6. Ref Details provides information about the selected reference. Use this to determine whether the reference is an analog waveform or
an RF trace.
7. To create a reference see
on page 97.
Quick Tips
Selecting and Displaying Reference Waveforms. You can display all the reference waveforms at the same time.
Removing Reference Waveforms from the Display. To remove a reference waveform from the display, tap the reference badge and
flick it off the display.
Scaling and Positioning a Reference Waveform. You can position and scale a reference waveform independently from all other
displayed waveforms. You can do this whether acquisition is running or not.
If a reference waveform is selected, scaling and repositioning of the reference waveform operates the same way whether zoom is
turned on or off.
Saving 10 M Reference Waveforms. 10 M reference waveforms are volatile and not saved when the oscilloscope power is turned off.
To keep these waveforms, save them to external storage.
Frequency-Domain concepts
Typical oscilloscope displays show electrical signals as a graph of amplitude on the y-axis versus time on the x-axis. The frequency
domain RF view shows the same electrical signals as a graph of amplitude (or magnitude) on the y-axis versus frequency on the x-axis.
The same signal is simply displayed in two different ways. A time-domain signal is a composite of a number of discrete sine waves, each
with their own frequency, magnitude, and phase. The frequency-domain spectrum is an decomposition of the signal into its constituent
frequency components.
Displaying the Frequency Domain menu
Use the Frequency Domain menu to make vertical settings, display traces, and display a spectrogram.
1. Tap the RF button on the display or push the RF button on the front panel.
2. Double tap the RF badge to bring up the RF menu
3. Double-tap Label to display a keyboard and label the RF traces.
4. Double-tap Reference Level, Scale, or Position to display a keypad and configure the RF input.
5. Tap Traces to open the Traces panel.
6. Tap Spectrogram to toggle the spectrogram trace on.
7. Select the detection method:
• Auto allows the instrument to select the detection type.
• Manual allows you to select the detection type: +Peak, Average, Sample, or -Peak.
RF waveform view and badges
RF waveform view makes changes to system badges as follows:
When the RF mode is enabled, the Waveform View window is opened and a new RF badge is added to the Readout bar. The RF badge
first line indicates the reference level of the RF waveform. The second line indicates the vertical scale of the RF waveform.
Waveform acquisition concepts
3 Series Mixed Domain Oscilloscope Printable Help