Before you begin
Prerequisite: Disconnect all probes and cables from the front-panel channel inputs and rear-panel signal connectors.
1. Power on and warm up the oscilloscope for at least 20 minutes.
2. Tap Utility > Calibration.
3. Tap Run SPC. The SPC Status readout shows Running while SPC is running. SPC can take several minutes per channel to run, so
wait until the SPC Status message changes to Pass before reconnecting probes and using the oscilloscope.
4. Close the Calibration configuration dialog when SPC has completed.
5. If SPC fails, write down any error message text. Make sure that all probes and cables are disconnected and run SPC again. If SPC still
fails, contact Tektronix Customer Support.
Compensate TPP0250, TPP0500B, or TPP1000 probes
Probe compensation adjusts the high frequency response of a probe for best waveform capture and measurement accuracy. The
oscilloscope can automatically test and store compensation values for TPP0250, TPP0500B and TPP1000 probes.
About this task
The oscilloscope stores the compensation values for each probe/channel combination and automatically recalls the compensation values
when you plug in the probe again. Probe compensation status is shown in the Probe Setup panel of the Channel configuration menu.
• If the Probe Compensation Status field displays Pass, the probe is compensated and ready for use.
• If the Probe Compensation Status field displays Default, the attached probe has not been compensated and needs to have this probe
compensation procedure run.
• If the Probe Compensation Status field displays Fail, the attached probe has failed the probe compensation procedure. Reconnect the
probe and run probe compensation again.
• If there is no probe compensation status field shown in the panel, the oscilloscope cannot store compensation values for that probe.
See the oscilloscope Help for how to manually compensate passive probes not supported by the probe compensation function.
• Each compensation generates values for a specific probe and channel combination. If you want to use the probe on another channel
and desire to compensate the new probe-channel pair, you must run a new set of compensation steps.
• Each channel can store compensation values for 10 individual probes. If you try to compensate an 11th probe on a channel, the
oscilloscope will delete the values for the least recently used probe and add the values for the new probe.
Use this procedure to compensate a TPP0250, TPP0500B, TPP1000, or other supported TPP-family probe that shows a Default status
when connected to the oscilloscope.
Note: A Default Setup does not delete probe compensation values. A factory calibration deletes all stored probe compensation
Before you begin
Prerequisite: The oscilloscope must be powered on for at least 20 minutes before compensating a probe.
Connect a supported probe to an input channel.
Connect the probe tip and ground lead of the probe to the PROBE COMP terminals on the lower right of the oscilloscope (see
following image).
Configure the instrument
3 Series Mixed Domain Oscilloscope Printable Help