Tektronix WCA230A Programmer'S Manual Download Page 169

:DISPlay Commands

WCA230A & WCA280A Programmer Manual

2- 143


Determines whether to show pulse repetition interval measurement results in the

pulse result table.

:DISPlay:PULSe:MVIew:RESult:PERiod { 0 | 1 | OFF | ON }





hides pulse repetition interval measurement results in the pulse result





shows pulse repetition interval measurement results in the pulse result




shows pulse repetition interval measurement results in the pulse result table.


Determines whether to show pulse-pulse phase measurement results in the pulse

result table.

:DISPlay:PULSe:MVIew:RESult:PHASe { 0 | 1 | OFF | ON }





hides pulse-pulse phase measurement results in the pulse result table.




shows pulse-pulse phase measurement results in the pulse result table.



shows pulse-pulse phase measurement results in the pulse result table.



Measurement Modes




Measurement Modes


Summary of Contents for WCA230A

Page 1: ...Programmer Manual WCA230A WCA280A 3 GHz 8 GHz Portable Wireless Communication Analyzers 071 1255 08 This document applies to firmware version 3 30 and above www tektronix com...

Page 2: ...nd pending Information in this publication supercedes that in all previously published material Specifications and price change privileges reserved TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektr...

Page 3: ...s 2 2 IEEE 488 2 Common Commands 2 10 Constructed Mnemonics 2 10 Command Groups 2 11 Measurement Mode 2 12 Functional Groups 2 13 IEEE Common Commands 2 14 ABORt Commands 2 14 CALCulate Commands 2 15...

Page 4: ...315 PROGram Commands 2 325 READ Commands 2 331 SENSe Commands 2 371 STATus Commands 2 529 SYSTem Commands 2 537 TRACe Commands 2 547 TRIGger Commands 2 553 UNIT Commands 2 569 Retrieving Response Mes...

Page 5: ...cro Program Execution Sample 4 15 Appendices Appendix A Character Charts A 1 Appendix B GPIB Interface Specification B 1 Interface Functions B 1 Interface Messages B 3 Appendix C Factory Initializatio...

Page 6: ...ssignments 2 51 Figure 2 6 Horizontal scale setting requirements 2 90 Figure 2 7 Horizontal scale setting requirements for spectrum view 2 91 Figure 2 8 DISPlay CCDF command setting 2 92 Figure 2 9 DI...

Page 7: ...reporting mechanism 3 2 Figure 3 2 The Status Byte Register SBR 3 6 Figure 3 3 The Standard Event Status Register SESR 3 7 Figure 3 4 The Operation Condition Register OCR 3 8 Figure 3 5 The Event Sta...

Page 8: ...commands 2 17 Table 2 15 FETCh commands 2 24 Table 2 16 FORMat commands 2 25 Table 2 17 HCOPy commands 2 26 Table 2 18 INITiate commands 2 26 Table 2 19 INPut commands 2 26 Table 2 20 INSTrument comma...

Page 9: ...selections 2 382 Table 2 49 Block size setting range 2 387 Table 2 50 Modulation selections 2 413 Table 2 51 Communication standard selections 2 422 Table 2 52 Measurement frequency bands 2 428 Table...

Page 10: ...on settings INITiate commands C 4 Table C 6 Factory initialization settings INPut commands C 4 Table C 7 Factory initialization settings SENSe commands C 4 Table C 8 Factory initialization settings ST...

Page 11: ...ts describes how the status and Events Reporting system operates and presents a list of all system errors H Programming Examples describes some example analyzer programs H Appendices provides addition...

Page 12: ...product serial numbers due to the different hardware as follows the serial number is labeled on the bottom right corner of the rear panel H S N B020000 and above H S N below B020000 and J300100 and a...

Page 13: ...Getting Started...

Page 14: ......

Page 15: ...tion includes the following sections H Overview of the Manual Summarizes the type of programming information contained in each major section of this manual H Connecting the Interface Describes how to...

Page 16: ...parts Figure 1 1 Command parts Section 2 also describes the effect of each command and provides examples of how you might use it The Command Groups section provides lists by functional areas The IEEE...

Page 17: ...s status and event reports GPIB cable Controller WCA230A WCA280A Figure 1 3 Event driven program Section 4 Programming Examples includes Visual C source code as well as sample programs for running mac...

Page 18: ...has a D type shell and conforms to IEEE Std 488 1 1987 Attach an IEEE Std 488 1 1987 GPIB cable Tektronix part number 012 0991 00 to this connector GPIB connector Figure 1 5 GPIB connector rear panel...

Page 19: ...on the bus No two devices can share the same device address H Do not connect more than 15 devices to any one bus H Connect one device for every 2 meters 6 feet of cable used H Do not use more than 20...

Page 20: ...Turns on or off the connection between the analyzer and the interface bus GPIB Setup Sets the GPIB address and connection mode GPIB Address Sets the GPIB address of the analyzer when GPIB Port is sele...

Page 21: ...etup Sets the GPIB parameters GPIB address and connection mode Figure 1 9 Setting the GPIB parameters 3 Press the Connection Mode side key and select GPIB Port 4 Press the GPIB Address side key and se...

Page 22: ...or has not been activated and you select TekVISA as the connection mode the instrument still attempts to connect to TekVISA This does not hang up the instrument but the GPIB port is taken off line un...

Page 23: ...TekVISA tools on your analyzer NOTE For details on accessing Windows XP on the analyzer refer to the WCA230A and WCA280A User Manual 1 Connect a USB mouse and keyboard to the USB ports on the side pan...

Page 24: ...Getting Started 1 10 WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual...

Page 25: ...Syntax and Commands...

Page 26: ......

Page 27: ...ng subsections H Backus Naur Form Definition H SCPI Commands and Queries H IEEE 488 2 Common Commands H Constructed Mnemonics Backus Naur Form Definition This manual may describe commands and queries...

Page 28: ...egardless of manufacturer The analyzer uses a command language based on the SCPI standard The SCPI language is based on a hierarchical or tree structure see Figure 2 1 that represents a subsystem The...

Page 29: ...lues for all parameters For example TRIGger SEQuence SOURce EXT is a valid SCPI command created from the hierarchy tree in Figure 2 1 To create a query start at the root node of a tree structure move...

Page 30: ...in bytes xxxxx indicates the data boolean Boolean numbers or values ON or 1 OFF or 0 discrete A list of specific values MIN MAX UP DOWN binary Binary numbers B0110 octal Octal numbers Q57 Q3 hexadecim...

Page 31: ...xample sets the trigger level to the maximum 100 TRIGger SEQuence LEVel IF MAXimum The commands that have numeric parameters support the following query header MAXimum MINimum The query command return...

Page 32: ...accepted short form of a command As shown in Figure 2 2 you can create a short form by using only the upper case letters The accepted short form and the long form are equivalent and request the same a...

Page 33: ...100 SENS AVER STAT ON DISP WAV Y PDIV READ SPEC CFR First command Second command Second query The response from this chained message might be Response from first query Response from second query 100 1...

Page 34: ...degree phase Hz hertz frequency PCT percent s second time V volt The available SI prefixes are shown in Table 2 5 below Table 2 5 Available SI prefixes SI prefix A F P N U M K MA 1 G T PE EX Correspo...

Page 35: ...also uses quotation marks correctly incorrect This string does not use quotation marks correctly H You can use upper case lower case or a mixture of both cases for all commands queries and parameters...

Page 36: ...ueries H ESR H IDN Constructed Mnemonics Some header mnemonics specify one of a range of mnemonics For example a channel mnemonic can be either CALCulate1 CALCulate2 CALCulate3 or CALCulate4 You use t...

Page 37: ...s on page 2 39 The WCA200A Series analyzers conform to the Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments SCPI 1999 0 and IEEE Std 488 2 1987 except where noted Items followed by question marks are qu...

Page 38: ...uplink spectrum analysis Option 23 only SADLR5_3G 3GPP R5 downlink spectrum analysis Option 27 only Demod mode DEMADEM Analog modulation analysis DEMDDEM Digital modulation analysis DEMRFID RFID anal...

Page 39: ...es the measurements from the data last acquired FORMat Sets the output data format HCOPy Controls screen hardcopy INITiate Controls data acquisition INPut Sets the input related conditions INSTrument...

Page 40: ...nalyzer ID OPC Synchronizes commands OPT Queries the options incorporated in the analyzer RST Restores the factory initialization settings SRE Sets the value for the SRER register STB Queries the Stat...

Page 41: ...to the peak on the right CALCulate x MARKer y PTHReshold Sets the minimum jump of the marker on the horizontal axis CALCulate x MARKer y RCURsor Displays the reference cursor at the marker position C...

Page 42: ...Sets up the analyzer to the PM signal analysis default settings CONFigure ADEMod PSPectrum Sets the analyzer to the pulse spectrum measurement default settings CONFigure CCDF Sets the up analyzer to t...

Page 43: ...ussian line DISPlay CCDF LINE REFerence STATe Determines whether to show the reference line DISPlay CCDF LINE REFerence STORe Stores the current CCDF trace as the reference line DISPlay CCDF X SCALe A...

Page 44: ...CALe FIT Runs auto scale on the subview DISPlay DDEMod SVIew Y SCALe FULL Sets the vertical axis to the default full scale value in the subview DISPlay DDEMod SVIew Y SCALe MAXimum Sets the maximum ve...

Page 45: ...ratio measurement results DISPlay PULSe MVIew RESult PERiod Determines whether to show repetition interval measurement results DISPlay PULSe MVIew RESult PHASe Determines whether to show pulse pulse p...

Page 46: ...DDEMod MVIew Y SCALe PDIVision Sets the vertical scale per division in the main view DISPlay RFID DDEMod MVIew Y SCALe RANGe Sets full scale value of the vertical axis in the main view DISPlay RFID DD...

Page 47: ...Litude STATe Determines whether to show the amplitude multi display lines DISPlay SPECtrum MLINe ANNotation STATe Determines whether to show the readout of the multi display lines DISPlay SPECtrum MLI...

Page 48: ...lt full scale value DISPlay SSOurce SVIew Y SCALe OFFSet Sets the minimum vertical value bottom in the subview DISPlay SSOurce SVIew Y SCALe PDIVision Sets the vertical scale per division in the subvi...

Page 49: ...tion STATe Determines whether to show the readout of the multi display lines DISPlay TFRequency SGRam MLINe FREQuency INTerval Sets the interval of the frequency multi display lines DISPlay TFRequency...

Page 50: ...DEMod FM RESult Returns the FM signal analysis results FETCh ADEMod PM Returns the PM signal analysis results in time series FETCh ADEMod PSPectrum Returns the spectrum data of the pulse spectrum meas...

Page 51: ...l source analysis FETCh SSOurce CNVFrequency Returns measurement data of the C N versus offset frequency FETCh SSOurce CNVTime Returns waveform data of the C N versus time FETCh SSOurce IPNVtime Retur...

Page 52: ...iate CONTinuous Determines whether to acquire data continuously INITiate IMMediate Starts data acquisition INITiate RESTart Restarts data acquisition INPut Commands Control the characteristics of the...

Page 53: ...MMEMory LOAD CORRection Loads the correction table from a file MMEMory LOAD IQT Loads the IQ data from a file MMEMory LOAD STATe Loads the analyzer settings from a file MMEMory LOAD TRACe Loads trace...

Page 54: ...eader Description READ ADEMod AM Returns the AM signal analysis results in time series READ ADEMod AM RESult Returns the AM signal analysis results READ ADEMod FM Returns the FM signal analysis result...

Page 55: ...idth Returns the OBW measurement results READ SPECtrum SPURious Returns the spurious signal measurement results READ SSOurce Returns the results of the signal source analysis READ SSOurce SPECtrum Ret...

Page 56: ...AVERage STATe Turns on or off averaging SENSe AVERage TCONtrol Selects the operation when the number of averages is reached SENSe BSIZe subgroup Block size setting SENSe BSIZe Sets the block size CCDF...

Page 57: ...Selects whether to detect the frequency deviation automatically SENSe DDEMod FILTer ALPHa Sets the filter factor BT SENSe DDEMod FILTer MEASurement Selects the measurement filter SENSe DDEMod FILTer R...

Page 58: ...ets the level at which the EBW is measured SENSe PULSe FFT COEFficient Sets the roll off ratio for the Nyquist FFT window SENSe PULSe FFT WINDow TYPE Selects the FFT window type SENSe PULSe FILTer BAN...

Page 59: ...FID MODulation FORMat Selects the modulation format SENSe RFID MODulation INTerpolate Sets the number of waveform interpolation points SENSe RFID MODulation LINK Selects the link SENSe RFID MODulation...

Page 60: ...s the frame number for the spectrum measurement SENSe SPECtrum MEASurement Runs a selected measurement item SENSe SPECtrum ZOOM BLOCk Sets the number of the block to zoom SENSe SPECtrum ZOOM FREQuency...

Page 61: ...quency SENSe SSOurce PNOise RJITter OFFSet STOP Sets the random jitter measurement stop offset frequency SENSe SSOurce PNOise RJITter THReshold Sets the threshold for obtaining the random jitter settl...

Page 62: ...Queries the contents of the QER STATus QUEStionable NTRansition Sets the value of the negative transition filter STATus QUEStionable PTRansition Sets the value of the positive transition filter SYSTe...

Page 63: ...l IF S N below B020000 and J300100 and above Sets the IF trigger level TRIGger SEQuence LEVel IQFRequency Option 02 only Sets the IQ frequency trigger level TRIGger SEQuence LEVel IQTime Sets the IQ t...

Page 64: ...mmand Groups 2 38 WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual UNIT Commands Specify fundamental units for measurement Table 2 29 UNIT commands Header Description UNIT ANGLe Specifies the fundamental unit of ang...

Page 65: ...WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual 2 39 IEEE Common Commands This section details the IEEE common commands Command Tree Header Parameter CAL CLS ESE value ESR IDN OPC OPT RST SRE value STB TRG TST WAI...

Page 66: ...nd is equivalent to the CALibration ALL query command NOTE The entire calibration process takes several minutes to several dozen minutes Wait for a response from a CAL query Every command you attempt...

Page 67: ...able Register ESER used in the status event reporting structure Refer to Section 3 Status and Events for the register information ESE value ESE value NR1 is a value in the range from 0 through 255 The...

Page 68: ...reporting structure The SESR is cleared after being read Refer to Section 3 Status and Events for the register information ESR None NR1 representing the contents of the SESR by a 0 to 255 decimal num...

Page 69: ...TEKTRONIX WCA280A J300101 1 20 as the analyzer identification code OPC Generates the operation complete message in the Standard Event Status Register SESR when all pending operations finish The OPC qu...

Page 70: ...n the analyzer OPT None The numbers of all the options installed in the analyzer separated by commas If no options have been installed 0 is returned All OPT might return 02 03 21 indicating that Optio...

Page 71: ...owing H The state of the IEEE Std 488 1 1987 interface H The selected IEEE Std 488 1 1987 address of the analyzer H Measurement mode selected with the INSTrument SELect command H Calibration data that...

Page 72: ...the register information SRE value SRE value NR1 is a value in the range from 0 to 255 The binary bits of the SRER are set according to this value Using an out of range value causes an execution erro...

Page 73: ...rmation STB None NR1 representing the contents of the SBR as a decimal number All STB might return 96 indicating that the SBR contains binary 0110 0000 CLS ESE ESR SRE TRG No Query Form Generates a tr...

Page 74: ...CAL CALibration ALL WAI No Query Form Prevents the analyzer from executing further commands or queries until all pending operations finish This command allows you to synchronize the operation of the...

Page 75: ...WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual 2 49 ABORt Commands Resets the trigger system and related actions such as data acquisition and measurement Command Tree Header Parameter ABORt...

Page 76: ...ition mode The ABORt command forcibly stops data acquisition To stop the acquisition because the trigger does not occur in the single mode send this command INITiate CONTinuous OFF For continuous acqu...

Page 77: ...E currently not used CALCulate3 View 3 CALCulate4 View 4 View 1 May be View 3 or 4 depending on the setting in the DISPlay VIEW FORMat command Single view configuration Three view configuration View 1...

Page 78: ...late x DLINe y numeric_value STATe boolean MARKer y AOFF MAXimum MODE POSition DELTa PEAK HIGHer LEFT LOWer RIGHt PTHReshold numeric_value ROFF SET CENTer MEASurement RCURsor STATe boolean T numeric_v...

Page 79: ...ALCulate1 DLINe1 20 positions Horizontal Line 1 at 20 dBm in View 1 CALCulate x DLINe y STATe CALCulate x DLINe y STATe Determines whether to turn on or off the horizontal line CALCulate x DLINe y STA...

Page 80: ...e1 MARKer1 AOFF turns off all the markers of all the traces in View 1 CALCulate x MARKer y MAXimum No Query Form Positions the marker at the maximum point on the trace in the specified view CALCulate...

Page 81: ...marker measurement is performed with the reference cursor The reference cursor is placed at the position of the specified marker All CALCulate1 MARKer1 MODE DELTa selects the delta marker mode in View...

Page 82: ...RKer1 PEAK LEFT shifts the marker to the next peak on the left in View 1 CALCulate x MARKer y PEAK LOWer No Query Form Moves the marker lower in amplitude to the next peak in the specified view CALCul...

Page 83: ...er to the next peak on the right in View 1 CALCulate x MARKer y PTHReshold Sets or queries the horizontal minimum jump of the marker for peak search in the specified view CALCulate x MARKer y PTHResho...

Page 84: ...ursor in View 1 CALCulate x MARKer y SET RCURsor CALCulate x MARKer y SET CENTer No Query Form Sets the center frequency to the value at the marker position in the specified view CALCulate x MARKer y...

Page 85: ...current position of the specified marker to the measurement start position H For the delta marker mode Sets the current positions of the specified marker and the reference cursor to the measurement st...

Page 86: ...r s in the specified view CALCulate x MARKer y STATe OFF ON 0 1 CALCulate x MARKer y STATe OFF or 0 hides the marker s If you have selected the delta marker mode both the main and delta markers will b...

Page 87: ...n seconds For the setting range refer to Table D 1 in Appendix D All Demod modes except DEMADEM CALCulate4 MARKer1 T 1 5ms places Marker 1 at 1 5 ms in View 4 of the eye diagram CALCulate x MARKer y T...

Page 88: ...me of the trace on which the marker is currently placed CALCulate x MARKer y TRACe MAIN SUB CALCulate x MARKer y TRACe MAIN places the specified marker on Trace 1 displayed in yellow on screen SUB pla...

Page 89: ...ue is different between the marker modes as follows H For the position marker mode Sets the absolute position of the specified marker H For the delta marker mode Sets the relative position of the spec...

Page 90: ...param NRf specifies the vertical marker position The parameter value is different between the marker modes as follows H For the position marker mode Sets the absolute position of the specified marker...

Page 91: ...S A modes CALCulate1 VLINe1 800MHz sets the horizontal position of Vertical Line 1 to 800 MHz CALCulate x VLINe y STATe CALCulate x VLINe y STATe Determines whether to turn on or off the vertical lin...

Page 92: ...CALCulate Commands 2 66 WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual...

Page 93: ...mmands The CALibration commands run calibrations on the analyzer For details on calibrations refer to the WCA230A and WCA280A User Manual Command Tree Header Parameter CALibration ALL AUTO DATA DEFaul...

Page 94: ...ement frequency band is the baseband The CALibration ALL query command runs these calibrations and returns the results This command is equivalent to the CAL query command CALibration ALL CALibration A...

Page 95: ...gain calibra tion ON or 1 specifies that the analyzer runs the RF gain calibration automatically All CALibration AUTO ON specifies that the analyzer runs the RF gain calibration automatically CALibra...

Page 96: ...and is available when the analyzer operates in the baseband DC to 20 MHz The frequency setting must satisfy the following condition center frequency span 2 17 5 MHz CALibration OFFSet BASebanddc CALib...

Page 97: ...version of this command runs the calibration and if it ends normally returns 0 CALibration OFFSet CENTer CALibration OFFSet CENTer None NR1 0 indicates a normal end For details of the error codes refe...

Page 98: ...alibration connect the I Q signal to the I Q input connector on the rear panel and set the I Q signal level to 0 To run this command you must have selected IQ in the SENSe FEED command CALibration OFF...

Page 99: ...n of this command runs the calibration and if it ends normally returns 0 CALibration RF CALibration RF None NR1 0 indicates a normal end For details of the error codes refer to page 3 17 All CALibrati...

Page 100: ...CALibration Commands 2 74 WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual...

Page 101: ...DEMod AM FM PM PSPectrum CCDF DDEMod OVIew PULSe RFID SPECtrum ACPower CFRequency CHPower CNRatio EBWidth OBWidth SPURious SSOurce TFRequency RTIMe SGRam TRANsient FVTime IQVTime PVTime NOTE Data acqu...

Page 102: ...zer to the default settings for AM signal analysis INSTrument SELect CONFigure ADEMod FM No Query Form Sets up the analyzer to the default settings for FM signal analysis Running this command is equiv...

Page 103: ...ings for PM signal analysis INSTrument SELect CONFigure ADEMod PSPectrum No Query Form Sets the analyzer to the default settings for the pulse spectrum measurement Running this command is equivalent t...

Page 104: ...for CCDF measurement INSTrument SELect CONFigure DDEMod No Query Form Sets up the analyzer to the default settings for digital modulation analysis Running this command is equivalent to pressing the f...

Page 105: ...CONFigure OVIew turns the measurement off in the Demod and the Time modes FETCh OVIew READ OVIew INSTrument SELect CONFigure PULSe No Query Form Sets the analyzer to the default settings for pulse ch...

Page 106: ...rement INSTrument SELect CONFigure SPECtrum No Query Form Sets up the analyzer to the default settings for spectrum measurement Running this command is equivalent to pressing the following front panel...

Page 107: ...to the default settings for ACPR measurement INSTrument SELect CONFigure SPECtrum CFRequency No Query Form Sets up the analyzer to the default settings for carrier frequency measurement Running this c...

Page 108: ...to the default settings for channel power measurement INSTrument SELect CONFigure SPECtrum CNRatio No Query Form Sets up the analyzer to the default settings for carrier to noise ratio C N measurement...

Page 109: ...alyzer to the default settings for EBW measurement INSTrument SELect CONFigure SPECtrum OBWidth No Query Form Sets up the analyzer to the default settings for occupied bandwidth OBW measurement Runnin...

Page 110: ...ARTIME CONFigure SPECtrum SPURious sets up the analyzer to the default settings for spurious signal measurement INSTrument SELect CONFigure SSOurce No Query Form Sets the analyzer to the default setti...

Page 111: ...fault settings for the real time spectrum measure ment INSTrument SELect CONFigure TFRequency SGRam No Query Form Sets up the analyzer to the default settings for the spectrogram measurement Running t...

Page 112: ...he default settings for frequency vs time measurement INSTrument SELect CONFigure TRANsient IQVTime No Query Form Sets up the analyzer to the default settings for IQ level vs time measurement Running...

Page 113: ...ement Running this command is equivalent to pressing the following front panel keys S A key Transient side key PRESET key Power versus Time side key CONFigure TRANsient PVTime None TIMTRAN CONFigure T...

Page 114: ...CONFigure Commands 2 88 WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual...

Page 115: ...alysis page 2 158 DISPlay RFID SPECtrum Controls the spectrum view in the RFID analysis page 2 177 DISPlay RFID WAVeform Controls the time domain view in the RFID analysis page 2 181 DISPlay SPECtrum...

Page 116: ...irements for setting the horizontal scale The horizontal display range set by the DISPlay commands must be within the data acquisition range set by the SENSe commands see Figure 2 6 XSTART XMIN XSTOP...

Page 117: ...izon tal scale setting requirements are CENTer SPAN 2 OFFSet CENTer SPAN 2 OFFSet 10 PDIV CENTer SPAN 2 Where CENTer SENSe FREQuency CENTer value SPAN SENSe FREQuency SPAN value OFFSet DISPlay SPECtru...

Page 118: ...INSTrument SELect command Header Parameter DISPlay CCDF LINE GAUSsian STATe boolean REFerence STATe boolean STORe X SCALe AUTO boolean MAXimum relative_amplitude OFFSet relative_amplitude Y SCALe FIT...

Page 119: ...in the CCDF view DISPlay CCDF LINE REFerence STATe Selects whether to show the reference line in the CCDF view The reference line is stored with the DISPlay CCDF LINE REFerence STORe command DISPlay C...

Page 120: ...et the horizontal or power scale in the CCDF view DISPlay CCDF X SCALe AUTO OFF ON 0 1 DISPlay CCDF X SCALe AUTO OFF or 0 specifies that the horizontal scale is set manually default Use the DISPlay CC...

Page 121: ...the maximum horizontal value to 15 dBm DISPlay CCDF X SCALe AUTO DISPlay CCDF X SCALe OFFSet Sets or queries the start value of the horizontal axis in the CCDF view DISPlay CCDF X SCALe OFFSet rel_amp...

Page 122: ...creen DISPlay CCDF Y SCALe FIT None TIMCCDF DISPlay CCDF Y SCALe FIT runs auto scale on the CCDF view DISPlay CCDF Y SCALe FULL No Query Form Sets the vertical axis to the default full scale value in...

Page 123: ...100 TIMCCDF DISPlay CCDF Y SCALe MAXimum 80 sets the maximum vertical value to 80 DISPlay CCDF Y SCALe MINimum Sets or queries the minimum vertical value bottom end in the CCDF view DISPlay CCDF Y SC...


Page 125: ...FVTime CONSte VECTor EVM MERRor PERRor IEYE QEYE TEYE STABle PVTime AMAM AMPM DAMam DAMPm CCDF PDF HSSHift LEFT NONE RIGHt RADix BINary OCTal HEXadecimal X SCALe OFFSet numeric_value RANGe numeric_va...


Page 127: ...d is valid only when DISPlay DDE Mod MVIew FORMat is set to CCDF DISPlay DDEMod CCDF LINE GAUSsian STATe ON OFF 1 0 DISPlay DDEMod CCDF LINE GAUSsian STATe ON or 1 shows the Gaussian line OFF or 0 hid...

Page 128: ...start position automatically FIX starts decoding from the beginning of a symbol ADD delays the decoding start position by half a symbol DEMDDEM DISPlay DDEMod MVIew DSTart AUTO determines the decoding...

Page 129: ...TEYE Eye diagram vertical axis Phase STABle Symbol table PVTime Power versus Time AMAM AM AM vector AMPM AM PM vector DAMam AM AM dot DAMPm AM PM dot CCDF CCDF PDF PDF NOTE The argument FVTime is vali...

Page 130: ...SVIew HSSHift command setting immediately DISPlay DDEMod MVIew HSSHift LEFT NONE RIGHt DISPlay DDEMod MVIew HSSHift LEFT shifts Q data by half a symbol in the negative direction on the time axis NONE...

Page 131: ...Play DDEMod MVIew FORMat is set to STABle symbol table DISPlay DDEMod MVIew RADix BINary OCTal HEXadecimal DISPlay DDEMod MVIew RADix BINary selects binary notation OCTal selects octal notation HEXade...

Page 132: ...STe VECTor IEYE QEYE TEYE or STABle DISPlay DDEMod MVIew X SCALe OFFSet value DISPlay DDEMod MVIew X SCALe OFFSet value NRf specifies the minimum horizontal value in the main view Refer to Note on Hor...

Page 133: ...EYE STABle AMAM AMPM DAMam or DAMPm DISPlay DDEMod MVIew X SCALe RANGe value DISPlay DDEMod MVIew X SCALe RANGe value NRf specifies the full scale value of the horizontal axis in the main view Refer t...

Page 134: ...DDEMod MVIew Y SCALe FIT runs the auto scale on the main view DISPlay DDEMod MVIew FORMat DISPlay DDEMod MVIew Y SCALe FULL No Query Form Sets the vertical axis in the main view to the default full sc...

Page 135: ...F DISPlay DDEMod MVIew Y SCALe MAXimum value DISPlay DDEMod MVIew Y SCALe MAXimum value NRf specifies the maximum vertical value in the CCDF view Range Twice of the minimum value to 100 The minimum va...

Page 136: ...Play DDEMod MVIew Y SCALe MINimum value DISPlay DDEMod MVIew Y SCALe MINimum value NRf specifies the minimum vertical value in the CCDF view Range 0 01 to 1 2 of the maximum value in percent The maxim...

Page 137: ...The query command is valid when DISPlay DDEMod MVIew FORMat is set to AMAM DISPlay DDEMod MVIew Y SCALe OFFSet value DISPlay DDEMod MVIew Y SCALe OFFSet value NRf specifies the minimum vertical value...

Page 138: ...E STABle AMAM DAMam or CCDF DISPlay DDEMod MVIew Y SCALe RANGe value DISPlay DDEMod MVIew Y SCALe RANGe value NRf specifies full scale value of the vertical axis in the main view The valid range depen...

Page 139: ...lid only when DISPlay DDEMod MVIew FORMat is set to AMAM AMPM DAMam or DAMPm DISPlay DDEMod NLINearity LINE BFIT STATe ON OFF 1 0 DISPlay DDEMod NLINearity LINE BFIT STATe ON or 1 shows the best fit l...

Page 140: ...nly when DISPlay DDEMod MVIew FORMat is set to AMAM AMPM DAMam or DAMPm DISPlay DDEMod NLINearity LINE REFerence STATe ON OFF 1 0 DISPlay DDEMod NLINearity LINE REFerence STATe ON or 1 shows the refer...

Page 141: ...only when DISPlay DDEMod MVIew FORMat is set to AMAM or DAMam DISPlay DDEMod NLINearity MASK STATe ON OFF 1 0 DISPlay DDEMod NLINearity MASK STATe ON or 1 shows the linear signal region mask OFF or 0...

Page 142: ...that maches the format FIX fixes the decode criterion inside ADD adds a half symbol delay before decoding DEMDDEM DISPlay DDEMod SVIew DSTart AUTO searches for a possible pattern that maches the forma...

Page 143: ...EYE Eye diagram vertical axis Phase STABle Symbol table PVTime Power versus Time AMAM AM AM vector AMPM AM PM vector DAMam AM AM dot DAMPm AM PM dot CCDF CCDF PDF PDF NOTE The argument FVTime is valid...

Page 144: ...Mod MVIew HSSHift command setting immediately DISPlay DDEMod MVIew HSSHift LEFT NONE RIGHt DISPlay DDEMod MVIew HSSHift LEFT shifts Q data by half a symbol in the negative direction on the time axis N...

Page 145: ...lay DDEMod SVIew FORMat is set to STABle symbol table DISPlay DDEMod SVIew RADix BINary OCTal HEXadecimal DISPlay DDEMod SVIew RADix BINary selects binary notation OCTal selects octal notation HEXadec...

Page 146: ...CONSTe VECTor IEYE QEYE TEYE or STABle DISPlay DDEMod SVIew X SCALe OFFSet value DISPlay DDEMod SVIew X SCALe OFFSet value NRf specifies the minimum horizontal value in the subview Refer to Note on H...

Page 147: ...QEYE TEYE STABle AMAM AMPM DAMam or DAMPm DISPlay DDEMod SVIew X SCALe RANGe value DISPlay DDEMod SVIew X SCALe RANGe value NRf specifies full scale value of the horizontal axis in the subview Refer t...

Page 148: ...DDEMod SVIew Y SCALe FIT runs the auto scale on the subview DISPlay DDEMod SVIew FORMat DISPlay DDEMod SVIew Y SCALe FULL No Query Form Sets the vertical axis in the subview to the default full scale...

Page 149: ...F DISPlay DDEMod SVIew Y SCALe MAXimum value DISPlay DDEMod SVIew Y SCALe MAXimum value NRf specifies the maximum vertical value in the CCDF view Range Twice of the minimum value to 100 The minimum va...

Page 150: ...Play DDEMod SVIew Y SCALe MINimum value DISPlay DDEMod SVIew Y SCALe MINimum value NRf specifies the minimum vertical value in the CCDF view Range 0 01 to 1 2 of the maximum value in percent The maxim...

Page 151: ...STABle AMPM DAMPm or CCDF The query command is valid when DISPlay DDEMod SVIew FORMat is set to AMAM DISPlay DDEMod SVIew Y SCALe OFFSet value value NRf specifies the minimum vertical value in the su...

Page 152: ...E QEYE TEYE STABle AMAM DAMam or CCDF DISPlay DDEMod SVIew Y SCALe RANGe value DISPlay DDEMod SVIew Y SCALe RANGe value NRf specifies full scale value of the vertical axis in the subview The valid ran...

Page 153: ...TIME real time spectrum analysis with zoom function or DEMRFID RFID analysis Option 21 Header Parameter DISPlay OVIew FORMat WAVeform SGRam OTINdicator boolean SGRam COLor SCALe OFFSet amplitude RANge...

Page 154: ...COLor SCALe RANGe WAVeform X SCALe PDIVision FORMat FORMat WAVeform X SCALe OFFSet WAVeform Y SCALe PDIVision WAVeform Y SCALe OFFSet SGRam X SCALe SPAN SGRam X SCALe OFFSet SGRam COLor SCALe OFFSet...

Page 155: ...OVIew FORMat SGRam displays the spectrogram view in the overview DISPlay OVIew OTINdicator Determines whether to show the trigger output indicator O in the overview DISPlay OVIew OTINdicator OFF ON 0...

Page 156: ...modes DISPlay OVIew SGRam COLor SCALe OFFSet 100 sets the minimum color axis value to 100 dBm DISPlay OVIew SGRam COLor SCALe RANGe Sets or queries full scale value of the color or amplitude axis when...

Page 157: ...l Demod modes All Time modes DISPlay OVIew SGRam X SCALe OFFSet 100MHz sets the minimum horizontal value to 100 MHz DISPlay OVIew SGRam X SCALe SPAN Sets or queries the span of the horizontal or frequ...

Page 158: ...Sets or queries the vertical scale the number of frames per line when the overview displays a spectrogram Frames are thinned out from all the acquired framed data at intervals of the number of frames...

Page 159: ...ISPlay OVIew WAVeform X SCALe OFFSet 100us sets the minimum horizontal value to 100 ms DISPlay OVIew WAVeform X SCALe PDIVision Sets or queries the horizontal or time scale per division when the overv...

Page 160: ...ne All Demod modes All Time modes DISPlay OVIew WAVeform Y SCALe FIT runs the auto scale on the overview DISPlay OVIew WAVeform Y SCALe FULL No Query Form Sets the vertical axis in the overview to the...

Page 161: ...des DISPlay OVIew WAVeform Y SCALe OFFSet 100 sets the minimum vertical value to 100 dBm DISPlay OVIew WAVeform Y SCALe PDIVision Sets or queries the vertical or amplitude scale per division when the...

Page 162: ...Play OVIew ZOOM COLor SCALe OFFSet 100 sets the minimum color axis value to 100 dBm DISPlay OVIew ZOOM COLor SCALe RANGe Sets or queries full scale value of the color or amplitude axis of the spectrog...

Page 163: ...ale SAZRTIME DEMRFID DISPlay OVIew ZOOM X SCALe OFFSet 100MHz sets the minimum horizontal value to 100 MHz DISPlay OVIew ZOOM X SCALe SPAN Sets or queries the span of the horizontal or frequency axis...

Page 164: ...s or queries the vertical scale the number of frames per line of the spectro gram with zoom function Frames are thinned out from all the acquired framed data at intervals of the number of frames speci...

Page 165: ...selected TIMPULSE pulse characteristics analysis in the INSTrument SELect command Header Parameter DISPlay PULSe MVIew RESult CHPower boolean DCYCle boolean EBWidth boolean FREQuency boolean OBWidth b...

Page 166: ...Se MVIew RESult CHPower ON shows channel power measurement results in the pulse result table DISPlay PULSe MVIew RESult DCYCle Determines whether to show duty cycle measurement results in the pulse re...

Page 167: ...ON shows EBW measurement results in the pulse result table DISPlay PULSe MVIew RESult FREQuency Determines whether to show frequency deviation measurement results in the pulse result table DISPlay PUL...

Page 168: ...ew RESult OBWidth ON shows OBW measurement results in the pulse result table DISPlay PULSe MVIew RESult OORatio Determines whether to show on off ratio measurement results in the pulse result table DI...

Page 169: ...e MVIew RESult PERiod ON shows pulse repetition interval measurement results in the pulse result table DISPlay PULSe MVIew RESult PHASe Determines whether to show pulse pulse phase measurement results...

Page 170: ...RESult PPOWer ON shows peak power measurement results in the pulse result table DISPlay PULSe MVIew RESult RIPPle Determines whether to show pulse ripple measurement results in the pulse result table...

Page 171: ...e DISPlay PULSe MVIew RESult WIDTh 0 1 OFF ON DISPlay PULSe MVIew RESult WIDTh OFF or 0 hides peak power measurement results in the pulse result table ON or 1 shows peak power measurement results in t...

Page 172: ...ime OORatio Difference between the on time power and off time power RIPPle Difference between the maximum and minimum power in the pulse on time PERiod Time between a pulse rising edge and the next pu...

Page 173: ...subview DISPlay PULSe SVIew RANGe Selects or queries how to set the horizontal scale in the subview DISPlay PULSe SVIew RANGe ADAPtive MAXimum DISPlay PULSe SVIew RANGe ADAPtive adjusts the horizontal...

Page 174: ...along the vertical axis TIMPULSE DISPlay PULSe SVIew RESult SINGle shows the measurement result and waveform for a pulse in the subview DISPlay PULSe SVIew SELect DISPlay PULSe SVIew SELect Selects or...

Page 175: ...e valid when you select one of the following items using the DISplay PULSe SVIew FORMat command H CHPower channel power H OBWidth OBW H EBWidth EBW NOTE To use a command from this group you must have...

Page 176: ...2 150 WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual X SCALe OFFSet X SCALe PDIVision Y SCALe PDIVision Y SCALe OFFSet NOTE Command header DISPlay PULSe SPECtrum is omitted here Figure 2 11 DISPlay PULSe SPECtrum...

Page 177: ...MPULSE DISPlay PULSe SPECtrum X SCALe OFFSet 100MHz sets the minimum horizontal value to 100 MHz DISPlay PULSe SPECtrum X SCALe PDIVision Sets or queries the horizontal or frequency scale per division...

Page 178: ...m Y SCALe FIT None TIMPULSE DISPlay PULSe SPECtrum Y SCALe FIT runs the auto scale on the spectrum view DISPlay PULSe SPECtrum Y SCALe FULL No Query Form Sets the vertical axis to the default full sca...

Page 179: ...Se SPECtrum Y SCALe OFFSet 100 sets the minimum vertical value to 100 dBm DISPlay PULSe SPECtrum Y SCALe PDIVision Sets or queries the vertical or amplitude scale per division in the spectrum view DIS...

Page 180: ...ULSe SVIew FORMat command H WIDTh pulse width H PPOWer peak power H OORatio pulse on off ratio H RIPPle pulse ripple H PERiod pulse period H DCYCle duty cycle H PHASe pulse pulse phase H FREQuency fre...

Page 181: ...ISPlay PULSe WAVeform X SCALe OFFSet 100us sets the minimum horizontal value to 100 ms DISPlay PULSe WAVeform X SCALe PDIVision Sets or queries the horizontal or time scale per division in the time do...

Page 182: ...WAVeform Y SCALe FIT None TIMPULSE DISPlay PULSe WAVeform Y SCALe FIT runs the auto scale DISPlay PULSe WAVeform Y SCALe FULL No Query Form Sets the vertical axis in the time domain display to the de...

Page 183: ...pendix D TIMPULSE DISPlay PULSe WAVeform Y SCALe OFFSet 100 sets the minimum vertical value to 100 dBm DISPlay PULSe WAVeform Y SCALe PDIVision Sets the vertical axis scale per division in the time do...

Page 184: ...H Power on down H RF envelope H Constellation H Eye diagram H Symbol table NOTE To use a command from this group you must have selected DEMRFID RFID modulation analysis in the INSTrument SELect comma...

Page 185: ...ent numeric_value BURSt NUMBer numeric_value EDGE NUMBer numeric_value ENVelope NUMBer numeric_value FORMat SPECtrum PVTime FVTime ZSPectrum RFENvelope CONSte VECTor EYE STABle GUIDeline STATe boolean...

Page 186: ...0 100 represents the whole burst DEMRFID DISPlay RFID DDEMod MVIew AREA PERCent 90 sets the display area to 90 SENse RFID MEASurement DISPlay RFID DDEMod MVIew BURSt NUMBer Sets or queries the burst n...

Page 187: ...edge number to 5 SENse RFID MEASurement DISPlay RFID DDEMod MVIew ENVelope NUMBer Sets or queries the envelope number to display the measurement result in the main view This command is valid when SENs...

Page 188: ...RFID MEASurement is set to RFENvelope CONSte EYE or STABle DISPlay RFID DDEMod MVIew GUIDeline STATe ON OFF 1 0 DISPlay RFID DDEMod MVIew GUIDeline STATe ON or 1 shows the guideline in the main view O...

Page 189: ...100 ms when the main view displays the RF envelope SENse RFID MEASurement DISPlay RFID DDEMod MVIew X SCALe PDIVision Sets or queries the horizontal scale per division in the main view during the RFI...

Page 190: ...e DISPlay RFID DDEMod MVIew X SCALe RANGe value NRf specifies the full scale value of the horizontal axis in the main view For the setting range refer to Note on Horizontal Scaling on page 2 90 DEMRFI...

Page 191: ...RFID DDEMod MVIew Y SCALe FIT runs the auto scale on the main view SENse RFID MEASurement DISPlay RFID DDEMod MVIew Y SCALe FULL No Query Form Sets the vertical axis in the main view to the default fu...

Page 192: ...dBm when the main view displays the carrier spectrum SENse RFID MEASurement DISPlay RFID DDEMod MVIew Y SCALe PDIVision Sets or queries the vertical scale per division of the main view in the RFID ana...

Page 193: ...e DISPlay RFID DDEMod MVIew Y SCALe RANGe value NRf specifies full scale value of the vertical axis in the main view The valid range depends on the display format Refer to Table D 2 in Appen dix D DEM...

Page 194: ...00 100 represents the whole burst DEMRFID DISPlay RFID DDEMod MVIew AREA PERCent 90 sets the display area to 90 DISPlay RFID DDEMod SVIew FORMat DISPlay RFID DDEMod SVIew BURSt NUMBer Sets or queries...

Page 195: ...edge number to 5 SENse RFID MEASurement DISPlay RFID DDEMod SVIew ENVelope NUMBer Sets or queries the envelope number to display the measurement result in the subview This command is valid when SENse...

Page 196: ...VIew FORMat The arguments and display formats are listed below Table 2 34 Subview display formats Argument Display format SPECtrum Spectrum PVTime Power versus Time FVTime Frequency versus Time ZSPect...

Page 197: ...e RFID MEASurement is set to RFENvelope CONSte EYE or STABle DISPlay RFID DDEMod SVIew GUIDeline STATe ON OFF 1 0 DISPlay RFID DDEMod SVIew GUIDeline STATe ON or 1 shows the guideline in the subview O...

Page 198: ...en the subview displays the RF envelope DISPlay RFID DDEMod SVIew FORMat DISPlay RFID DDEMod SVIew X SCALe PDIVision Sets or queries the horizontal scale per division in the subview This command is va...

Page 199: ...e DISPlay RFID DDEMod SVIew X SCALe RANGe value DISPlay RFID DDEMod SVIew X SCALe RANGe value NRf specifies full scale value of the horizontal axis in the subview For the setting range refer to Note o...

Page 200: ...RFID DDEMod SVIew Y SCALe FIT runs the auto scale on the subview DISPlay RFID DDEMod SVIew FORMat DISPlay RFID DDEMod SVIew Y SCALe FULL No Query Form Sets the vertical axis in the subview to the defa...

Page 201: ...hen the subview displays the spectrum DISPlay RFID DDEMod SVIew FORMat DISPlay RFID DDEMod SVIew Y SCALe PDIVision Sets or queries the vertical scale per division in the subview This command is valid...

Page 202: ...DISPlay RFID DDEMod SVIew Y SCALe RANGe value DISPlay RFID DDEMod SVIew Y SCALe RANGe value NRf specifies full scale value of the vertical axis in the subview The valid range depends on the display fo...

Page 203: ...pectrum display in the RFID Radio Frequency Identification measurement NOTE To use a command from this group you must have selected DEMRFID RFID analysis in the INSTrument SELect command Header Parame...

Page 204: ...D DISPlay RFID SPECtrum X SCALe OFFSet 100MHz sets the minimum horizontal value to 100 MHz DISPlay RFID SPECtrum X SCALe PDIVision Sets or queries the horizontal or frequency scale per division in the...

Page 205: ...rum Y SCALe FIT None DEMRFID DISPlay RFID SPECtrum Y SCALe FIT runs the auto scale on the spectrum view DISPlay RFID SPECtrum Y SCALe FULL No Query Form Sets the vertical axis to the default full scal...

Page 206: ...ID SPECtrum Y SCALe OFFSet 100 sets the minimum vertical value to 100 dBm DISPlay RFID SPECtrum Y SCALe PDIVision Sets or queries the vertical or amplitude scale per division in the spectrum view DISP...

Page 207: ...he time domain display in the RFID Radio Frequency Identification measurement NOTE To use a command from this group you must have selected DEMRFID RFID analysis in the INSTrument SELect command Header...

Page 208: ...DISPlay RFID WAVeform X SCALe OFFSet 100us sets the minimum horizontal value to 100 ms DISPlay RFID WAVeform X SCALe PDIVision Sets or queries the horizontal or time scale per division in the time do...

Page 209: ...ID WAVeform Y SCALe FIT None DEMRFID DISPlay RFID WAVeform Y SCALe FIT runs the auto scale DISPlay RFID WAVeform Y SCALe FULL No Query Form Sets the vertical axis in the time domain display to the def...

Page 210: ...Appendix D DEMRFID DISPlay RFID WAVeform Y SCALe OFFSet 100 sets the minimum vertical value to 100 dBm DISPlay RFID WAVeform Y SCALe PDIVision Sets the vertical axis scale per division in the time dom...

Page 211: ...displayed in the view regardless of the measurement mode Header Parameter DISPlay SPECtrum BMARker STATe boolean GRATicule GRID OFF FIX FLEX MLINe AMPLitude INTerval numeric_value OFFSet numeric_value...

Page 212: ...CA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual X SCALe OFFSet X SCALe PDIVision GRATicule GRID Y SCALe PDIVision Y SCALe OFFSet BMARker STATe NOTE Command header DISPlay SPECtrum is omitted here Figure 2 12 DISPlay...

Page 213: ...ule GRID Selects or queries how the graticule is displayed NOTE This command is available in the S A spectrum analysis mode except Real Time S A DISPlay SPECtrum GRATicule GRID OFF FIX FLEX DISPlay SP...

Page 214: ...0 to 100 dB SARTIME DISPlay SPECtrum MLINe AMPLitude INTerval 5 sets the interval to 5 dB DISPlay SPECtrum MLINe AMPLitude OFFSet Sets or queries the offset of the amplitude multi display lines in the...

Page 215: ...lines SARTIME DISPlay SPECtrum MLINe AMPLitude STATe ON shows the amplitude multi display lines DISPlay SPECtrum MLINe ANNotation STATe Determines whether to show the multi display lines readout in t...

Page 216: ...he interval to 1 MHz DISPlay SPECtrum MLINe FREQuency OFFSet Sets or queries the offset of the frequency multi display lines in the spectrum view DISPlay SPECtrum MLINe FREQuency OFFSet value DISPlay...

Page 217: ...ay lines in the spectrum view DISPlay SPECtrum MLINe FREQuency STATe OFF ON 0 1 DISPlay SPECtrum MLINe FREQuency STATe OFF or 0 hides the frequency multi display lines ON or 1 shows the frequency mult...

Page 218: ...he scale All DISPlay SPECtrum X SCALe OFFSet 100MHz sets the minimum horizontal value to 100 MHz DISPlay SPECtrum X SCALe PDIVision Sets or queries the horizontal or frequency scale per division in th...

Page 219: ...lay SPECtrum Y SCALe FIT None All DISPlay SPECtrum Y SCALe FIT runs the auto scale on the spectrum view DISPlay SPECtrum Y SCALe FULL No Query Form Sets the vertical axis to the default full scale val...

Page 220: ...lay SPECtrum Y SCALe OFFSet 100 sets the minimum vertical value to 100 dBm DISPlay SPECtrum Y SCALe PDIVision Sets or queries the vertical or amplitude scale per division in the spectrum view DISPlay...

Page 221: ...lysis NOTE To use a command from this group you must have selected TIMSSOUR CE signal source analysis in the INSTrument SELect command Header Parameter DISPlay SSOurce MVIew X SCALe OFFSet numeric_val...

Page 222: ...eal time spurious or FVTime frequency versus time DISPlay SSOurce MVIew X SCALe OFFSet value DISPlay SSOurce MVIew X SCALe OFFSet value NRf specifies the minimum horizontal value in the main view For...

Page 223: ...spurious or FVTime frequency versus time DISPlay SSOurce MVIew X SCALe PDIVision value DISPlay SSOurce MVIew X SCALe PDIVision value NRf specifies the horizontal scale per division in the main view Fo...

Page 224: ...urious or FVTime frequency versus time DISPlay SSOurce MVIew X SCALe RANGe value DISPlay SSOurce MVIew X SCALe RANGe value NRf specifies the full scale value of the horizontal axis in the main view Fo...

Page 225: ...or RTPNoise real time phase noise DISPlay SSOurce MVIew X SCALe STARt value DISPlay SSOurce MVIew X SCALe STARt value NRf specifies the minimum horizontal value in the main view For the setting range...

Page 226: ...e or RTPNoise real time phase noise DISPlay SSOurce MVIew X SCALe STOP value DISPlay SSOurce MVIew X SCALe STOP value NRf specifies the maximum horizontal value in the main view For the setting range...

Page 227: ...SSOurce MVIew Y SCALe FIT runs the auto scale on the main view SENSe SSOurce MEASurement DISPlay SSOurce MVIew Y SCALe FULL No Query Form Sets the vertical axis in the main view to the default full s...

Page 228: ...Hz in the main view of the phase noise measurement SENSe SSOurce MEASurement DISPlay SSOurce MVIew Y SCALe PDIVision Sets or queries the vertical scale per division in the main view during the signal...

Page 229: ...NGe value DISPlay SSOurce MVIew Y SCALe RANGe value NRf specifies full scale value of the vertical axis in the main view The valid range depends on the display format Refer to Table D 3 in Appen dix D...

Page 230: ...nalysis in the INSTrument SELect command The DISPLay SSOurce SVIew commands are valid when SENSe SSOurce MEASurement is set to RTPNoise real time phase noise or RTSPurious real time spurious Header Pa...

Page 231: ...DISPlay SSOurce SVIew COLor SCALe OFFSet 100 sets the minimum color axis value to 100 dBc Hz DISPlay SSOurce SVIew COLor SCALe RANGe Sets or queries full scale value of the color axis C N in the subv...

Page 232: ...Subview display formats in the signal source analysis Argument Subview display format Measurement 1 SPECtrum Spectrum RTPNoise or RTSPurious NGRam Noisogram RTPNoise or RTSPurious RJVTime Random jitt...

Page 233: ...um RJVTime IPNVtime or CNVTime DISPlay SSOurce SVIew X SCALe OFFSet value DISPlay SSOurce SVIew X SCALe OFFSet value NRf specifies the minimum horizontal value in the subview For the setting range ref...

Page 234: ...JVTime IPNVtime or CNVTime DISPlay SSOurce SVIew X SCALe PDIVision value DISPlay SSOurce SVIew X SCALe PDIVision value NRf specifies the horizontal scale in the subview For the setting range refer to...

Page 235: ...PNVtime or CNVTime DISPlay SSOurce SVIew X SCALe RANGe value DISPlay SSOurce SVIew X SCALe RANGe value NRf specifies the full scale value of the horizontal axis in the subview For the setting range re...

Page 236: ...to NGRam or CNVFrequency DISPlay SSOurce SVIew X SCALe STARt value DISPlay SSOurce SVIew X SCALe STARt value NRf specifies the minimum horizontal value in the main view For the setting range refer to...

Page 237: ...et to NGRam or CNVFrequency DISPlay SSOurce SVIew X SCALe STOP value DISPlay SSOurce SVIew X SCALe STOP value NRf specifies the maximum horizontal value in the subview For the setting range refer to N...

Page 238: ...SSOurce SVIew Y SCALe FIT runs the auto scale on the subview DISPlay SSOurce SVIew FORMat DISPlay SSOurce SVIew Y SCALe FULL No Query Form Sets the vertical axis in the subview to the default full sca...

Page 239: ...ISPlay SSOurce SVIew FORMat DISPlay SSOurce SVIew Y SCALe PDIVision Sets or queries the vertical scale per division in the time domain display This command is valid when DISPlay SSOurce SVIew FORMat i...

Page 240: ...isogram is displayed For example if you set the argument to 5 the data will be displayed every 5 frames This command is valid when DISPlay SSOurce SVIew FORMat is set to NGRam DISPlay SSOurce SVIew Y...

Page 241: ...NVTime or CNVFrequency DISPlay SSOurce SVIew Y SCALe RANGe value DISPlay SSOurce SVIew Y SCALe RANGe value NRf specifies full scale value of the vertical axis in the subview The valid range depends on...

Page 242: ...urious H Real time spurious NOTE To use a command from this group you must have selected TIMSSOUR CE signal source analysis in the INSTrument SELect command The DISPLay SSOurce SPECtrum commands are v...

Page 243: ...ISPlay SSOurce SPECtrum X SCALe OFFSet 100MHz sets the minimum horizontal value to 100 MHz DISPlay SSOurce SPECtrum X SCALe PDIVision Sets or queries the horizontal or frequency scale per division in...

Page 244: ...SCALe FIT None TIMSSOURCE DISPlay SSOurce SPECtrum Y SCALe FIT runs the auto scale on the spectrum view DISPlay SSOurce SPECtrum Y SCALe FULL No Query Form Sets the vertical axis to the default full s...

Page 245: ...ce SPECtrum Y SCALe OFFSet 100 sets the minimum vertical value to 100 dBm DISPlay SSOurce SPECtrum Y SCALe PDIVision Sets or queries the vertical or amplitude scale per division in the spectrum view D...

Page 246: ...E To use a command from this group you must have selected TIMS SOURCE signal source analysis in the INSTrument SELect command These commands are valid when DISplay SSOurce SVIew FORMat is set to NGRam...

Page 247: ...ency NGRam COLor SCALe OFFSet 50 sets the minimum color axis value to 50 dBc Hz DISPlay SSOurce TFRequency NGRam COLor SCALe RANGe Sets or queries full scale value of the color or amplitude axis in th...

Page 248: ...SSOurce TFRequency NGRam X SCALe STARt 1kHz sets the minimum horizontal value to 1 kHz DISPlay SSOurce TFRequency NGRam X SCALe STOP Sets or queries the maximum horizontal value right edge in the nois...

Page 249: ...Y SCALe PLINe Sets or queries the vertical scale the number of frames per line in the noiso gram Frames are thinned out from all the acquired framed data at intervals of the number of frames specifie...

Page 250: ...uency versus time measurement only NOTE To use a command from this group you must have selected TIMSSOUR CE signal source analysis in the INSTrument SELect command The DISPLay SSOurce WAVeform command...

Page 251: ...SPlay SSOurce WAVeform X SCALe OFFSet 100ms sets the minimum horizontal value to 100 ms DISPlay SSOurce WAVeform X SCALe PDIVision Sets or queries the horizontal or time scale per division in the time...

Page 252: ...eform Y SCALe FIT None TIMSSOURCE DISPlay SSOurce WAVeform Y SCALe FIT runs the auto scale DISPlay SSOurce WAVeform Y SCALe FULL No Query Form Sets the vertical axis to the default full scale value in...

Page 253: ...AVeform Y SCALe OFFSet 100kHz sets the minimum vertical value to 100 kHz in the frequency vs time view DISPlay SSOurce WAVeform Y SCALe PDIVision Sets the vertical axis scale per division in the time...

Page 254: ...nt SELect command In the SASGRAM S A with Spectrogram mode you cannot set the scale of the spectrogram Header Parameter DISPlay TFRequency SGRam COLor SCALe OFFSet amplitude RANge relative_amplitude M...

Page 255: ...2 229 SGRam Y SCALe PLINe SGRam COLor SCALe RANGe SGRam X SCALe SPAN SGRam X SCALe OFFSet SGRam COLor SCALe OFFSet SGRam Y SCALe OFFSet NOTE Command header DISPlay TFRequency is omitted here Spectrog...

Page 256: ...y TFRequency SGRam COLor SCALe OFFSet 100 sets the minimum color axis value to 100 dBm DISPlay TFRequency SGRam COLor SCALe RANGe Sets or queries full scale value of the color or amplitude axis in the...

Page 257: ...ARTIME DISPlay TFRequency SGRam MLINe ANNotation STATe ON shows the readout DISPlay TFRequency SGRam MLINe FREQuency INTerval Sets or queries the interval of the frequency multi display lines in the s...

Page 258: ...s are placed from the center frequency at regular intervals SARTIME DISPlay TFRequency SGRam MLINe FREQuency OFFSet 2GHz sets the offset to 2 GHz DISPlay TFRequency SGRam MLINe FREQuency STATe Determi...

Page 259: ...DISPlay TFRequency SGRam MLINe TIME INTerval 1m sets the interval to 1 ms DISPlay TFRequency SGRam MLINe TIME OFFSet Sets or queries the offset of the time multi display lines in the spectrogram DISPl...

Page 260: ...splay lines in the spectrogram DISPlay TFRequency SGRam MLINe TIME STATe OFF ON 0 1 DISPlay TFRequency SGRam MLINe TIME STATe OFF or 0 hides the time multi display lines ON or 1 shows the time multi d...

Page 261: ...ME DISPlay TFRequency SGRam X SCALe OFFSet 100MHz sets the minimum horizontal value to 100 MHz SENSe FREQuency BAND DISPlay TFRequency SGRam X SCALe SPAN Sets or queries the horizontal or frequency sp...

Page 262: ...or queries the vertical scale the number of frames per line when the overview displays a spectrogram Frames are thinned out from all the acquired framed data at intervals of the number of frames spec...

Page 263: ...CA280A Programmer Manual 2 237 DISPlay VIEW Subgroup The DISPlay VIEW commands control the display brightness and format Header Parameter DISPlay VIEW BRIGhtness numeric_value FORMat V1S V3S V4S VSPL...

Page 264: ...Play VIEW BRIGhtness 1 sets the display brightness to 1 maximum DISPlay VIEW FORMat Selects or queries the view display format DISPlay VIEW FORMat V1S V3S V4S VSPL HSPL MULTitude DISPlay VIEW FORMat V...

Page 265: ...and to use VSPL or HSPL You must have selected a measurement mode which has three views to use MULTitude All DISPlay VIEW FORMat V1S specifies that only View 1 is displayed HSPL VSPL MULTitude View 1...

Page 266: ...percentage modulation vs time FM demodulation display frequency shift vs time PM demodulation display phase shift vs time NOTE To use a command of this group you must have selected DEMADEM analog mod...

Page 267: ...RAN DISPlay WAVeform X SCALe OFFSet 100us sets the minimum horizontal value to 100 ms DISPlay WAVeform X SCALe PDIVision Sets or queries the horizontal or time scale per division in the time domain di...

Page 268: ...WAVeform Y SCALe FIT None DEMADEM TIMTRAN DISPlay WAVeform Y SCALe FIT runs the auto scale DISPlay WAVeform Y SCALe FULL No Query Form Sets the vertical axis in the time domain display to the default...

Page 269: ...ppendix D DEMADEM TIMTRAN DISPlay WAVeform Y SCALe OFFSet 100 sets the minimum vertical value to 100 dBm DISPlay WAVeform Y SCALe PDIVision Sets the vertical axis scale per division in the time domain...

Page 270: ...DISPlay Commands 2 244 WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual...

Page 271: ...E To use a FETCh command you must have set a measurement mode for the FETCh operation using the INSTrument SELect command refer to page 2 314 Command Tree Header Parameter FETCh ADEMod AM RESult FM RE...

Page 272: ...velope CONSte EYE STABle PSTable ACPower SPURious SPECtrum ACPower SPURious SPECtrum ACPower CFRequency CHPower CNRatio EBWidth OBWidth SPURious SSOurce PNOise SPURious RTPNoise RTSPurious FVTime CNVF...

Page 273: ...digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of the data that follow Data n is the percentage modulation data in percent for the point n 4 byte little endian floating point format specified in...

Page 274: ...ADEMod AM RESult None AM AM Total_AM Where AM NRf is the positive peak AM value in percent AM NRf is the negative peak AM value in percent Total_AM NRf is the total AM value peak peak AM value 2 in pe...

Page 275: ...er of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of the data that follow Data n is the frequency shift data in Hz for the point n 4 byte little endian floating point format specified in IEEE 4...

Page 276: ..._Freq_Dev NRf is the positive peak frequency deviation in Hz Pk_Freq_Dev NRf is the negative peak frequency deviation in Hz P2P_Freq_Dev NRf is the peak to peak frequency deviation in Hz P2P_Freq_Dev...

Page 277: ...er of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of the data that follow Data n is the phase shift data in degrees for the point n 4 byte little endian floating point format specified in IEEE...

Page 278: ...yte Data 1 Data 2 Data n Where Num_digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Data n is the spectrum amplitude in dBm 4 byte little endian floating p...

Page 279: ...peakpower cfactor Where meanpower NRf is the average power measured value in dBm peakpower NRf is the peak power measured value in dBm cfactor NRf is the crest factor in dB TIMCCDF FETCh CCDF might re...

Page 280: ...tion measurement results coordinates data array of symbols EVM Error Vector Magnitude EVM measurement results AEVM EVM RMS value PEVM EVM peak value and its symbol number MERRor Amplitude error AMERro...

Page 281: ...Q signal level data in volts 4 byte little endian floating point format specified in IEEE 488 2 n Max 512000 1024 points 500 frames FVTime Num_digit Num_byte Data 1 Data 2 Data n Where Num_digit is th...

Page 282: ...s the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Merr n is the value of amplitude error of symbol in percent 4 byte little endian floating point format specified...

Page 283: ...digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Sym n NR1 is the symbol data n Max 512000 1024 points 500 frames PVTIme Num_digit Num_byte Data 1 Data 2 D...

Page 284: ...reference average power in dBm Peak_Power_R NRf is the reference peak power in dBm Crest_Factor_R NRf is the reference crest factor in dB PDF Mean_Power_D Peak_Power_D Mean_Power_R Peak_Power_R Where...

Page 285: ...n Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of the data that follow Data n is the phase shift data in degrees for the point n 4 byte little endian floating point format specified in IEEE 488 2 n Max 10...

Page 286: ...the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of the data that follow MinData n is the minimum data in dBm for each 1024 data point segment 4 byte little endian floating point forma...

Page 287: ...peak power in the pulse on time OORatio Difference between the on time power and off time power RIPPle Difference between the maximum and the minimum power in pulse on time PERiod Time between the pu...

Page 288: ...n Where Num_digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Width n is the pulse width value for each pulse number 4 byte little endian floating point for...

Page 289: ...e Num_digit Num_byte Dcycle 1 Dcycle 2 Dcycle n Where Num_digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Dcycle n is the duty value for each pulse number...

Page 290: ...byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Ebw n is the EBW value for each pulse number 4 byte little endian floating point format specified in IEEE 488 2 n Max 1000 FREQuency Num_digit Num_byte...

Page 291: ...h FETCh PULSe SPECtrum None Num_digit Num_byte Data 1 Data 2 Data n Where Num_digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Data n is the spectrum in dB...

Page 292: ...e FETCh PULSe TAMPlitude None Num_digit Num_byte Data 1 Data 2 Data n Where Num_digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Data n is the absolute pow...

Page 293: ...igit Num_byre Data 1 Data 2 Data n Where Num_digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Data n is the frequency deviation value in Hz on the time axi...

Page 294: ...nvelope Binary format CONSte Constellation EYE Eye diagram STABle Symbol table PSTable Preamble of the symbol table Returns are listed below for each of the arguments CARRier Cfreq Obw Ebw Max_EIRP Wh...

Page 295: ...ll 1 time Time is the rise or fall time in seconds Settling is the settling time in seconds Over is the overshoot in percent Under is the undershoot in percent Offset is the average level when the sig...

Page 296: ...of data sets that follow 0 to 65536 Index is the index number On_Width is the on width time in seconds Off_Width is the off width time in seconds Period is the period on width off width in seconds Du...

Page 297: ...ds Etdata1_T NRf is the estimated tari data 1 Tari When the modulation type is Subcarrier BPSK Mdepth Mindex Ferror Abrate Ebrate Esbrate Sjitter Foffset Where Mdepth NRf is the modulation depth in pe...

Page 298: ...tion Value on GPIB P 2 Preamble S 3 Frame Sync N 4 Null PSTable Len NR1 is the preamble length of the symbol table DEMRFID FETCh RFID CARRier might return 985 891768E 6 45 383E 3 104 601 30 for the ca...

Page 299: ...ower Where Count NR1 is the count of data sets that follow 0 to 25 Ofrequency NRf is the offset frequency in Hz Upper NRf is the ACPR for the nth upper adjacent channel in dBc Lower NRf is the ACPR fo...

Page 300: ...Where Snum NR1 is the number of detected spurious emissions Max 20 Dfreq NRf is the detuned frequency of spurious relative to carrier in Hz Rdbc NRf is the spurious signal level relative to carrier i...

Page 301: ...git Num_byte Data 1 Data 2 Data n Where Num_digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Data n is the amplitude of the spectrum in dBm 4 byte little e...

Page 302: ...a 1 Data 2 Data n Where Num_digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Data n is the amplitude of the spectrum in dBm 4 byte little endian floating p...

Page 303: ...ber of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of the data that follow Data n is the amplitude spectrum in dBm 4 byte little endian floating point format specified in IEEE 488 2 n Max 40000...

Page 304: ...pper adjacent channel ACPR in dB acpm3 NRf is the third lower adjacent channel ACPR in dB acpp3 NRf is the third upper adjacent channel ACPR in dB NOTE All the values may not be returned when the adja...

Page 305: ...turn 846187328 5 for the carrier frequency INSTrument SELect FETCh SPECtrum CHPower Query Only Returns the results of the channel power measurement in the S A spectrum analysis mode FETCh SPECtrum CHP...

Page 306: ...spectrum analysis mode FETCh SPECtrum CNRatio None ctn ctno Where ctn NRf is the measured value of C N in dB ctno NRf is the measured value of C No in dB Hz SANORMAL SASGRAM SARTIME SADL3G SAUL3G FET...

Page 307: ...30956 26 for the EBW measurement results INSTrument SELect FETCh SPECtrum OBWidth Query Only Returns the results of the occupied bandwidth OBW measurement in the S A spectrum analysis mode FETCh SPECt...

Page 308: ...snum NR1 is the number of detected spurious emissions max 20 dfreq NRf is the detuned frequency of spurious relative to carrier in Hz rdb NRf is the spurious signal level relative to carrier in dB SA...

Page 309: ...spurious FVTime Frequency versus Time Returns are listed below for each of the arguments PNOise Cfreq Cpower IP_Noise Rj Max_Pj Where Cfreq NRf is the carrier frequency in Hz Cpower NRf is the channel...

Page 310: ...tling time stop in seconds RTSPurious Cfreq Cpower Snum Dfreq Rdbc Where Cfreq NRf is the carrier frequency in Hz Cpower NRf is the channel power in dBm Snum NR1 is the number of detected spurious sig...

Page 311: ...ed in yellow on screen SUB selects Trace 2 displayed in green on screen Num_digit Num_byte Freq 1 C N 1 Freq 2 C N 2 Freq n C N n Where Num_digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the nu...

Page 312: ...CNVTime None Num_digit Num_byte Data 1 Data 2 Data n Where Num_digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Data n is the C N value in dBc Hz 4 byte li...

Page 313: ...time None Num_digit Num_byte Data 1 Data 2 Data n Where Num_digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Data n is the phase in radians or degrees 4 by...

Page 314: ...RJVTime None Num_digit Num_byte Data 1 Data 2 Data n Where Num_digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Data n is the jitter in seconds 4 byte lit...

Page 315: ...Ch SSOurce SPECtrum None Num_digit Num_byte Data 1 Data 2 Data n Where Num_digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Data n is the amplitude of the...

Page 316: ...n Where Num_digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Data n is the frequency deviation value in Hz on the time axis 4 byte little endian floating...

Page 317: ...git is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of the data that follow Data n is the frequency data in Hz for the point n 4 byte little endian floating point format specified...

Page 318: ...digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of the data that follow Idata n Qdata n is the I and Q signal level data in volts for the point n 4 byte little endian floatin...

Page 319: ..._digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of the data that follow Data n is the time domain power data in dBm 4 byte little endian floating point format specified in I...

Page 320: ...FETCh Commands 2 294 WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual...

Page 321: ...WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual 2 295 FORMat Commands The FORMat commands define the data output format Command Tree Header Parameter FORMat BORDer NORMal SWAPped DATA REAL 32 REAL 64...

Page 322: ...rder All FORMat BORDer SWAPped swaps the byte order for data output FORMat DATA Selects or queries the output data format FORMat DATA REAL 32 REAL 64 FORMat DATA REAL 32 specifies the 32 bit floating...

Page 323: ...WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual 2 297 HCOPy Commands The HCOPy commands control screen hardcopy Command Tree Header Parameter HCOPy BACKground BLACk WHITe DESTination PRINter MMEMory IMMediate...

Page 324: ...hardcopy output destination printer or file HCOPy DESTination PRINter MMEMory HCOPy DESTination PRINTer specifies that the hardcopy is output to the preset printer which is the one that has been set...

Page 325: ...IMMediate No Query Form Outputs the screen hardcopy to the destination selected with the HCOPy DESTination command HCOPy IMMediate None All HCOPy IMMediate outputs the screen hardcopy HCOPy DESTinatio...

Page 326: ...HCOPy Commands 2 300 WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual...

Page 327: ...WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual 2 301 INITiate Commands The INITiate commands control data acquisition Command Tree Header Parameter INITiate CONTinuous boolean IMMediate RESTart...

Page 328: ...gger is not generated in single mode send the following command INITiate CONTinuous OFF ON or 1 initiates data acquisition in the continuous mode To stop the acquisition in the continuous mode send th...

Page 329: ...te RESTart No Query Form Reruns input signal acquisition In the single mode this command is equivalent to the INITiate IMMediate command In the continuous mode this command is equivalent to the ABORt...

Page 330: ...INITiate Commands 2 304 WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual...

Page 331: ...05 INPut Commands The INPut commands control the characteristics of the signal input Command Tree Header Parameter INPut ALEVel ATTenuation numeric_value AUTO boolean COUPling AC DC Option 03 only MIX...

Page 332: ...The query version of this command returns the input attenuation setting INPut ATTenuation rel_ampl INPut ATTenuation rel_ampl NR1 specifies the input attenuation The valid settings depend on the meas...

Page 333: ...OFF ON 0 1 INPut ATTenuation AUTO OFF or 0 specifies that the input attenuation is not set automatically To set it use the INPut ATTenuation command described above ON or 1 specifies that the input at...

Page 334: ...the IQ input mode This command is valid when IQ IQ input is selected with the SENSe FEED command INPut COUPling AC DC INPut COUPling AC selects the AC coupling DC selects the DC coupling All INPut CO...

Page 335: ...ampl INPut MIXer ampl NR1 specifies the mixer level The valid settings depend on the measurement frequency band as shown in Table 2 42 Table 2 42 Mixer level settings Measurement frequency band Settin...

Page 336: ...MLEVel ampl NR1 specifies the reference level The valid settings depend on the measurement frequency band as shown in Table 2 43 Table 2 43 Reference level range Measurement frequency band Setting Bas...

Page 337: ...STrument Commands The INSTrument commands set the measurement mode Before you can start a measurement you must set the mode appropriate for the measurement using these commands Command Tree Header Par...

Page 338: ...analysis Option 22 only SAUL3G W CDMA uplink spectrum analysis Option 23 only SADLR5_3G 3GPP R5 downlink spectrum analysis Option 27 only Demod mode DEMADEM Analog modulation analysis DEMDDEM Digital...

Page 339: ...cteristics analysis TIMPULSE Pulse characteristics analysis TIMSSOURCE Signal source analysis If all options are installed all the above mode names are returned as comma separated character strings Al...


Page 341: ...y COPY file_name1 file_name2 DELete file_name LOAD CORRection file_name IQT file_name STATe file_name TRACe file_name NAME file_name STORe ACPower file_name CORRection file_name IQT file_name PULSe fi...

Page 342: ...n file All MMEMory COPY C My Documents File1 C My Documents File2 copies the contents of File1 located in the My Documents folder to File2 MMEMory DELete No Query Form Deletes the specified file MMEMo...

Page 343: ...C My Documents File1 cor loads the correction table from File1 cor in the My Documents folder MMEMory LOAD IQT No Query Form Loads IQ data in time domain from the specified file MMEMory LOAD IQT file...

Page 344: ...1 cfg in the My Documents folder MMEMory LOAD TRACe x No Query Form Loads Trace 1 or 2 waveform data from the specified file MMEMory LOAD TRACe x file_name file_name string specifies the file from whi...

Page 345: ...Screen1 bmp in the My Documents folder as the destination file HCOPy DESTination MMEMory STORe ACPower No Query Form Stores the ACPR Adjacent Channel Leakage Power Ratio measurement results in the sp...

Page 346: ...mple1 cor stores the amplitude correction table in the file Sample1 cor in the My Docu ments folder MMEMory STORe IQT No Query Form Stores IQ data in time domain in the specified file MMEMory STORe IQ...

Page 347: ...able in the specified file MMEMory STORe STABle file_name file_name string specifies the file in which to store The file is in text format and its extension is sym The following are written in the hea...

Page 348: ...mats 8 Tari value for the PIE Type A and C decoding formats Bit rate value for other than PIE Type A and C decoding formats 9 Lower threshold 10 Higher threshold 11 Preamble on off 12 Preamble length...

Page 349: ...tings the file Setup1 cfg in the My Documents folder MMEMory STORe TRACe x No Query Form Stores Trace 1 or 2 waveform data in the specified file MMEMory STORe TRACe x file_name file_name specifies the...

Page 350: ...MMEMory Commands 2 324 WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual...

Page 351: ...yzer C Program Files Tektronix wca200a Python wca200a measmacro For incorporating macro programs into the analyzer contact your local Tektronix distributor or sales office For an example of running a...

Page 352: ...EGISTERED MACROTEST1 NONREGISTERED MACROTEST2 indicating that MacroTest1 and MacroTest2 are located under the directory C Program Files Tektronix wca200a Python wca200a measmacro nonregistered PROGram...

Page 353: ...command PROGram SELected NAME Specifies or queries the macro program folder PROGram SELected NAME macro_name PROGram SELected NAME macro_name string specifies the macro program folder If the specifie...

Page 354: ...name varname string specifies the variable nvalues NRf is the numeric value for the variable NRf is the numeric value of the specified variable If the specified variable is not found the following err...

Page 355: ...svalues PROGram STRing varname varname string specifies the variable svalues string is the string for the variable string of the specified variable If the specified variable is not found the following...

Page 356: ...PROGram Commands 2 330 WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual...

Page 357: ...for Use To use a command of this group you must have run at least the following two commands 1 Select a measurement mode using the INSTrument SELect command For example use the following command to se...

Page 358: ...M AMPM CCDF PDF RMSError FDEViation DISTribution CCDF OVIew PULSe ALL WIDTh PPOWer OORatio RIPPle PERiod DCYCle PHASe CHPower OBWidth EBWidth FREQuency SPECtrum TAMPlitude TFRequency RFID ACPower SPUR...

Page 359: ...of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of the data that follow Data n is the chronological modulation factor data in percent 4 byte little endian floating point format specified in IEEE...

Page 360: ...DEMod AM RESult None AM AM Total_AM Where AM NRf is the positive peak AM value in percent AM NRf is the negative peak AM value in percent Total_AM NRf is the total AM value peak peak AM value 2 in per...

Page 361: ...er of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of the data that follow Data n is the chronological frequency shift data in Hz 4 byte little endian floating point format specified in IEEE 488...

Page 362: ...Freq_Dev NRf is the positive peak frequency deviation in Hz Pk_Freq_Dev NRf is the negative peak frequency deviation in Hz P2P_Freq_Dev NRf is the peak to peak frequency deviation in Hz P2P_Freq_Dev 2...

Page 363: ...er of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of the data that follow Data n is the chronological phase shift data in degrees 4 byte little endian floating point format specified in IEEE 48...

Page 364: ...te Data 1 Data 2 Data n Where Num_digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Data n is the spectrum amplitude in dBm 4 byte little endian floating po...

Page 365: ...eakpower cfactor Where meanpower NRf is the average power measured value in dBm peakpower NRf is the peak power measured value in dBm cfactor NRf is the crest factor in dB TIMCCDF READ CCDF might retu...

Page 366: ...ion measurement results coordinates data array of symbols EVM Error Vector Magnitude EVM measurement results AEVM EVM RMS value PEVM EVM peak value and its symbol number MERRor Amplitude error AMERror...

Page 367: ...Q signal level data in volts 4 byte little endian floating point format specified in IEEE 488 2 n Max 512000 1024 points 500 frames FVTime Num_digit Num_byte Data 1 Data 2 Data n Where Num_digit is th...

Page 368: ...the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Merr n is the value of amplitude error of symbol in percent 4 byte little endian floating point format specified i...

Page 369: ..._digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Sym n NR1 is the symbol data n Max 512000 1024 points 500 frames PVTIme Num_digit Num_byte Data 1 Data 2...

Page 370: ...reference average power in dBm Peak_Power_R NRf is the reference peak power in dBm Crest_Factor_R NRf is the reference crest factor in dB PDF Mean_Power_D Peak_Power_D Mean_Power_R Peak_Power_R Where...

Page 371: ...n Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of the data that follow Data n is the phase shift data in degrees for the point n 4 byte little endian floating point format specified in IEEE 488 2 n Max 10...

Page 372: ...he number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of the data that follow MinData n is the minimum data in dBm for each 1024 data point segment 4 byte little endian floating point format...

Page 373: ...lse repetition interval PRI PHASe Phase at a certain point of each pulse CHPower Channel power of the pulse on time spectrum OBWidth OBW Occupied Bandwidth of the pulse on time spectrum EBWidth EBW Em...

Page 374: ...tio 1 Ooratio 2 Ooratio n Where Num_digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of the data that follow Ooratio n is the on off ratio value for each pulse number 4 byte l...

Page 375: ...CHPower Num_digit Num_byte Chp 1 Chp 2 Chp n Where Num_digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of the data that follow Chp n is the Channel Power value for each puls...

Page 376: ...um_byte is the number of bytes of the data that follow Freq n is the frequency deviation value for each pulse number 4 byte little endian floating point format specified in IEEE 488 2 n Max 1000 TIMPU...

Page 377: ...h READ PULSe SPECtrum None Num_digit Num_byte Data 1 Data 2 Data n Where Num_digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Data n is the spectrum in dBm...

Page 378: ...litude None Num_digit Num_byte Data 1 Data 2 Data n Where Num_digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Data n is the absolute power for each data i...

Page 379: ...1 Data 2 Data n Where Num_digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Data n is the frequency deviation value in Hz on the time axis 4 byte little en...

Page 380: ...er Where Count NR1 is the count of data sets that follow 0 to 25 Ofrequency NRf is the offseet frequency in Hz Upper NRf is the ACPR for the nth upper adjacent channel in dBc Lower NRf is the ACPR for...

Page 381: ...Where Snum NR1 is the number of detected spurious emissions Max 20 Dfreq NRf is the detuned frequency of spurious relative to carrier in Hz Rdbc NRf is the spurious signal level relative to carrier in...

Page 382: ...it Num_byte Data 1 Data 2 Data n Where Num_digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Data n is the amplitude of the spectrum in dBm 4 byte little en...

Page 383: ...1 Data 2 Data n Where Num_digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Data n is the amplitude of the spectrum in dBm 4 byte little endian floating po...

Page 384: ...e number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of the data that follow Data n is the amplitude spectrum in dBm 4 byte little endian floating point format specified in IEEE 488 2 n Max...

Page 385: ...channel ACPR in dB acpm3 NRf is the third lower adjacent channel ACPR in dB acpp3 NRf is the third upper adjacent channel ACPR in dB NOTE All the values may not be returned when the adjacent channel...

Page 386: ...turn 846187328 5 for the carrier frequency INSTrument SELect READ SPECtrum CHPower Query Only Obtains the results of the channel power measurement in the S A mode READ SPECtrum CHPower None chpower NR...

Page 387: ...trum analysis mode READ SPECtrum CNRatio None ctn ctno Where ctn NRf is the measured value of C N in dB ctno NRf is the measured value of C No in dB Hz SANORMAL SASGRAM SARTIME SAZRTIME SADL3G SAUL3G...

Page 388: ...0956 26 for the EBW measurement results INSTrument SELect READ SPECtrum OBWidth Query Only Obtains the results of the occupied bandwidth OBW measurement in the S A spectrum analysis mode READ SPECtrum...

Page 389: ...signal to carrier in dB SANORMAL SASGRAM SARTIME SAZRTIME SADL3G SAUL3G READ SPECtrum SPURious might return 3 1 2E6 79 2 4E6 79 59 1E6 80 38 for the spurious signal measurement INSTrument SELect READ...

Page 390: ...is the detuned frequency of spurious relative to carrier in Hz rdb NRf is the spurious signal level relative to carrier in dBc FVTime Fstime Fsstart Fsstop TFstime Tfsstart Tfsstop Where Fstime NRf i...

Page 391: ...D SSOurce SPECtrum None Num_digit Num_byte Data 1 Data 2 Data n Where Num_digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Data n is the amplitude of the s...

Page 392: ...n Where Num_digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of data that follow Data n is the frequency deviation value in Hz on the time axis 4 byte little endian floating p...

Page 393: ...git is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of the data that follow Data n is the chronological frequency data in Hz 4 byte little endian floating point format specified in...

Page 394: ...re Num_digit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of the data that follow Idata n Qdata n is the I and Q signal level data in volts 4 byte little endian floating point f...

Page 395: ...igit is the number of digits in Num_byte Num_byte is the number of bytes of the data that follow Data n is the chronological power data in dBm 4 byte little endian floating point format specified in I...

Page 396: ...READ Commands 2 370 WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual...

Page 397: ...l power measurement p 2 392 SENSE CNRatio Set up C N measurement p 2 395 SENSE CORRection Set up amplitude correction p 2 400 SENSE DDEMod Set up digital modulation analysis p 2 405 SENSE EBWidth Set...

Page 398: ...ficient numeric_value TYPE RECTangle GAUSsian NYQuist RNYQuist To use a command of this group you must have run at least the following two commands 1 Run the following command to set the measurement m...

Page 399: ...ower BANDwidth ACHannel 3 5MHz sets the bandwidth of the adjacent channels to 3 5 MHz SENSe ACPower BANDwidth BWIDth INTegration Sets or queries the bandwidth of the main channel for the ACPR measurem...

Page 400: ...Range Bin bandwidth 8 to full span Hz Refer to the WCA230A and WCA280A User Manual for the bin bandwidth SANORMAL SASGRAM SARTIME SADL3G SAUL3G SENSe ACPower CSPacing 5MHz sets the channel to channel...

Page 401: ...CPower FILTer COEFficient 0 5 sets the filter roll off rate to 0 5 SENSe ACPower FILTer TYPE SENSe ACPower FILTer TYPE Selects or queries the filter for the ACPR measurement SENSe ACPower FILTer TYPE...

Page 402: ...ument SELect command Header Parameter SENSe ADEMod AM CADetection AVERage MEDian BLOCk numeric_value CARRier OFFSet numeric_value SEARch boolean FM THReshold numeric_value IMMediate LENGth numeric_val...

Page 403: ...SENSe Commands WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual 2 377 LENGth OFFSet BLOCk NOTE Command header SENSe ADEMod is omitted here Overview All data points in block Figure 2 17 Defining the analysis range...

Page 404: ...he median amplitude maximum minimum 2 in the analysis range DEMADEM SENSe ADEMod CARRier CADetection AVERage defines the 0 modulation as the average amplitude in the analysis range SENSe ADEMod BLOCk...

Page 405: ...e ADEMod CARRier SEARch Determines whether to detect the carrier automatically in the FM signal analysis SENSe ADEMod CARRier SEARch 0 1 OFF ON SENSe ADEMod CARRier SEARch OFF or 0 specifies that the...

Page 406: ...Range 100 0 to 0 0 dB DEMADEM SENSe ADEMod FM THReshold 10 sets the threshold level to 10 dB SENSe ADEMod IMMediate No Query Form Runs the analog demodulation calculation for the acquired data To sele...

Page 407: ...SENSe ADEMod LENGth value SENSe ADEMod LENGth value NR1 specifies the analysis range by the number of data points Range 1 to 1024 Block size Block size 500 To set the block size use the SENSe BSIZe c...

Page 408: ...VT OFF SENSe ADEMod MODulation The arguments and measurement items are listed below Table 2 48 Measurement item selections Argument Measurement item AM AM signal analysis FM FM signal analysis PM PM s...

Page 409: ...M SENSe ADEMod OFFSet 500 sets the measurement start position to point 500 SENSe BSIZe SENSe ADEMod PM THReshold Sets or queries the threshold level above which the input signal is determined to be a...

Page 410: ...control average process for measured values in the modulation analysis Demod mode and the time analysis Time mode NOTE Data is always acquired without averaging in the Demod and the Time modes Header...

Page 411: ...or queries the number of traces to combine using the RMS average After COUNt traces have been averaged the average process is controlled by the TCONtrol setting refer to page 2 386 SENSe AVERage COUN...

Page 412: ...enerated TCONtrol is TerminalCONtrol SENSe AVERage TCONtrol EXPonential REPeat SENSe AVERage TCONtrol EXPonential continues the RMS root mean square average with an exponential weighting applied to ol...

Page 413: ...Ze numeric_value SENSe BSIZe Sets or queries the block size SENSe BSIZe value SENSe BSIZe value NR1 specifies the block size The range depends on the trigger mode set with the TRIGger SEQuence MODE co...

Page 414: ...CDF commands set up the conditions related to the CCDF measurement NOTE To use a command of this group you must have selected TIMCCDF CCDF measurement in the INSTrument SELect command Header Parameter...

Page 415: ...M Number of acquired blocks TIMCCDF SENSe CCDF BLOCk 5 sets the block number to 5 SENSe CCDF CLEar No Query Form Clears the CCDF accumulator and restarts the measurement This command is equivalent to...

Page 416: ...ment clears the CCDF accumulator and restarts the measurement SENSe CCDF CLEar SENSe CCDF THReshold Sets or queries the threshold which defines the samples to be included in the CCDF calculation SENSe...

Page 417: ...ng commands to start the carrier frequency measure ment H To start the measurement with the default settings CONFigure SPECtrum CFRequency H To start the measurement without modifying the current sett...

Page 418: ...RNYQuist To use a command of this group you must have run at least the following two commands 1 Run the following command to set the measurement mode to S A INSTrument SELect SANORMAL SASGRAM SARTIME...

Page 419: ...value NRf specifies the channel bandwidth for the channel power measurement Range Bin bandwidth 8 to full span Hz Refer to the WCA230A and WCA280A User Manual for the bin bandwidth SANORMAL SASGRAM S...

Page 420: ...NORMAL SASGRAM SARTIME SADL3G SAUL3G SENSe CHPower FILTer COEFficient 0 3 sets the filter roll off rate to 0 3 SENSe CHPower FILTer TYPE SENSe CHPower FILTer TYPE Selects or queries the filter for the...

Page 421: ...GAUSsian NYQuist RNYQuist OFFSet frequency To use a command of this group you must have run at least the following two commands 1 Run the following command to set the measurement mode to S A INSTrume...

Page 422: ...ion value NRf is the carrier bandwidth for the C N measurement Range Bin bandwidth 8 to full span Hz Refer to the WCA230A and WCA280A User Manual for the bin bandwidth SANORMAL SASGRAM SARTIME SENSe C...

Page 423: ...NRatio BANDwidth BWIDth NOISe value SENSe CNRatio BANDwidth BWIDth NOISe value NRf is the noise bandwidth for the C N measurement Range Bin bandwidth 8 to full span Hz Refer to the WCA230A and WCA280A...

Page 424: ...GRAM SARTIME SENSe CNRatio FILTer COEFficient 0 3 sets the filter roll off rate to 0 3 SENSe CNRatio FILTer TYPE SENSe CNRatio FILTer TYPE Selects or queries the filter for the C N measurement SENSe C...

Page 425: ...the carrier to noise in the the C N measurement see Figure 2 19 SENSe CNRatio OFFSet freq SENSe CNRatio OFFSet freq NRf specifies the offset frequency Range Span 2 to Span 2 SANORMAL SASGRAM SARTIME...

Page 426: ...m analysis mode except real time You must have selected a S A mode except SARTIME with the INSTrument SELect command to use a command in this subgroup but only SENSe CORRection MAGNitude command which...

Page 427: ...IEEE 488 2 Ampl n is the amplitude correction value at frequency Freq n in dB 4 byte little endian floating point format specified in IEEE 488 2 Enter the data that consists of pairs of the frequency...

Page 428: ...fset value to 10 dB SENSe CORRection OFFSet STATe SENSe CORRection OFFSet FREQuency Sets or queries the frequency offset value in the amplitude correction SENSe CORRection OFFSet FREQuency value SENSe...

Page 429: ...e amplitude correction on or off SENSe CORRection STATe OFF ON 0 1 SENSe CORRection STATe OFF or 0 turns off the amplitude correction ON or 1 turns on the amplitude correction All S A modes except SAR...

Page 430: ...IME SENSe CORRection X SPACing LINear selects the linear scale for the interpolation SENSe CORRection Y SPACing Determines whether the vertical or amplitude scaling is linear or logarithmic for interp...

Page 431: ...Set frequency SEARch boolean DECode NRZ MANChester MILLer FDEViation numeric_value AUTO boolean FILTer ALPHa numeric_value MEASurement OFF RRCosine REFerence OFF RCOSine GAUSsian HSINe FORMat BPSK QPS...

Page 432: ...e commands defining the analysis range see the figure below The analysis range is shown as a green line in the overview LENGth OFFSet BLOCk NOTE Command header SENSe DDEMod is omitted here Overview Al...

Page 433: ...NSe DDEMod BLOCk 5 sets the block number to 5 SENSe DDEMod CARRier OFFSet Sets or queries the carrier frequency offset in the digital modulation analysis when SENSe DDEMod CARRier SEARch is set to OFF...

Page 434: ...ARch OFF ON 0 1 SENSe DDEMod CARRier SEARch OFF or 0 specifies that the carrier is not detected automatically To set it use the SENSe DDEMod CARRier OFFSet command ON or 1 specifies that the carrier i...

Page 435: ...nd is valid when SENSe DDEMod FORMat is ASK FSK or GFSK SENSe DDEMod DECode NRZ MANChester MILLer SENSe DDEMod DECode NRZ selects the NRZ Non Return to Zero decoding MANChecter selects the Manchester...

Page 436: ...hen SENSe DDEMod FORMat is set to FSK or GFSK and SENSe DDEMod FDEViation AUTO is set to OFF SENSe DDEMod FDEViation value SENSe DDEMod FDEViation value NRf sets the frequency deviation Range 0 to Spa...

Page 437: ...displays the value in the Frequency Deviation side key default OFF or 0 sets sets the frequency deviation using the SENSe DDEMod FDEViation command DEMDDEM SENSe DDEMod FDEViation AUTO ON automaticall...

Page 438: ...Root Raised Cosine filter as the measurement filter SENSe DDEMod FILTer REFerence Selects or queries the reference filter in the digital modulation analysis SENSe DDEMod FILTer REFerence OFF RCOSine...

Page 439: ...SK FSK C4FM SENSe DDEMod FORMat Table 2 50 lists the arguments and corresponding modulations Table 2 50 Modulation selections Argument Modulation BPSK BPSK QPSK QPSK PS8P 8PSK Q16P 16QAM Q32P 32QAM Q6...

Page 440: ...for the acquired data To select the measurement item use the SENSe DDEMod MVIew FORMat command To acquire data use the INITiate command SENSe DDEMod IMMediate None DEMDDEM SENSe DDEMod IMMediate runs...

Page 441: ...nce the value is limited by the number of data points in the block SENSe DDEMod LENGth value SENSe DDEMod LENGth value NR1 specifies the analysis range by the number of data points Range 1 to 1024 blo...

Page 442: ...is valid when SENSe DDEMod FORMat is set to ASK and SENSe DDEMod MDEPth AUTO is set to OFF SENSe DDEMod MDEPth value SENSe DDEMod MDEPth value NRf specifies the depth of modulation Range 0 to 100 DEM...

Page 443: ...set to ASK SENSe DDEMod MDEPth AUTO OFF ON 0 1 SENSe DDEMod MDEPth AUTO ON or 1 automatically calculates the modulation depth for the analysis range and displays the value in the Modulation Depth sid...

Page 444: ...mum order to 15 DISPlay DDEMod MVIew FORMat SENSe DDEMod NLINearity HDIVision Sets or queries the horizontal interval between display points for the CCDF or PDF measurement in the digitald modulation...

Page 445: ...AMPM DAMam or DAMPm SENSe DDEMod NLINearity LSRegion SET value SENSe DDEMod NLINearity LSRegion SET value NRf specifies the linear signal region Range 100 to 50 dB or dBm The unit is dB when SENSe DDE...

Page 446: ...et the region SENSe DDEMod NLINearity LSRegion UNIT RELative ABSolute SENSe DDEMod NLINearity LSRegion UNIT RELative specifies the linear signal region in dB with a value relative to the maximum power...

Page 447: ...than the default 0 since the value is limited by the trigger position in the block SENSe DDEMod OFFSet value SENSe DDEMod OFFSet value NR1 defines the measurement start position by the number of poin...

Page 448: ...M CDPD BLUetooth C4FM SENSe DDEMod PRESet Table 2 51 lists the arguments and corresponding communication standards Table 2 51 Communication standard selections Argument Communication standard OFF No s...

Page 449: ...DEMod SRATe value NRf specifies the symbol rate Range 1 to 32 Msps symbols per second NOTE Do not include the unit in the argument of this command For example if you want to specify 21 ksps for the sy...

Page 450: ...p you must have run at least the following two commands 1 Run the following command to set the measurement mode to S A INSTrument SELect SANORMAL SASGRAM SARTIME SADL3G SAUL3G 2 Run one of the followi...

Page 451: ...NSe EBWidth XDB rel_ampl NRf is the level at which the EBW is measured Specify the amplitude relative to the maximum peak Range 100 to 1 dB default 30 dB SANORMAL SASGRAM SARTIME SADL3G SAUL3G SENSe E...

Page 452: ...Se FEED RF IQ AREFerence SENSe FEED No Query Form Selects the input signal RF input or calibration signal SENSe FEED RF IQ AREFerence RF selects the RF input IQ selects the IQ input Option 03 only ARE...

Page 453: ...onditions Header Parameter SENSe FREQuency BAND CENTer frequency STEP frequency AUTO boolean INCRement frequency CHANnel numeric_value CTABle CATalog SELect table_name SPAN frequency STARt frequency S...

Page 454: ...y BAND Table 2 52 shows the returned values and corresponding ranges Table 2 52 Measurement frequency bands Argument Frequency range BAS DC to 20 MHz RF1B 15 MHz to 3 GHz WCA230A 15 MHz to 3 5 GHz WCA...

Page 455: ...equency SENSe FREQuency CENTer freq SENSe FREQuency CENTer freq NRf specifies the center frequency For the setting range refer to Table 2 52 on page 2 428 All SENSe FREQuency CENTer 800MHz sets the ce...

Page 456: ...0 1 SENSe FREQuency CENTer STEP AUTO OFF or 0 specifies that the step size of the center frequency is not set automatical ly To set it use the SENSe FREQuency CENTer STEP INCRement command ON or 1 sp...

Page 457: ...s OFF NOTE This command is effective only in remote operation It does not affect the front panel setting of the frequency step size SENSe FREQuency CENTer STEP INCRement freq SENSe FREQuency CENTer ST...

Page 458: ...t SENSe FREQuency CTABle CATalog Query Only Queries the available channel tables SENSe FREQuency CTABle CATalog string is the available channel table name s If more than one table is available the tab...

Page 459: ...DMA2000 GSM BAND 2 RL CDMA2000 IMT2000 FL CDMA2000 IMT2000 RL CDMA2000 JTACS BAND FL CDMA2000 JTACS BAND RL CDMA2000 KOREA PCS FL CDMA2000 KOREA PCS RL CDMA2000 N A 700MHz Cellular FL CDMA2000 N A 700...

Page 460: ...ngly SENSe FREQuency SPAN freq SENSe FREQuency SPAN freq NRf specifies the span The valid range depends on the measure ment mode as listed in Table 2 53 Table 2 53 Span setting Measurement mode Freque...

Page 461: ...art frequency to 800 MHz SENSe FREQuency CENTer SENSe FREQuency SPAN SENSe FREQuency STOP SENSe FREQuency STOP SENSe FREQuency STOP freq SENSe FREQuency STOP freq NRf specifies the stop frequency For...

Page 462: ...p you must have run at least the following two commands 1 Run the following command to set the measurement mode to S A INSTrument SELect SANORMAL SASGRAM SARTIME SADL3G SAUL3G 2 Run one of the followi...

Page 463: ...RCent value NRf specifies the occupied bandwidth Range 80 to 99 99 default 99 SANORMAL SASGRAM SARTIME SADL3G SAUL3G SENSe OBWidth PERCent 95 sets the occupied bandwidth to 95 PERCent Cp Sp 100 Cp Pow...

Page 464: ...in the INSTrument SELect command Header Parameter SENSe PULSe BLOCk CHPower BANDwidth BWIDth INTegration numeric_value CRESolution numeric_value EBWidth XDB numeric_value FFT COEFficient numeric_value...

Page 465: ...NDwidth BWIDth INTegration Sets or queries the channel bandwidth for the channel power measurement in the pulse characteristics analysis SENSe PULSe CHPower BANDwidth BWIDth INTegration value SENSe PU...

Page 466: ...th XDB Sets or queries the level relative to the maximum peak at which the EBW is measured in the pulse characteristics analysis Refer to the SENSe EB Width XDB command on page 2 425 SENSe PULSe EBWid...

Page 467: ...ULSE SENSe PULSe FFT COEFficient 0 5 sets the roll off ratio to 0 5 SENSe PULSe FFT WINDow TYPE SENSe PULSe FFT WINDow TYPE Selects or queries the FFT window type in the pulse characteristics analysis...

Page 468: ...er BANDwidth 1MHz sets the bandwidth of the time measurement filter to 1 MHz SENSe PULSe FILTer COEFficient Sets or queries the BT value for the measurement filter when SENSe PULSe FILTer MEASurement...

Page 469: ...y OFFSet Sets or queries the frequency offset for the pulse pulse phase and the frequency deviation measurements in the pulse characteristics analysis This command is valid when SENSe PULSe FREQuency...

Page 470: ...n is performed for all pulses based on the frequency error value calculated from the first pulse included in the analysis range The calculated frequency error is shown in the Frequency Offset side key...

Page 471: ...lation for acquired data INITiate SENSe PULSe OBWidth PERCent Sets or queries OBW Occupied Bandwidth for the OBW measurement in the pulse characteristics analysis SENSe PULSe OBWidth PERCent value SEN...

Page 472: ...he measurement point is at the beginning of the pulse on time TIMPULSE SENSe PULSe PTOFfset 1 5m Sets the time offset to 1 5 ms SENSe PULSe THReshold Sets or queries the threshold level to detect puls...

Page 473: ...eric_value INTegration numeric_value CSPacing numeric_value FILTer COEFficient numeric_value TYPE RECTangle GAUSsian NYQuist RNYQuist BLOCk numeric_value CARRier BANDwidth BWIDth INTegration numeric_v...

Page 474: ...00 6 C 14443 2 A 14443 2 B F 13 56MHz C0G1 C1G1 MANUAL TARI AUTO boolean SET numeric_value THReshold HIGHer numeric_value LOWer numeric_value OFFSet numeric_value SPurious THReshold EXCursion numeric_...

Page 475: ...ent channel bandwidth to 1 MHz in the RF ACPR measurement SENSe RFID MEASurement SENSe RFID ACPower BANDwidth BWIDth INTegration Sets or queries the main channel bandwidth in the ACPR measurement This...

Page 476: ...spacing to 1 4 MHz SENSe RFID MEASurement SENSe RFID ACPower FILTer COEFficient Sets or queries the filter roll off rate for the ACPR measurement when SENSe RFID ACPower FILTer TYPE is set to NYQuist...

Page 477: ...uist selects the Nyquist filter default RNYQuist selects the Root Nyquist filter DEMRFID SENSe RFID ACPower FILTer TYPE RECTangle selects the rectangular filter for the ACPR measurement SENSe RFID MEA...

Page 478: ...INTegration 1MHz sets the channel bandwidth to 1 MHz SENSe RFID MEASurement SENSe RFID CARRier COUNter RESolution Sets or queries the counter resolution for the carrier measurement in the RFID analysi...

Page 479: ...nalysis This command is valid when SENSe RFID MEASurement is set to CARRier SENSe RFID CARRier OFFSet value SENSe RFID CARRier OFFSet value NRf specifies the amplitude offset for the maximum EIRP Rang...

Page 480: ...he power ratio to 20 dB SENSe RFID MEASurement SENSe RFID CARRier PRATio UNIT Selects or queries the power ratio unit for the OBW Occupied Bandwidth measurement in the RFID analysis This command is va...

Page 481: ...in the RFID analysis To select the measurement item use the SENSe RFID MEASurement command To acquire data use the INITiate command SENSe RFID IMMediate None DEMRFID SENSe RFID IMMediate performs calc...

Page 482: ...t 512 since the value is limited by the number of data points in the block SENSe RFID LENGth value SENSe RFID LENGth value NR1 specifies the analysis range by the number of data points Range 1 to 256K...

Page 483: ...shows the arguments and their meanings Table 2 54 RFID measurement items Argument Measurement item CARRier Carrier SPURious Spurious ACPower ACPR PODown Power on down RFENvelope RF envelope CONSte Co...

Page 484: ...velope CONSte EYE STABle or PODown and SENSe RFID MODulation STANdard is set to 14443 2 A or 14443 2 B SENSe RFID MODulation ADVanced FILTer RCOSine OFF SENSe RFID MODulation ADVanced FILTer RCOSine s...

Page 485: ...MODulation STANdard is set to 14443 2 A or 14443 2 B SENSe RFID MODulation ADVanced PREamble OFF ON 0 1 SENSe RFID MODulation ADVanced PREamble OFF or 0 analyzes data without searching for the preambl...

Page 486: ...et to RFENvelope CONSte EYE STABle or PODown and SENSe RFID MODulation STANdard is set to 14443 2 A or 14443 2 B SENSe RFID MODulation ADVanced SBANd UPPer LOWer SENSe RFID MODulation ADVanced SBANd U...

Page 487: ...ODown and SENSe RFID MODulation DECode is set to other than PIE A and PIE C SENSe RFID MODulation BRATe AUTO OFF ON 0 1 SENSe RFID MODulation BRATe AUTO OFF or 0 sets the bit rate manually Use the SEN...

Page 488: ...t is set to RFENvelope CONSte EYE STABle or PODown and SENSe RFID MODulation DECode is set to other than PIE A and PIE C SENSe RFID MODulation BRATe SET value SENSe RFID MODulation BRATe SET value NRf...

Page 489: ...TER MILLER MILLER 2 MILLER 4 MILLER 8 M MILLER NRZ NRZ L8 NRZ L4 NRZ L2 PWM BITCELL SENSe RFID MODulation DECode Table 2 55 shows the arguments and their meanings Table 2 55 Decoding format Argument D...

Page 490: ...FENvelope CONSte EYE STABle or PODown SENSe RFID MODulation FORMat ASK DSB ASK SSB ASK PR ASK OOK SC OOK SC BPSK FSK SENSe RFID MODulation FORMat Table 2 56 shows the arguments and their meanings Tabl...

Page 491: ...e Meas Setup menu This command is valid when SENSe RFID MEASurement is set to RFENvelope CONSte EYE STABle or PODown SENSe RFID MODulation INTerpolate valule SENSe RFID MODulation INTerpolate value NR...

Page 492: ...G SENSe RFID MODulation LINK INTerrogator detects the interrogator preamble from a measurement signal and decodes the signal with the interrogator decoding format TAG detects the tag preamble from a m...

Page 493: ...ettling Error Width in the Meas Setup menu This command is valid when SENSe RFID MEASurement is set to RFENvelope CONSte EYE STABle or PODown SENSe RFID MODulation SERRor WIDTh value SENSe RFID MODula...

Page 494: ...SENSe RFID MODulation STANdard Table 2 57 shows the arguments and their meanings Table 2 57 RFID demodulation standard Argument Standard 18000 4 1 ISO IEC 18000 4 Mode 1 18000 6 A ISO IEC 18000 6 Type...

Page 495: ...te EYE STABle or PODown and SENSe RFID MODulation DECode is set to PIE A or PIE C SENSe RFID MODulation TARI AUTO OFF ON 0 1 SENSe RFID MODulation TARI AUTO OFF or 0 sets Tari manually Use the SENSe R...

Page 496: ...RFID MEASurement is set to RFENvelope CONSte EYE STABle or PODown and SENSe RFID MODulation DECode is set to PIE A and PIE C SENSe RFID MODulation TARI SET value SENSe RFID MODulation TARI SET value N...

Page 497: ...on THReshold 90 sets the higher threshold to 90 SENSe RFID MEASurement SENSe RFID MODulation THReshold LOWer Sets or queries the lower threshold for measuring a rise fall time of a pulse This command...

Page 498: ...lt 0 since the value is limited by the trigger position in the block SENSe RFID OFFSet value SENSe RFID OFFSet value NR1 specifies the measurement start position by the number of points Range 0 to 102...

Page 499: ...ld EXCursion 5 sets the excursion level to 5 dB SENSe RFID MEASurement SENSe RFID SPURious THReshold IGNore Sets or queries the region not to detect spurious signals around the carrier peak signal to...

Page 500: ...rier threshold level to 30 dBm SENSe RFID MEASurement SENSe RFID SPURious THReshold SPURious Sets or queries the threshold level to determine if the signal is spurious for the spurious measurement in...

Page 501: ...nter frequency of the zoomed area to 1 75 GHz DISPlay RFID OVIew FORMat SENSe RFID ZOOM FREQuency WIDTh Sets or queries the frequency width of a zoomed area This command is valid when DISPlay RFID OVI...

Page 502: ...llator SOURce Selects or queries the reference oscillator SENSe ROSCillator SOURce INTernal EXTernal SENSe ROSCillator SOURce INTernal selects the internal reference oscillator EXTernal selects the ex...

Page 503: ...BWIDth RESolution numeric_value AUTO boolean STATe boolean VIDeo numeric_value STATe boolean SWEep TIMe numeric_value DETector FUNction NEGative POSitive PNEgative FILTer COEFficient numeric_value TYP...

Page 504: ...SENSe Commands 2 478 WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual ZOOM BLOCk numeric_value FREQuency CENTer numeric_value WIDTh numeric_value LENGth numeric_value OFFSet numeric_value...

Page 505: ...eraging process SENSe SPECtrum AVERage COUNt Sets or queries the number of traces to combine using the TYPE setting refer to page 2 480 SENSe SPECtrum AVERage COUNt value SENSe SPECtrum AVERage COUNt...

Page 506: ...g SENSe SPECtrum AVERage TYPE Selects or queries the type of averaging SENSe SPECtrum AVERage TYPE RMS MAXimum MINimum SENSe SPECtrum AVERage TYPE RMS performs the averaging process with RMS root mean...

Page 507: ...o 80 kHz SENSe SPECtrum BANDwidth BWIDth RESolution AUTO Determines whether to automatically set the resolution bandwidth RBW by the span setting SENSe SPECtrum BANDwidth BWIDth RESolution AUTO OFF ON...

Page 508: ...he resolution bandwidth process is performed SENSe SPECtrum BANDwidth BWIDth VIDeo Sets or queries the frequency bandwidth of the video filter This command is valid when INSTrument SELect is set to DE...

Page 509: ...t to DEMRFID and SENSe RFID MEASurement is set to SPURious SENSe SPECtrum BANDwidth BWIDth VIDeo STATe OFF ON 0 1 SENSe SPECtrum BANDwidth BWIDth VIDeo STATe OFF or 0 disables the video filter ON or 1...

Page 510: ...set to DEMRFID and SENSe RFID MEASurement is set to SPURious SENSe SPECtrum BANDwidth BWIDth VIDeo SWEep TIMe value SENSe SPECtrum BANDwidth BWIDth VIDeo SWEep TIME value NRf specifies the sweep time...

Page 511: ...ls refer to the WCA230A User Manual SENSe SPECtrum DETector FUNCtion NEGative POSitive PNEgative SENSe SPECtrum DETector FUNCtion NEGative shows the minimum value of the data corresponding to each hor...

Page 512: ...SENSe SPECtrum FILTer COEFficient 0 5 sets the RBW filter roll off rate to 0 5 SENSe SPECtrum FILTer TYPE SENSe SPECtrum FILTer TYPE Selects or queries the RBW filter SENSe SPECtrum FILTer TYPE RECTan...

Page 513: ...tion OFF or 0 disables the extended resolution The number of FFT points is limited internally ON or 1 allows you to set the number of FFT points up to 65536 Use the SENSe SPECtrum FFT LENGth command t...

Page 514: ...he number of FFT points to 1024 SENSe SPECtrum BANDwidth BWIDth STATe SENSe SPECtrum FFT STARt Sets or queries the FFT start point between 1024 point overlapped FFTs NOTE This command is valid when IN...

Page 515: ...the arguments and their meanings Table 2 58 FFT windows Argument FFT window BH3A Blackman Harris 3A type BH3B Blackman Harris 3B type BH4A Blackman Harris 4A type BH4B Blackman Harris 4B type BLACkman...

Page 516: ...the Real Time S A real time spectrum analysis mode SENSe SPECtrum FRAMe number SENSe SPECtrum FRAMe number NR1 specifies the frame number Range M to 0 M Block size set using the SENSe BSIZe command SA...

Page 517: ...ECtrum MEASurement Table 2 59 shows the arguments and their meanings Table 2 59 S A mode measurement items Argument Measurement item OFF Turns off the measurement CHPower Channel power ACPower Adjacen...

Page 518: ...oom in the Real Time S A with Zoom mode SENSe SPECtrum ZOOM BLOCk value SENSe SPECtrum ZOOM BLOCk number NR1 specifies the block number to zoom Zero represents the latest block Range M to 0 M Number o...

Page 519: ...m ZOOM FREQuency CENTer 1 75GHz sets the center frequency of the zoomed area to 1 75 GHz SENSe SPECtrum ZOOM FREQuency WIDTh Sets or queries the frequency width of a zoomed area in the Real Time S A w...

Page 520: ...000 sets the measurement range to 1000 points SENSe BSIZe SENSe SPECtrum ZOOM OFFSet Sets or queries the starting point of a zoomed area in the Real Time S A with Zoom mode SENSe SPECtrum ZOOM OFFSet...

Page 521: ...ic_value To use a command of this group you must have run at least the following two commands 1 Run the following command to set the measurement mode to S A INSTrument SELect SANORMAL SASGRAM SARTIME...

Page 522: ...pecifies the excursion level If the signal exceeds the excursion level and meets the other threshold requirements that you set it is decided to be spurious Range 0 to 30 dB default 3dB SANORMAL SASGRA...

Page 523: ...URious THReshold IGNore 1MHz sets the range not to detect spurious to 1 MHz SENSe SPURious THReshold SIGNal Sets or queries the threshold level to determine if the signal is the carrier in the spuriou...

Page 524: ...SPURious level SENSe SPURious THReshold SPURious level NR1 specifies the spurious criterion level relative to the carrier peak If the signal exceeds the level and meets the other threshold requiremen...

Page 525: ...al 2 499 SENSe SSOurce Subgroup The SENSe SSOurce commands set up the conditions related to the signal source analysis NOTE To use a command from this group you must have selected TIMS SOURCE signal s...

Page 526: ...numeric_value FVTime SMOothing numeric_value THReshold numeric_value IMMediate LENGth numeric_value MEASurement OFF PNOise SPURious RTPNoise RTSPurious FVTime OFFSet numeric_value PNOIse MPJitter THR...

Page 527: ...when SENSe SSOurce MEASurement is set to RTPNoise RTSPurious or FVTime SENSe SSOurce BLOCk number SENSe SSOurce BLOCk number NR1 specifies the block number Zero represents the latest block Range M to...

Page 528: ...Ource MEASurement is set to PNOise RTPNoise or RTSPurious SENSe SSOurce CARRier BANDwidth BWIDth INTegration value SENSe SSOurce CARRier BANDwidth BWIDth INTegration value NR1 specifies the frequency...

Page 529: ...his command is only available when SENSe SSOurce MEASurement is set to PNOise SPURious RTPNoise or RTSPurious SENSe SSOurce CARRier THReshold value SENSe SSOurce CARRier THReshold value NRf specifies...

Page 530: ...e signal drifts it does not affect the waveform display This command is valid when SENSe SSOurce MEASurement is set to SPURious or RTSPurious SENSe SSOurce CARRier TRACking STATe OFF ON 0 1 SENSe SSOu...

Page 531: ...s This command is valid when SENSe SSOurce MEASurement is set to RTPNoise SENSe SSOurce CNRatio FFT LENGth value SENSe SSOurce CNRatio FFT LENGth value NR1 specifies the number of FFT samples Range 64...

Page 532: ...EASurement is set to RTPNoise SENSe SSOurce CNRatio OFFSet value SENSe SSOurce CNRatio OFFSet value NRf specifies the value of the frequency displaying the C N versus Time in the subview as the offset...

Page 533: ...is valid when SENSe SSOurce MEASurement is set to PNOise RTPNoise or RTSPurious SENSe SSOurce CNRatio SBANd UPPer LOWer SENSe SSOurce CNRatio SBANd UPPer measures the upper sideband default LOWer mea...

Page 534: ...reshold in the Meas Setup menu This command is valid when SENSe SSOurce MEASurement is set to RTPNoise SENSe SSOurce CNRatio THReshold value SENSe SSOurce CNRatio THReshold value NRf specifies the thr...

Page 535: ...urce MEASurement SENSe SSOurce FVTime THReshold Sets or queries the threshold for judging the frequency settling time in the signal source analysis This is equivalent to setting Freq Settling Threshol...

Page 536: ...quired data in the signal source analysis To select the measurement use the SENSe SSOurce MEASurement com mand SENSe SSOurce IMMediate None TIMSSOURCE SENSe SSOurce IMMediate performs calculation for...

Page 537: ...ength by the number of data points The setting range depends on option and measurement item as shown in Table 2 60 Table 2 60 Analysis length setting range Option Setting range Other than Option 02 Th...

Page 538: ...Rious RTPNoise RTSPurious FVTime SENSe SSOurce MEASurement Table 2 61 shows the arguments and their meanings Table 2 61 SSOurce measurement items Argument Measurement item OFF Turns off the measuremen...

Page 539: ...eturn a value greater than the default 0 since the value is limited by the trigger position in the block SENSe SSOurce OFFSet value SENSe SSOurce OFFSet value NR1 defines the measurement start positio...

Page 540: ...up menu This command is valid when SENSe SSOurce MEASurement is set to PNOise or RTPNoise SENSe SSOurce PNOise MPJitter THReshold value SENSe SSOurce PNOise MPJitter THReshold value NRf specifies the...

Page 541: ...e SSOurce PNOise RJITter OFFSet STARt value SENSe SSOurce PNOise RJITter OFFSet STARt value NRf specifies the random jitter measurement start frequency as the offset from carrier frequency Range 10 Hz...

Page 542: ...SSOurce PNOise RJITter OFFSet STOP value SENSe SSOurce PNOise RJITter OFFSet STOP value NRf specifies the random jitter measurement stop frequency as the offset from carrier frequency Range The start...

Page 543: ...in the Meas Setup menu This command is valid when SENSe SSOurce MEASurement is set to RTPNoise SENSe SSOurce PNOise RJITter THReshold value SENSe SSOurce PNOise RJITter THReshold value NRf specifies...

Page 544: ...Se SSOurce MEASurement is set to PNOise SENSe SSOurce PNOise OFFSet MAXimum value SENSe SSOurce PNOise OFFSet MAXimum value NRf specifies the maximum frequency in the phase noise measurement range as...

Page 545: ...Se SSOurce MEASurement is set to PNOise SENSe SSOurce PNOise OFFSet MINimum value SENSe SSOurce PNOise OFFSet MINimum value NRf specifies the minimum frequency in the phase noise measurement range as...

Page 546: ...eshold IGNore on page 2 497 This command is valid when SENSe SSOurce MEASurement is set to SPURious or RTSPurious SENSe SSOurce SPURious IGNore value SENSe SSOurce SPURious IGNore value NRf specifies...

Page 547: ...or RTSPurious SENSe SSOurce SPURious SFILter STATe OFF ON 0 1 SENSe SSOurce SPURious SFILter STATe OFF or 0 disables the symmetrical filter All spurious signals are displayed ON or 1 enables the symme...

Page 548: ...on page 2 496 This command is valid when SENSe SSOurce MEASurement is set to SPURious or RTSPurious SENSe SSOurce SPURious THReshold EXCursion value SENSe SSOurce SPURious THReshold EXCursion value NR...

Page 549: ...on page 2 498 This command is valid when SENSe SSOurce MEASurement is set to SPURious or RTSPurious SENSe SSOurce SPURious THReshold SPURious value SENSe SSOurce SPURious THReshold SPURious value NRf...

Page 550: ...roup you must have selected TIMTRAN time characteristic analysis in the INSTrument SELect command Header Parameter SENSe TRANsient BLOCk numeric_value IMMediate ITEM IQVTime PVTime FVTime LENGth numer...

Page 551: ...MTRAN SENSe TRANsient BLOCk 5 sets the block number to 5 SENSe TRANsient IMMediate No Query Form Runs the time characteristic analysis calculation for the acquired data To select the measurement item...

Page 552: ...easurement TIMTRAN SENSe TRANsient ITEM IQVTime selects the IQ level vs time measurement SENSe TRANsient LENGth Sets or queries the range for the time characteristic analysis SENSe TRANsient LENGth va...

Page 553: ...s SENSe TRANsient OFFSet value SENSe TRANsient OFFSet value NR1 defines the measurement start position by the number of points Range 0 to 1024 Block size To set the block size use the SENSe BSIZe comm...

Page 554: ...SENSe Commands 2 528 WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual...

Page 555: ...the IEEE 488 2 specifica tion and each is comprised of a condition register an event register an enable register and negative and positive transition filters For details on these registers refer to S...

Page 556: ...ation Enable Register OENR which allows true conditions in the Operation Event Register to be reported in the summary bit For detail on the register refer to Chapter 3 Status and Events STATus OPERati...

Page 557: ...ATus OPERation NTRansition Sets or queries the negative transition filter value of the Operation Transition Register OTR For detail on the register refer to Chapter 3 Status and Events STATus OPERatio...

Page 558: ...cimal number showing the contents of the OTR Range 0 to 32767 The most significant bit cannot be set true All STATus OPERation PTRansition 0 sets the positive transition filter value to 0 STATus OPERa...

Page 559: ...ueries the enable mask of the Questionable Enable Register QENR which allows true conditions in the Questionable Event Register to be reported in the summary bit For detail on the register refer to Ch...

Page 560: ...TATus QUEStionable NTRansition Sets or queries the negative transition filter value of the Operation Transition Register QTR For detail on the register refer to Chapter 3 Status and Events NOTE The QT...

Page 561: ...ster refer to Chapter 3 Status and Events NOTE The QTR is not used in the WCA230A WCA280A analyzer STATus QUEStionable PTRansition bit_value STATus QUEStionable PTRansition bit_value NR1 is the positi...

Page 562: ...STATus Commands 2 536 WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual...

Page 563: ...2 537 SYSTem Commands The SYSTem commands set up the system related conditions Command Tree Header Parameter SYSTem DATE year month day ERRor ALL CODE ALL NEXT COUNt NEXT KLOCk boolean OPTions PRESet...

Page 564: ...pecifies the year 4 digits Range 2000 to 2099 month NRf specifies the month Range 1 January to 12 December day NRf specifies the day Range 1 to 31 These values are rounded to the nearest integer RST h...

Page 565: ...efer to page 3 17 SYSTem ERRor ALL None ecode edesc einfo ecode edesc einfo Where ecode NR1 is the error event code 32768 to 32767 edesc string is the description on the error event einfo string is th...

Page 566: ...rom 32768 to 32767 All SYSTem ERRor CODE ALL might return 101 108 of the error codes SYSTem ERRor CODE NEXT Query Only Returns the most recent unread error event code from the error event queue and re...

Page 567: ...rns the next item from the error event queue and removes that item from the queue For details of the error messages refer to page 3 17 SYSTem ERRor NEXT None ecode edesc einfo Where ecode NR1 is the e...

Page 568: ...s the front panel key controls SYSTem OPTions Query Only Queries the options installed in the analyzer This command is equivalent to the IEEE common command OPT SYSTem OPTions None option string conta...

Page 569: ...543 SYSTem PRESet No Query Form Restores the analyzer to the defaults This command is equivalent to the PRESET key on the front panel SYSTem PRESet None All SYSTem PRESet restores the analyzer to the...

Page 570: ...nd SYSTem TIME hour NRf specifies the hours Range 0 to 23 minute NRf specifies the minutes Range 0 to 59 second NRf specifies the seconds Range 0 to 59 These values are rounded to the nearest integer...

Page 571: ...ber for which the analyzer complies SYSTem VERSion None NR2 has the form YYYY V where the Ys represent the year version for example 1999 and the V represents an approved revision number for that year...

Page 572: ...SYSTem Commands 2 546 WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual...

Page 573: ...A mode except SARTIME and SAZRTIME using the INSTrument SELect command Command Tree Header Parameter TRACe x DATA x AVERage CLEar COUNt numeric_value DDETector MAXimum MINimum PTPeak MODE NORMal AVER...

Page 574: ...ATA x MODE TRACe x DATA x AVERage COUNt Sets or queries the number of traces to combine using the MODE setting refer to page 2 550 This command is effective when you select AVERage MAXHold or MINHold...

Page 575: ...fore thinned out according to the number of pixels for being compressed For the details refer to the WCA230A and WCA280A User Manual TRACe x DATA x DDETector MAXimum MINimum PTPeak TRACe x DATA x DDET...

Page 576: ...he specified trace The number of averages is set with the TRACe x DATA x AVERage COUNt command MAXHold holds the maximum level at each frequency MINHold holds the minimum level at each frequency FREez...

Page 577: ...TA2 MODE MAXMinimum REFerence OFF TRACe2 DATA2 MODE MAXMinimum displays the Max Min waveform default For the Max Min waveform refer to Trace Compression in the WCA230A User Manual REFerence displays t...

Page 578: ...TRACe Commands 2 552 WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual...

Page 579: ...mber amplitude Option 02 only IQTime 3 numeric_value MODE AUTO NORMal MPOSition numeric_value OPOSition numeric_value POSition numeric_value SAVE COUNt MAXimum numeric_value STATe boolean STATe boolea...

Page 580: ...EXTernal using the TRIGger SEQuence SOURce command TRIGger SEQuence LEVel EXTernal value TRIGger SEQuence LEVel EXTernal value NR1 specifies the external trigger level Range 1 5 to 1 5 V in 0 1 V ste...

Page 581: ...Sets or queries the trigger level when you select IF with the TRIGger SEQuence SOURce command TRIGger SEQuence LEVel IF value TRIGger SEQuence LEVel IF value NR1 specifies the IF trigger level Range...

Page 582: ...own in Table 2 62 Table 2 62 Bin number setting range Span Bin number 2 MHz or lower 0 to 640 5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 0 to 800 15 MHz 0 to 600 ampl NRf specifies the trigger level relative to the referenc...

Page 583: ...Commands WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual 2 557 0dBm 100dBm 0 640 64 128 192 256 320 384 448 512 576 50dBm Amplitude Bin No Figure 2 26 Trigger mask setting example TRIGger SEQuence SOURce Related C...

Page 584: ...Sets or queries the trigger level when you select IQTime with the TRIGger SEQuence SOURce command TRIGger SEQuence LEVel IQTime ampl TRIGger SEQuence LEVel IQTime ampl NR1 specifies the IQ time trigg...

Page 585: ...ommand is sent after trigger conditions have been preset the trigger occurs before the process stops You can set the trigger source slope level and position as the trigger conditions NOTE When you sel...

Page 586: ...lock size is set with SENSe BSIZe A minus value indicates that the trigger occurred before the block data acquisi tion If you send TRIGger SEQuence MPOSition MINimum MAXimum when the measurement is no...

Page 587: ...epends on whether a trigger occurred or not as shown in the table below Trigger occurrence Returned value 1 Trigger occurred 1024 to block size 1024 1 No trigger occurred block size 1024 1 The block s...

Page 588: ...OSition value NRf specifies the trigger position Range 0 to 100 The trigger position is represented in percentage within a block For example 50 specifies that the trigger will occur at the middle fram...

Page 589: ...or the ABORt or INITiate command ON or 1 specifies that data saving is halted when the number of data save operations reaches the limit set by the TRIGger SEQuence SAVE COUNt MAXimum command NOTE When...

Page 590: ...um 10000 sets the limit to 10000 TRIGger SEQuence SAVE COUNt STATe TRIGger SEQuence SAVE STATe Determines whether to enable or disable the Save on Trigger function saves one block of input data to the...

Page 591: ...ired by generating the trigger on the falling edge of the trigger signal The rising and falling edges are changed alternately each time acquisition of one block data is completed NPOSitive specifies t...

Page 592: ...as the trigger source default IQFRequency generates a trigger in the frequency domain using the trigger mask as the trigger source Option 02 only EXTernal defines as the trigger source the external si...

Page 593: ...ault IQTime generates a trigger in the time domain using the input signal as the trigger source Option 02 only IQFRequency generates a trigger in the frequency domain using the trigger mask as the tri...

Page 594: ...TRIGger Commands 2 568 WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual...

Page 595: ...WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual 2 569 UNIT Commands The UNIT commands specify fundamental units for measurement Command Tree Header Parameter UNIT ANGLe DEG RAD...

Page 596: ...Le Specifies or queries the fundamental unit of angle UNIT ANGLe DEG RAD UNIT ANGLe DEG selects degree as the unit of angle RAD selects radian as the unit of angle All UNIT ANGLe RAD selects radian as...

Page 597: ...L IBRD 123 45E 6 Controller Query Retrieval operations Response WCA230A WCA280A Command execution controller Output queue Output queue controller Figure 2 27 Retrieving response message When the Outpu...

Page 598: ...Retrieving Response Message 2 572 WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual...

Page 599: ...Status and Events...

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Page 601: ...td 488 2 1987 This section will discuss these registers and queues along with status and event processing Status and Event Reporting System Figure 3 1 outlines the status and event reporting mechanism...

Page 602: ...ister OENR Questionable Condition Register QCR Questionable Event Register QEVR Questionable Enable Register QENR Standard Event Status Register SESR Event Status Enable Register ESER Status Byte Regi...

Page 603: ...this register H Event Status Enable Register ESER Consists of eight bits and masks the SESR The mask is user definable By obtaining the logical product with SESR this register can determine whether to...

Page 604: ...he mask is user definable By obtaining the logical product with SBR this register can determine whether to set the Operation Status Bit OSB of the Status Byte Register SBR For the contents of the bits...

Page 605: ...his type of register can be set by the user H Transition Registers operates as a filter that examines whether an event has occurred or disappeared This type of register can be set by the user Status R...

Page 606: ...r that a service request has occurred in other words that the GPIB bus SRQ line is LOW The RQS bit is cleared when serial poll ends When the instrument is accessed using the STB query this bit is call...

Page 607: ...When a value designated in the argument is outside the allowable range of the instrument or is in conflict with the capabilities of the instrument H When the command could not be executed properly be...

Page 608: ...urement When the measurement ends after this bit is set in measurement it is reset In measurement means that one of the following commands is in execution INITiate commands READ commands SENSe ADEMod...

Page 609: ...register and queue The ESER is made up of bits defined exactly the same as bits 0 through 7 in the SESR see Figure 3 5 This register is used by the user to designate whether the SBR ESB bit should be...

Page 610: ...d to set the bits of the SRER Use the SRE query to read the contents of the SRER Bit 6 must normally be set to 0 OSB QSB ESB MAV 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Figure 3 6 The Service Request Enable Register SRER Con...

Page 611: ...ive transition filtering which filters when this bit changes from True to False To set the OTR bit to use the register as the positive transition filter use a STATus OPERation PTRansition command To r...

Page 612: ...eue will be emptied each time a command or query is received so the controller must read the output queue before the next command or query is issued If this is not done an error will occur and the out...

Page 613: ...C 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PON CME EXE DDE QYE OPC 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RQS ESB MAV EAV MSS 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 ESB MAV EAV 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 OSS QSS OSS QSS From the operation status block Figure 3 9 Status and event...

Page 614: ...s command to be completed In some cases a process executed by another command must first be completed before these commands can be executed in other cases these commands must be completed before the n...

Page 615: ...PC Wait for SRQ to provide synchronization Using the Query OPC The query OPC writes ASCII code 1 into the Output Queue when all operations for which it is waiting are completed You can provide synchro...

Page 616: ...Status and Events 3 16 WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual...

Page 617: ...3 4 through 3 7 show the SCPI standard error codes and messages used in the status and event reporting system in the analyzer Event codes and messages can be obtained by using the queries SYSTem ERRo...

Page 618: ...allowed 109 missing parameter 110 command header error 111 header separator error 112 program mnemonic too long 113 undefined header 114 header suffix out of range 120 numeric data error 121 characte...

Page 619: ...Error code Error message 160 block data error 161 invalid block data 168 block data not allowed 170 command expression error 171 invalid expression 178 expression data not allowed 180 macro error 181...

Page 620: ...or 211 trigger ignored 212 arm ignored 213 init ignored 214 trigger deadlock 215 arm deadlock 220 parameter error 221 settings conflict 222 data out of range 223 too much data 224 illegal parameter va...

Page 621: ...r 271 macro syntax error 272 macro execution error 273 illegal macro label 274 execution macro parameter error 275 macro definition too long 276 macro recursion error 277 macro redefinition not allowe...

Page 622: ...ssage 300 device specific error 310 system error 311 memory error 312 PUD memory lost 313 calibration memory lost 314 save recall memory lost 315 configuration memory lost 330 self test failed 350 que...

Page 623: ...Programming Examples...

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Page 625: ...the general programming procedure and then shows an application program sample that controls the analyzer through the GPIB and a macro program execution sample that uses PROGram commands H General pro...

Page 626: ...Example SENSe CHPower BWIDth INTegration 3MHz Sets the channel power measurement range to 3 MHz 4 Acquiring data Use an INITiate or ABORt command to initiate or stop data acquisition Example INITiate...

Page 627: ...ed Then the measured data is saved in a file This program has been scripted for use in Microsoft Visual C 6 0 It operates with an IBM PC compatible system equipped with National Instruments GPIB board...

Page 628: ...id void GpibTimeOut int timeout void GpibWait int wait void GpibWrite char string void measCHPOWER void void measFM void void WaitOPC void void WaitMAV void int GpibDevice Device descriptor int GpibBo...

Page 629: ...m CHPower GpibWrite FREQuency CENTer 1GHz GpibWrite FREQuency SPAN 1MHz GpibTimeOut LONG_TIME GpibWrite CAL GpibRead readBuf MAX_BUF printf CAL result s n readBuf GpibTimeOut NORMAL_TIME GpibWrite CHP...

Page 630: ...FREQuency SPAN 1MHz GpibWrite BSIZe 100 GpibTimeOut LONG_TIME GpibWrite CAL GpibRead readBuf MAX_BUF printf CAL result s n readBuf GpibTimeOut NORMAL_TIME GpibWrite ADEMod LENGth 102400 GpibWrite ADEM...

Page 631: ...ibWait RQS if GpibStatus TIMO fprintf stderr Timeout occurred in waiting SRQ cycle n GpibExit 0 Serial poll statusByte GpibSerialPoll if statusByte ESB printf ESB bit is TRUE n GpibWrite ESR GpibRead...

Page 632: ...vailable bit set void WaitMAV void int statusByte Wait for SRQ GpibWait RQS if GpibStatus TIMO fprintf stderr Timeout occurred in waiting SRQ cycle n GpibExit 0 Serial poll statusByte GpibSerialPoll i...

Page 633: ...ind BOARD_NAME if ibsta ERR GpibError ibfind Error Unable to find board GpibExit 0 Clear the device and check on error ibclr GpibDevice if ibsta ERR GpibError ibclr Error Unable to clear device GpibEx...

Page 634: ...etion void GpibWrite char string int count strlen string Send the string ibwrt GpibDevice string count Determine the I O completion of ibwrt if ibsta ERR GpibError ibwrt I O Error GpibExit 0 else Gpib...

Page 635: ...count ibrd GpibDevice resp count if ibsta ERR GpibError ibrd I O Error GpibExit 0 else resp ibcnt 0 GpibCount ibcnt GpibStatus ibsta Read response from the device and write it to a file void GpibRead...

Page 636: ...e int GpibSerialPoll void char poll 0 ibrsp GpibDevice poll if ibsta ERR GpibError ibrsp Error GpibExit 0 else GpibStatus ibsta return poll 0xff Set timeout void GpibTimeOut int timeout ibtmo GpibDevi...

Page 637: ...h ibsta if ibsta ERR fprintf stderr ERR if ibsta TIMO fprintf stderr TIMO if ibsta END fprintf stderr END if ibsta SRQI fprintf stderr SRQI if ibsta RQS fprintf stderr RQS if ibsta CMPL fprintf stder...

Page 638: ...EARG Invalid argument n if iberr ESAC fprintf stderr ESAC Not Sys Ctrlr n if iberr EABO fprintf stderr EABO Op aborted n if iberr ENEB fprintf stderr ENEB No GPIB board n if iberr EOIP fprintf stderr...

Page 639: ...laced in these directories MacroTest1 MacroTest2 and MacroTest3 under the nonregistered directory MacroTest1 MacroTest4 and MacroTest5 under the registered directory The MacroTest1 macro folder contai...


Page 641: ...Appendices...

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Page 643: ...WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual A 1 Appendix A Character Charts The ASCII and GPIB code chart is shown in Table A 1 on page A 2...

Page 644: ...27 39 67 LA23 7 37 55 107 TA7 G 47 71 127 TA23 W 57 87 147 SA7 g 67 103 167 SA23 w 77 119 1 0 0 0 10 GET BS 8 8 30 SPE CAN 18 24 50 LA8 28 40 70 LA24 8 38 56 110 TA8 H 48 72 130 TA24 X 58 88 150 SA8...

Page 645: ...IB interface function implementation Interface function Implemented subset Capability Source Handshake SH SH1 Complete Acceptor Handshake AH AH1 Complete Talker T T6 Basic Talker Serial Poll Unaddress...

Page 646: ...es a device to assert an SRQ Service Request line to notify the controller when it requires service H Remote Local RL Enables a device to respond to both the GTL Go To Local and LLO Local Lock Out int...

Page 647: ...B 2 Standard interface messages Message Type Implemented Device Clear DCL UC Yes Local Lockout LLO UC No Serial Poll Disable SPD UC Yes Serial Poll Enable SPE UC Yes Parallel Poll Unconfigure PPU UC N...

Page 648: ...he data lines This function may be used to determine which device sent a service request H Go To Local GTL Causes the listen addressed device to switch from remote to local front panel control H Selec...

Page 649: ...available Table C 1 Factory initialization settings IEEE common commands Header Default value ESE 255 OPC 1 SRE 0 Table C 2 Factory initialization settings CALibration commands Header Default value CA...

Page 650: ...OFF DISPlay PULSe MVIew RESult FREQuency OFF DISPlay PULSe MVIew RESult OBWidth OFF DISPlay PULSe MVIew RESult OORatio OFF DISPlay PULSe MVIew RESult PERiod OFF DISPlay PULSe MVIew RESult PHASe OFF DI...

Page 651: ...INe FREQuency OFFSet Center frequency DISPlay SPECtrum MLINe FREQuency STATe OFF DISPlay TFRequency subgroup DISPlay TFRequency SGRam MLINe ANNotation STATe ON DISPlay TFRequency SGRam MLINe FREQuency...

Page 652: ...C 7 Factory initialization settings SENSe commands Header Default value SENSe ACPower subgroup SENSe ACPower BANDwidth BWIDth ACHannel 1 5 MHz SENSe ACPower BANDwidth BWIDth INTegration 1 5 MHz SENSe...

Page 653: ...bgroup SENSe CHPower BANDwidth BWIDth INTegration 3 MHz SENSe CHPower FILTer COEFficient 0 5 SENSe CHPower FILTer TYPE NYQuist SENSe CNRatio subgroup SENSe CNRatio BANDwidth BWIDth INTegration 1 5 MHz...

Page 654: ...ty LSRegion UNIT RELative SENSe DDEMod OFFSet 256 SENSe DDEMod PRESet OFF SENSe DDEMod SRATe 270 833 ksps SENSe EBWidth subgroup SENSe EBWidth XDB 30 dB SENSe FEED subgroup SENSe FEED RF SENSe FREQuen...

Page 655: ...0 5 SENSe RFID ACPower FILTer TYPE NYQuist SENSe RFID BLOCk 0 SENSe RFID MODulation ADVanced FILTer OFF SENSe RFID MODulation ADVanced PREamble ON SENSe RFID MODulation ADVanced SBANd ON SENSe RFID CA...

Page 656: ...e STATe OFF SENSe SPEctrum AVERage TYPE RMS SENSe SPECtrum BANDwidth BWIDth RESolution 80 kHz SENSe SPECtrum BANDwidth BWIDth RESolution AUTO ON SENSe SPECtrum BANDwidth BWIDth STATe ON SENSe SPECtrum...

Page 657: ...e SSOurce CNRatio FFT LENGth 1024 SENSe SSOurce CNRatio OFFSet 10 Hz SENSe SSOurce CNRatio SBANd UPPer SENSe SSOurce CNRatio THReshold 30 dBc Hz SENSe SSOurce FVTime SMOothing 1 SENSe SSOurce FVTime T...

Page 658: ...fault value STATus OPERation ENABle 32767 STATus QUEStionable ENABle 32767 STATus QUEStionable EVENt 0 Table C 9 Factory initialization settings TRACe commands Header Default value TRACe x MODE NORMal...

Page 659: ...OFF TRIGger SEQuence SAVE COUNt MAXimum 100 TRIGger SEQuence SAVE STATe OFF TRIGger SEQuence SLOPe POSitive TRIGger SEQuence SOURce IQTime 1 IF 2 1 S N B020000 and above 2 S N below B020000 and J3001...

Page 660: ...Appendix C Factory Initialization Settings C 12 WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual...

Page 661: ...A 0 Hz to 8 GHz WCA280A 200 to 100 dBm Spectrogram 0 Hz to 3 GHz WCA230A 0 Hz to 8 GHz WCA280A Frame 15999 to 0 Frame 63999 to 0 Option 02 Time domain view Tf Nf to 0 s 200 to 100 dBm Amplitude 30 to...

Page 662: ...to 100 dBm Frequency vs Time Center frequency Zoomed span 2 Zoomed spectrum Same as Spectrum above Spurious Spurious Same as Spectrum in Carrier ACPR ACPR Same as Spectrum in Carrier Power on down Wav...

Page 663: ...ical 40 to 40960 frames Color 230 to 70 dBc Hz Equiv jitter vs Time Acquisition length to 0 s 0 to 0 1 s RMS noise vs Time Acquisition length to 0 s 0 to 359 degrees 0 to 6 28 radians C N vs Time 0 to...

Page 664: ...096 50 16384 5 k 128 60 k to 100 k 500 4096 100 16384 10 k 128 120 k to 200 k 1 k 4096 200 16384 20 k 128 250 k to 500 k 2 k 2048 500 16384 50 k 128 600 k to 1 M 5 k 2048 1 k 16384 100 k 128 1 2 M to...

Page 665: ...other commands not listed in the table are not defined in the SCPI 1999 0 Standard Table E 1 SCPI 1999 0 defined commands Command group Command IEEE common CAL CLS ESE ESR IDN OPC RST SRE STB TST WAI...

Page 666: ...ATalog SELected DELete SELected EXECute NAME NUMBer STRing SENSe SENSe FREQuency CENTer STEP AUTO INCrement SPAN STARt STOP ROSCillator SOURce STATus STATus OPERation CONDition ENABle EVENt NTRansitio...

Page 667: ...ix E SCPI Conformance Information WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual E 3 Table E 1 SCPI 1999 0 defined commands Cont Command group Command TRIGger TRIGger SEQuence MODE POSition SLOPe SOURce UNIT UNIT...

Page 668: ...Appendix E SCPI Conformance Information E 4 WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual...

Page 669: ...Glossary and Index...

Page 670: ......

Page 671: ...ponses from the analyzer EVM Error Vector Magnitude The magnitude of an error of an actual signal relative to an ideal signal in a constellation display FM Frequency Modulation The process or result o...

Page 672: ...Glossary Glossary 2 WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual...

Page 673: ...information E 1 Creating commands 2 3 D Demod mode definition 2 12 2 312 Difference between WCA230A and WCA280A ix DISPlay command group 2 17 DISPlay commands 2 89 DISPlay CCDF subgroup 2 92 DISPlay D...

Page 674: ...mmands 2 331 Registers Event Status Enable Register ESER 3 9 Operation Condition Register OCR 3 8 Operation Event Register OEVR 3 8 Service Request Enable Register SRER 3 10 Standard Event Status Regi...

Page 675: ...up 2 524 Serial number x Setting range of RBW D 4 range of scale D 1 SI prefix and unit 2 8 Special characters 2 6 STATus command group 2 36 STATus commands 2 529 Syntax command 2 1 SYSTem command gro...

Page 676: ...Index Index 4 WCA230A WCA280A Programmer Manual...

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