Epic 3000
Programmer’s Guide
Programming Codes
Rev A
Page 147
PDF417 Print Options
PDF 417 bar code control
[ESC] [EM] E <f> <v>
1BH 19H 45H <f> <v>
<27> <25> <69><f> <v>
This command alters the way PDF 417 barcodes are generated and
f = Feature to control and v = the value of the feature.
f = X, 58H, 88D
Set encoding X aspect.
2 ≤v ≤6
v = 3
the X aspect is equivalent to the module width and affects the maximum
number of columns that will fit in the print zone.
f = Y, 59H, 89D
Set encoding Y aspect.
2 ≤v ≤8
v = 3
f = H, 48H, 72D
Blank Space before and after the barcode
0 ≤v ≤255. Default is 8 dots
f = C, 43H, 67D
Set encoding columns
0 ≤v ≤30 (Values > 8 generally will not fit in the print zone)
v = 0 (automatic mode)
If v= 0 then automatic processing is used.
When automatic processing is specified, the number of columns is calculated with the
number of code words based on the range of the printable area
f = R, 52H, 82D
Set encoding rows
v = 0 or 3
≤v ≤90
v = 0
f v = 0 then automatic processing is used.
When automatic processing is specified, the number of rows is calculated with the
number of code words or the range of the printable area.
If the number of rows is specified, the number of columns must also be
The number of rows times the number of columns must not exceed 928.
Typically the row and columns should be set to 0 so that auto encoding will be used.
The X and Y aspect represent the number of dots horizontally and vertically to form the
smallest image element. Values of 2 for each produce very small elements, and are
probably too small unless good paper is used. The defaults are 3 by 9, which produce
easily readable barcodes.
f = E, 45H, 69D
Set error correction level.
If v between 1 and 40 it is interpreted as a percentage of the data.
If v is between 48 and 56 it is set to a specific level of 0 to 8.