Fig. 2.4 Outer dimensions at transport
Transporting the Robot
In principle, the robot should be transported in the state shown in Fig. 2.5 and 2.6 above.
Fold back and secure the arm with the attached clamp. (The robot is shipped in this
posture. After you have unpacked the shipment, you should move it as it is.)
• Be sure to secure the arm with the attached clamp before transporting the
robot. If a strong vibration or load is applied to the arm when power is off, a
motor position detection error may occur.
It is possible to lift up and transport the robot.
Pass the wire through the attached eyebolt, then lift up the robot carefully, as shown in
Fig. 2.5.
Lifting jig
Fixed jig
Mass of robot body
(including jigs shipped)
36 kg
Joint Angle (deg)