TSP Edge User’s Manual
40-400-00065, Rev. E
Signaling Tab
The Signaling tab is used to modify the T1 and E1 bit states for the selected signaling
protocol (see Figure 24). These are the A & B bits for D4 (a.k.a. Superframe) and the
A, B, C & D bits for ESF and E1 signaling. This gives the Edge the flexibility to
match the protocol of the equipment under test if using a different standard.
Figure 24.Template Signaling Tab
The first field is for using a predefined protocol and has *Factory Default listed. This
uses the bits states as defined by the standard for the Channel Protocol chosen on the
Type tab. Clicking the arrow lists equipment that Teltone Corporation has verified the
default bits states used during call progress. All predefined settings provided by
Teltone begin with a “*”. All others listed without the “*” will be those created by the
User Define Field
The User Define field is checked if it is necessary to change the bit state parameters
to match the equipment under test. Once checked, it will become grayed out and the
predefined protocol field above will become blank. The Undo Changes and Save As