Epic 3000
Programmer’s Guide
Programming Codes
Rev A
Page 153
QRCode Print Options
QRCode code control
[ESC] [EM] q <f> <v>
1BH 19H 71H <f> <v>
<27> <25> <113><f> <v>
This command alters the way QRCode barcodes are generated and
f = Feature to control and v = the value of the feature.
f = W 57H, 87D
Set the minimum element width and height.
v = 1-10, 4 is the default.
A width of 1 may be unreadable.
It the barcode will not fit in the print zone, the printer will
automatically reduce the width until the barcode will fit. If
the barcode will not fit at a width of 1, the printer will not
print the barcode.
f = E, 45H, 69D
QRCode Error Correction.
0-4 are accepted.
0 = Auto
1 = L or 7%
2 = M or 15%
3 = Q or 25%
4 = H or 30%
f = H, 48H, 72D
Blank Space between the barcode and the following data
Default 8
f = M, 4DH, 77D
QRCode Matrix Size. 0-40 are accepted. 0 = Auto
f = G, 47H, 71D)
GS1 Mode. Default = 0 (See General description above)
If in GS1 mode, a FNC1 is added to the beginning of the symbol.
GS1 data formatting and compaction are active and the input must follow
the GS1 rules.
QR Code Model 1 is obsolete, only Model 2 is supported
f = P, 50H, 80D
HRI Position
f =0
– Off, f = 1 - Top, f =2 - Bottom, f =3 - Both
f = F, 46H, 70D
HRI Font
f = 0 Medium, f=1 Larger, f- 2 Smaller (Note: Fonts may be
redefined by using the change legacy font command.)