Kalypso Reference Manual
Daily Setups Menus
Default assignments are shown in
. You can to reassign E-MEM
levels to different Enable buttons with the E-MEM Prefs menu.
Level assignments are a Suite Preference, and are saved and loaded with
Suite Profiles.
The E-MEM Prefs menu displays all the Kalypso system E-MEM levels in
several labeled panes on the right. The current Enable button assignment is
displayed in each pane’s data pad. Some of these panes scroll to display
additional available levels, which can vary in number in different Kalypso
systems. Touching a data pad on a pane opens another pane where the
actual assignment is performed (
Figure 108. E-MEM Prefs GPI Out Menu
Table 8. E-MEM Level Default Assignments
E-MEM Sub Level
E-MEM Level
Background 1 and 2
Misc 1
Misc 3
Aux buses
Misc 4
GPI outputs
Misc 5
Peripheral Bus II
Misc 6
External DPM (CPL)