TSP Edge User’s Manual
40-400-00065, Rev. E
E1 ITU Q.421
Used only when equipment under test is set-up for E1 CAS operation.
This is an ITU-T signaling standard for E1 channel associated signaling.
T1/E1 Loop Start FXO
Used when the equipment under test is configured for foreign exchange
operation and is functioning as the office. The Edge interfaces with the
equipment under test using loop start signaling on the specific channel of
the T1/E1.
T1/E1 Loop Start FXS
Used when the equipment under test is configured for foreign exchange
operation and is functioning as the station. The Edge interfaces with the
equipment under test using loop start signaling on the specific channel of
the T1/E1.
T1/E1 Ground Start FX0
Used when the equipment under test is configured for foreign exchange
operation and is functioning as the office. The Edge interfaces with the
equipment under test using ground start signaling on the specific
channel of the T1/E1.
T1/E1 Ground Start FXS
Used when the equipment under test is configured for foreign exchange
operation and is functioning as the station. The Edge interfaces with the
equipment under test using ground start signaling on the specific
channel of the T1/E1.
T1/E1 Immediate Dial
This is used when the Edge interfaces with the equipment under test as
an Immediate Dial circuit on the channel of the T1/E1. The signaling bits
use Immediate Dial protocol.
T1/E1 Delay Dial
This is used when the Edge interfaces with the equipment under test as
a Delay Dial circuit on the channel of the T1/E1. The signaling bits use
Delay Dial protocol.
T1/E1 Wink Start
This is used when the Edge interfaces with the equipment under test as
an Wink Start circuit on the channel of the T1/E1. The signaling bits use
Wink Start protocol.
T1/E1 Clear Channel
This is used when the Edge interfaces with the equipment under test to
cross-connect two T1/E1 channels to provide for clear channel
operation. The T1 should be configured for ESF, with B8ZS line coding.
E1 should be configured for HDB3 line coding.
T1 Primary Rate (CPE)
This is used when the Edge simulates the CPE end and interfaces with
equipment under test configured for PRI. To select a T1 Primary Rate
(CPE) template for a control set and then assign channels, at least one
unit’s slot card mode must be T1-PRI with the PRI tab simulation setting
as CPE.
T1 Primary Rate
This is used when the Edge simulates the network and interfaces with
equipment under test configured for PRI. To select a T1 Primary Rate
(Network) template for a control set and then assign channels, at least
one unit’s slot card mode must be T1-PRI with the PRI tab simulation
setting as Network.
E1 Primary Rate (CPE)
This is used when the Edge simulates the CPE end and interfaces with
the equipment under test configured for PRI. To select an E1 Primary
Rate (CPE) template for a control set and then assign channels, at least
one unit’s slot card mode must be E1-PRI with the PRI tab simulation
setting as CPE.
E1 Primary Rate
This is used when the Edge simulates the network and interfaces with
equipment under test configured for PRI. To select an E1 Primary Rate
(Network) template for a control set and then assign channels, at least
one unit’s slot card mode must be E1-PRI with the PRI tab simulation
setting as Network.