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1. Drum
Drum is made of a cylindrical aluminum base coated with a thin film of organic photosensitive
(photoconductive) substance. Photoconductive object becomes insulative (high electrical
resistance) when it is not exposed to lights and becomes conductive (low electrical resistance) when
it is exposed to lights. This object is called photoconductor.
2. Drum cleaner unit
- Cleaning blade
This blade is pressed against the drum surface with a constant force by pressure springs, and
scrapes off the residual toner on the drum surface.
- Recovery blade
This blade prevents the toner which was scraped off by the cleaning blade from being scattered
to the outside.
- Toner recovery auger
This auger carries the residual toner scraped off to the waste toner box.
3. Main charger
The main charger in this equipment consists of insulated terminals having a U-shaped section and a
needle electrode attached between them. When a high voltage is applied to the needle electrode,
the air around it is charged (ionized). The ionized air then flows into the drum causing it to be
charged. This phenomenon is called “corona discharge”. At the same time, a control bias is applied
to the main charger grid to control the charging amount. In a dark place, negative charge is evenly
applied onto the drum surface by the corona discharge and this grid. In addition, a cleaner is
installed to clean up the blot attached on the needle electrode.
- Needle electrode
The needle electrode has aligned needles and their points perform the corona discharge.
These points (electrodes) discharge toward the drum in one direction to realize the more
efficient discharging comparing to the charger wire which discharges in a radial direction.
Therefore, the needle electrode enables to reduce the ozone amount.
4. Drum thermistor (THM1, THM2)
Since the photoconductive characteristic of the drum surface changes depending on the
temperature of the drum surface, the drum thermistor detects the temperature of the drum surface
and controls to gain the charging potential according to the environment.
The equipment uses 2 drum thermistors and they detect surface temperature of K and Y drums
5. Discharge LED (ERS-Y, -M, -C, -K)
Discharge is a process to decrease or eliminate the static electricity on the drum surface.
The electrical resistance of the photosensitive layer is decreased by the light, and the residual
charge on the drum surface is neutralized and eliminated (cleaned). Electrical potential of the drum
surface is fixed to a certain amount before the drum is charged.
6. Temperature/humidity sensor (S12)
This sensor measures the environment inside the equipment. The values of the temperature and
humidity detected inside the equipment are output to the LGC board.
7. Ozone filter
Ozone produced by corona discharge of the main charger is exhausted through this filter.
The catalyzer of the ozone filter degrades the ozone.
8. Ozone suctioning fan (F24)
This fan sucks in air contains ozone generated by the main charger and exhausts it through the
ozone filter-1.