Kalypso Reference Manual
System Overview
The Kalypso Video Production Center is much more than a switcher. The
Kalypso system not only features powerful digital video switching,
mixing, and keying with E-MEM, but also provides integrated control of
other production devices (e.g., facility routers, external effects systems,
DDRs). The Kalypso Video Production Center also has a flexible, scalable,
and quickly reconfigurable architecture able to meet the demanding
requirements of live production and post production applications.
Three different Kalypso systems are available; one supporting only stan-
dard definition video (Kalypso Classic), one supporting either high defini-
tion or standard definition video (Kalypso HD), and one supporting only
standard definition video, but able to be upgraded to operate in either stan-
dard or high definition video (Kalypso Duo).
The Kalypso classic systems use different processing hardware from the
HD and Duo systems, and so has a different Video Processor frame, but all
systems use the same types of control panels.
Kalypso Classic Features
4-M/E Kalypso Classic Standard Features
SMPTE 259M video and key,
16 auto-timed inputs (configured as single inputs or video/key pairs),
Eight timed outputs (configured as single outputs or video/key pairs),
Four identical Mix Effects (M/E) subsystems (3 M/E, 1 PGM PST),
32 Source Selection buttons on each M/E bus row,
Four keyers per M/E, with Borderline on each keyer,
Status display on each M/E,
Source name display standard on PGM PST,