- Continuing RX in AutoOff Type A
When AutoOff Type A is valid, TC32306FTG will keep to be RX despite of the condition of Un_DET_out
signal and DET_out signal, once after DET_out signal turns to be “H” before Un_DET_out signal turns
to be “H”. To release from the continuing RX, need to set new register and/or change RESET/ENB pin.
Fig 6-34 AutoOff Type A (Continuing RX)
* The example of timing chart may be omitted or simplified for explanatory purposes.
The function of AutoOff Type A is valid immediately after the register:h’10 is finished to write.
To use AutoOff Type A again from Battery Saving which status caused by the operation of AutoOff
Type A, set TC32306FTG status to Battery Saving or Standby by setting new registers and/or
change RESET/ENB pin.
To use AutoOff Type A again in the continuing RX, set this IC status to Battery Saving or Standby
by setting new registers and/or change RESET/ENB pin.
AutoOff Type B (AutoOff by Timer Setting)
TC32306FTG will move from Run to Battery Saving if the determination of “Signal Detection”
(DET_out signal = “H”) is not indicated within the timer period set by register. It is valid to set
register:h'10[D4]AutoOffB_en = ”1”. The duration of Run (RX timer period) is set by the
Fig 6-35 AutoOff Type B
* The example of timing chart may be omitted or simplified for explanatory purposes.
DET_out Signal
Run (Continuing RX)
Un_DET_out Signal
H level is kept internally.
DET_out Signal
Battery Saving
Setting Value of Timer Period
0 - 275.6ms