Kalypso Reference Manual
Section 3 — Menus
panel is used to change the B side source. When a different source is chosen
for the B channel (not associated with the video signal in the Sources menu)
the SPLIT indicator will light to indicate a split key has been performed.
Paired outputs are typically used with external DPMs. The DPM can
choose to operate in video/key or video/video mode. The settings in this
menu should match the settings currently being used by that DPM’s effect.
The Aux Bus settings in this menu are keyframeable, allowing the changing
of settings even during an effect run. You may want to assign the aux buses
associated to a DPM to the same E-MEM enable group as that DPM, so the
settings are always recalled in sync with the DPM effect recall.
Near Side Source
Far Side Source
selections allow the operator to select
the near (visible) side, or the far (not visible side) of a digitally manipulated
source. The Near Side/Far Side functionality is used in conjunction with a
Transform Engine or external DPM is associated with the bus (aux buses or
buses with Effects Send active).