding test in a day/month/year format.
Dur 1h18min – Provides the duration of preceding test.
EndV 47.0V – Shows the battery string voltage when test was terminated.
EndQn 380Ah – States the remaining estimated capacity of the battery string at the time the test was terminated, where “n” is the
number of the string.
BDT Disabled
The battery discharge test function is disabled for 2 minutes if any of the following has occurred. If an automatic test is scheduled
during this period, it will be performed at the next opportunity, at the BDT Time.
SCU has recently been powered up.
An AC supply failure has been recorded.
An alarm log resides in SCU memory and these alarms can be viewed by momentarily pressing the Alarms Log button. The following
map summarizes the available menu screens.
LOG Button
Alarm number and description
Alarm date and time
Clear alarm log
Initial Alarm Log screen: Log 1 is the most recent alarm. Previous alarms are number in
sequence, 2 through “n.” The second line provides the alarm name.
Press and hold the “up arrow” button for 2 seconds to display the preceding alarm (Log
2). Press again to display the preceding alarm, Log 3.
Momentarily (less than 2 seconds) press the “up arrow” button to display a screen
showing the date and time alarm occurred. The date format is day/month/year; the time
format is 24 hours.
Clear Alarm Log: From any alarm log screen, press ENTER and then press “down
arrow” to clear all log entries. A deletion confirmation screen will be displayed.
Log 1
AC Freq Fault
Log 1
14/03/2013 13:55
Log “n”
Alarm Name
“Down arrow” to Clear
Log Entries